
appleとadobeに関するmakotokagaのブックマーク (1)

  • Thoughts on Flash - Apple

    Apple has a long relationship with Adobe. In fact, we met Adobe’s founders when they were in their proverbial garage. Apple was their first big customer, adopting their Postscript language for our new Laserwriter printer. Apple invested in Adobe and owned around 20% of the company for many years. The two companies worked closely together to pioneer desktop publishing and there were many good times

    makotokaga 2010/04/30
    FlashはWindowsの標準にすら適合できないダメUI量産の道具で、Touch UIだとより悲惨。PCでは重くてもクラッシュしても諦めてくれたけどそのことが本来は異常。Flashを捨てるのは有意な選択だと思う
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