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To format and validate your JSON, just copy + paste it below: About the JSONLint EditorJSONLint is a validator and reformatter for JSON, a lightweight data-interchange format. Copy and paste, directly type, or input a URL in the editor above and let JSONLint tidy and validate your messy JSON code. What Is JSON?JSON (pronounced as Jason), stands for "JavaScript Object Notation," is a human-readable
Typography is everyone’s favorite toy in web design. One particularly fun tool that CSS gives you to play with your type is text-shadow, which seems simple enough at first but can be used to create some remarkable effects with a little ingenuity and creativity. Today we’re going to run through several text-shadow examples that you can copy and paste for your own work. 19 Million+ Digital Assets, W
Drop-shadows are easy enough to create using pseudo-elements. It’s a nice and robust way to progressively enhance a design. This post is a summary of the technique and some of the possible appearances. Demo: CSS drop-shadows without images Known support: Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5+, Opera 10.6+, IE 9+ I’ll be looking mainly at a few details involved in making this effect more robust. Divya
In this tutorial we are going to be creating box shadow effects with just CSS. Below is an image created in photoshop of different box shadows effects. These used to be the only way of creating this effect but thanks to CSS3 we can now do all this with just CSS.View Demo page to see what we are going to create CSS Box Shadow Effects Demo CSS Box ShadowWe are going to be using the CSS box shadow pr
Introduction Performance Level from BigStock Deferring JavaScript execution is an efficient approach to accelerate web page loading and improve user experience on reading. From the true experience, migrating our website to a Softlayer dedicated server (Xeon 3360 Quadcore 2.83GHz & 4GB RAM) from an economic VPS plan only speeds website up by 20%, but deferring JavaScript execution helps 50% increas
When it comes to designing a website, web designers should not over look the importance of the error pages but on contrary most of the designers often neglect the error pages as they are rarely seen. It can irritate visitors while entering a URL, or try to find something on your site that just isn’t there. Now let’s come to 404 error page, the 404 or Not Found error message is a HTTP standard resp
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IN THE BEGINNING was FIR, AKA Fahrner Image Replacement (note that one of the following links returns a 404): The Daily Report’s 2003 redesign uses (and our book explained) an image replacement technique intended to combine the benefits of accessibility with the power of graphic design. We christened this method Fahrner Image Replacement (FIR) in honor of Todd Fahrner, who first suggested it to us