Posted at 2010/10/22 01:59, Modified at 2010/10/22 03:42 Facebook のフロントエンドは結構かわったことをやっていて、例えば、ログイン後の には <div id="pagelet_home_stream"></div> みたいな空の HTML があり、その後に <script>big_pipe.onPageletArrive({ … });</script> <script>big_pipe.onPageletArrive({ … });</script> ... と script 要素が何個もならんでいる。 BigPipe: Pipelining web pages for high performance この仕組みは (変数名のとおり) BigPipe と呼
HTML5にはCanvasタグやVideo/Audioタグ、ドラッグ&ドロップ、Microdata、Web Workersなどさまざまな機能があると説明されますが、実際にはこれらは「HTML5とその関連仕様」を含んでいます。 仕様書に従った厳密な「HTML5」とは、どこまでの範囲を指すのでしょうか? モジラジャパンの浅井智也氏が「Keypoints HTML5」という資料を公開して分かりやすく紹介してくれています。 仕様書に沿った「HTML5」の範囲とは HTML5は、W3CとWHATWGが共同で仕様策定をしていますが、両者の仕様書に書かれている範囲は異なっています(非常に細かい部分では一部の仕様に違いもあります)。Keyoints HTML5から、その両方の仕様でHTML5の範囲を示した図を紹介します。 図の右側のW3C仕様ではCanvas、Microdata、Web Messaging
Over the last year, Smashing Magazine has evolved. We’ve been publishing fewer lists and more in-depth articles about design and Web development. We have invited professionals and high-profile developers to write for us. We’ve been investing more resources in the quality and relevance of our articles. We’ve also explored new formats; and on weekends we’ve been publishing more inspirational pieces,
LOW-LEVEL 3D GRAPHICS API BASED ON OPENGL ES WebGL™ is a cross-platform, royalty-free open web standard for a low-level 3D graphics API based on OpenGL ES, exposed to ECMAScript via the HTML5 Canvas element. Developers familiar with OpenGL ES 2.0 will recognize WebGL as a Shader-based API using GLSL, with constructs that are semantically similar to those of the underlying OpenGL ES API. It stays v
Quick and powerful, jQuery can help designers and developers create awesome interactive websites that are appealing and accessible to the widest range of browsers. For your audience, the visit to your site will be both exciting and entertaining. Navigation, galleries and slideshows, are hot points for a site to shine. Here are 35 useful fresh jQuery plugins focusing on navigation, gallery and slid
GWT is used by many products at Google, including Google AdWords and Google Wallet. It's open source, completely free, and used by thousands of enthusiastic developers around the world. GWT is the official open source project for GWT releases 2.5 and onwards. This site houses links to the documentation, source code repository, issues list and information related to GWT roadmap and release. It is i
HTML5Rocks: position: sticky is a new way to position elements and is conceptually similar to position: fixed. The difference is that an element with position: sticky behaves like position: relative within its parent, until a given offset threshold is met in the viewport. Great, native replacement for a simple scroll hack. Until this becomes an adopted standard, you may want to check out the Affix
Our company's top wizards, stuntmen, and industry experts offer their best advice, how-tos, and insights - all in the name of shockingly good code & design. Robust Session Storage in Phoenix Live View SessionsPersistently storing session info in Phoenix Live View to it survives reloads and live navigation Building the Perfect Logo StripCreate a visually balanced logo strip by adjusting logo height
W3C has compiled this list of questions to help public and W3C Members alike understand the future development of XHTML in the W3C. What will happen to the XHTML 2 Working Group? When W3C announced the HTML and XHTML 2 Working Groups in March 2007, we indicated that we would continue to monitor the market for XHTML 2. W3C recognizes the importance of a clear signal to the community about the futur
The Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) was designed for high-performance transmission of audio, video, and data between Adobe Flash Platform technologies, including Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR. RTMP is now available as an open specification to create products and technology that enable delivery of video, audio, and data in the open AMF, SWF, FLV, and F4V formats compatible with Adobe Flash P
Getting started Download Page Speed. Run Page Speed against your web pages. Read about the Page Speed performance best practices. What is Page Speed? Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them. How does Page Speed work? Page Speed performs several
Tutorials Create a Resizable Image Grid with jQuery TylerMay 22, 200940 Comments07.7k Image grids that smoothly scale at the simple drag of a slider are no longer confined to desktop apps like iPhoto or Picasa. Thanks to some clever CSS and the jQuery UI, fluid image grids are now surprisingly simple to implement on the web. (Take a peek at the final product.) Setting up the grid First lets begin
Editorial note: If you’ve been following my tweets in the past 12 hours you’d have seen me hinting at something very cool for web developers coming out of Microsoft’s MIX09 event today. Well, it’s still at least 3 hours until MIX but it appears Microsoft’s own Expression Web team blog has let the dogs out early (their server is set to to New York time, not Las Vegas time), so consider the NDA brok