Enhancing IE's selector engine Selectivizr adds support for 19 CSS3 pseudo-classes, 2 pseudo-elements and every attribute selector to older versions of IE. It can also fix a few of the browsers native selector implementations. JavaScript-knowledge: none Selectivizr works automatically so you don't need any JavaScript knowledge to use it — you won't even have to modify your style sheets. Just start
When creating your web designs, you are always striving for a consistent look across the different browsers. Unfortunately, one of the most fundamental elements of your website - the browser controls - also prove the most difficult to style. Some of them, like the select element, are impossible to change beyond a certain extent. This is why, today we are building a script that is going to take an
Time Sensitive Stylesheet If you’re looking for my world-famous time-sensitive stylesheet, it has been retired. But you can still see it in action here. The technique, which has brought more than 100,000 visitors to katgal.com, has since been copied by Google! Previous Posts Pardon Our Dust Happy Birthday Bryan! Graphic Design Project: Memorial Cookbook Calendar... Now, for something REALLY
AJAX calls do not cover updates from the server, which are needed for the modern real-time and collaborative web. PubSub (as in “publish and subscribe”) is an established messaging pattern that achieves this. In this article, Alexander Gödde will look at precisely how PubSub solves the updating problem, and he’ll look at one particular solution (the WAMP protocol) that integrates both the calling
Posted by: Hirotaka Ogawa @ January 11, 2007 02:57 PM | Movable Typeを触っている時間がとれないのですが、新年に入ってからちょっとばかしテンプレートとスタイルシートを変更して、ほぼ一カラム、ほぼfont-size: 100%で表示されるようにしました。要はレイアウトとか考えるのを最小限に留めようと思ったわけです。不得手なデザインをこれ以上考える必要がないという私個人の精神衛生上の利点に加え、読者の目にも優しくなりました。 結論: でかフォントは人を健康にします。 それだけだとなんなので、prototype.js (Prototype JavaScript Framework: Class-style OO, Ajax, and more)を使ってフォントサイズ変更スクリプト(クッキー保存機能付き)を実現してみました。これまで
GWT is used by many products at Google, including Google AdWords and Google Wallet. It's open source, completely free, and used by thousands of enthusiastic developers around the world. GWT is the official open source project for GWT releases 2.5 and onwards. This site houses links to the documentation, source code repository, issues list and information related to GWT roadmap and release. It is i
Timeline has graduated! The Timeline project has graduated and moved on with its life. Visit the new home page for more information on how to join the new mailing lists, synch with the new code repositories, issue tracking, etc. Please excuse our mess during the transition. Timeline is a DHTML-based AJAXy widget for visualizing time-based events. It is like Google Maps for time-based information.
UPDATE! Development progress for Animator.js: 14-Nov-2006: Removed the dependency on prototype.js 16-Nov-2006: Added more transitions - check out the new bouncy and elastic transitions 9-Dec-2006: Allow people to specify CSS class names in CSSStyleSubject. 18 March 2007: improvements to AnimatorChain: seekTo() method (thanks Tim Stone) and resetOnPlay option (thanks Kaspar Fischer); 19 March 2007:
これは新しい。 なんとあらゆるページをマトリックス風に表示してくれるのだ。(実際の動作はこちら) 実装するには以下の1行をコードに加えるだけ。 <script src="http://bodytag.org/bt_melter/bt_melter.js" type="text/javascript"></script> するとbodyタグの中身全部に適用される。 なお、javascript自体はbodytag.orgからダウンロードできる。 日本語にも対応しているようなので、サイトにアクセントを加えるちょっとした小細工として使えそうですね。
What is Highslide JS? Highslide JS is an image, media and gallery viewer written in JavaScript. These are some of its advantages: Tip! Use the visual Highslide Editor to set up your Highslide installation without writing code. Quick and elegant looking. No plugins like Flash or Java required. Popup blockers are no problem. The content opens within the active browser window. Single click. After ope