Dropboxクライアントのベータ版をインストールし、ベータ版のみにある「Dropbox camera import」という機能で画像や動画を転送すると、最大5GB分Dropboxの容量が増えるって話です。 ベータクライアントは、以下からダウンロードできます。 そう言われると5GB分容量を増やしてみたいですが、いきなり5GBと言われても、さあ、5GB分何を用意したもんやらと困惑することでしょう。(続きは[Read More]から) そこで登場するのが、このダミーファイル。 DUMMY_FILES.zip (5MB) 僕は素直?に1GB な dd で作った .mp4を5個アップしました. RT @hitoriblog: 4.6GBの偽JPEG、SDカードにコピーできない — Hiroshi SHIRATSUCHI (@epkg) February 4, 2012 小さな5MBのzipファイル
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Extensive version 4.0 Upgrade (2021) Brill is proud to present the largest upgrade of the Brill fonts since their introduction in 2011: version 4.0 adds 381 characters to all fonts. General Latin as well as specialized linguistic and philosophical logic support has been strengthened (178 chars.), punctuation marks and various symbols have been added (93 chars.), the Greek character set has been br
IN THE film “Superman 3”, a lowly computer programmer (played by Richard Pryor, pictured) embezzles a fat wad of money from his employer. The boss laments that it will be hard to catch the thief, because “he won't do a thing to call attention to himself. Unless, of course, he is a complete and utter moron.” Just then the thief screeches into the car park in a brand new red sports car, radio blarin
Why functional programming? Code with less side effects Code that is more expressive Code that is easy to parallelize This presentation will show you how you can become a better programmer by learning functional programming and using those concepts and constructs in your day to day work. Most of my examples will be in C# but it should be comprehensible by any Java programmer also. Scenario: Averag
Why is everyone in such a rush? Walk into any bookstore, and you'll see how to Teach Yourself Java in 24 Hours alongside endless variations offering to teach C, SQL, Ruby, Algorithms, and so on in a few days or hours. The Amazon advanced search for [title: teach, yourself, hours, since: 2000 and found 512 such books. Of the top ten, nine are programming books (the other is about bookkeeping). Simi
先日phaさんの「電子書籍とブログって何が違うの?」という文章を読み、最初そのタイトルに違和感を覚え、そりゃ全然違うだろうと内心突っ込んだのですが、よくよく考えるとそうとも言えない。思えばこのタイトルと同じ問題意識を何度も文章にしている人を自分も知ってるじゃないかと思い当たりました。それは『クラウド化する世界』などの著書で知られるニコラス・G・カー(Nicholas G. Carr)です。 phaさんが問題としているのは主にコンテンツの流通と課金ですが、カーはそれだけでなく本を本たらしめるものは何か、それは電子書籍によってどう変わるのかということにフォーカスしており、こちらのほうがより普遍的な問題でしょう。本文ではカーの文章を紹介しながら「本」と「インターネット」の間の一線について考えてみたいと思います。 本の「アプリ」化 まずiPad発売と同時期に書かれた「The post-book b
Context Free is a program that generates images from written instructions called a grammar. The program follows the instructions in a few seconds to create images that can contain millions of shapes. Look The gallery contains almost a thousand works of art created by artists from around the globe. Create Context Free is, well, free! You can download the software and start creating art on your comp
Server update There is a server update taking place on 7 Dec 2021. There is a chance some part of the TeXcount website will break, and need to be fixed. What it is: TeXcount is a Perl script for counting words in LaTeX documents. It parses valid LaTeX documents counting words, headers, formulae (mathematics) and floats/begin-end groups. How to run it: To run the script, you can either download it
This portal talks about and describes available addons (scripts and applications) for Dropbox clients. All platforms My PHP DropBox Gallery - a PHP script to generate a photo gallery on the fly on your server, from a directory of your dropbox. DropboxPath - script to relocate Dropbox folder PHP file checking script - Check for invalid UTF-8, invalid ASCII, and invalid windows filename characters.
新しいMacBookAirを買ってから1週間ほど経ったので、その間やったことをまとめてみます。 スペック 11インチ Core i7 1.8GHz メモリ4GB SSD256GB ベンチマーク とりあえずベンチマーク。 GeekBenchを使用。 MacBook Air4,1 MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009) Score 5822 3554 Integer 4330 2915 Floating Point 8039 5241 Memory 5201 2589 Stream 4536 1823 速い。 設定など システムフォルダ名を日本語に 日本語のままだとコマンドラインでの移動がやりにくいので。 $ cd /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemFolderLocalizations/Japanese.lproj $ sudo mv
4 4 Moderator: Irene R. Heim, Professor and Head, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT * Susan Carey, Henry A. Morss, Jr. and Elizabeth W. Morss Professor of Psychology; Chair, Department of Psychology, Harvard University * Gennaro Chierchia, Haas Foundations Professor of Linguistics and Chair, Department of Linguistics, Harvard University * Steven Pinker, Harvard College Professor