10 Tips for Wifi Security In Your Home Wireless Network If your network is wireless, consider these wireless security tips. Your wireless network opens up many different potential attacks compared to wireless networks. Don’t worry, I would suggest you to help secure your wireless network. Get more hilarious wifi names here. Security is a “system”. For this reason, you should choose the easiest one
Ten by Twenty produce splendid little hand-crafted pixel-based products. This site and all the products available here are brought to you by Ed Merritt, a designer at Headscape, living in Bournemouth, on the south coast of the UK. License Agreement All products may be used for personal or commercial purposes, however they may not be redistributed or sold. If you've enjoyed the free products availa
Noun Project is the World's Most Diverse and Extensive Collection of Icons and Mission-Driven Photos.
The most popular coding language for the web is javascript; so much so that since the advent of HTML5, it has now been officially accepted as the default standard. Javascript has moved beyond a smaller client-side browser-based language to become integrated not just for front-end design, but also for back-end server-side development. As a result there are has been a huge growth of Javascript libra
知人のアプリ作者の人に、アイコンを探すのに苦労したという話を聞いたので、iPhoneアプリのツールバー部分に使えそうなアイコンを色々まとめてみました。 全部足すと545種もありますので、ツールバーアイコンには困らないかもしれません。 iPhoneアプリケーション作者の方や、今後作ろうと思っている場合に参考にどうぞ。 30 Free Vector Icons | Dezinerfolio 綺麗にまとまったデザインで種類も次のような30種類がまとまってます Glyphish – Great icons for great iPhone applications 130種類の商用利用可能な汎用アイコンセット。 Free iphone toolbar icons こちらも、商用利用可能な160種類の汎用アイコンセット app-bits : iPhone Toolbar Icon Set : iPh
Symbol Signs: AIGA and the U.S. Department of Transportation This system of 50 symbol signs was designed for use at the crossroads of modern life: in airports and other transportation hubs and at large international events. Produced through a collaboration between AIGA and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), they are an example of how public-minded designers can address a universal commun
Symbol sign collection All the symbols have been designed & created by Sander Baumann and set to the proportions of a regular typeface, so you no longer need to copy/paste the symbols into your designs. In this free collection I have added common used symbol signs for public services such as Toilets, Telephone, First Aid, Elevator, Information, Restaurant, Coffee Shop, Smoking, Baby, Recycle Icon,