Looking to migrate from an older version of Bootstrap to v3.x? Check out the migration guide.
Thanks so much for this. There are so many Rails tutorials for absolute beginners, and lots of stuff that assumes expert knowledge, but not much, besides practice, to span the gap. Rick Quantz, HackerNews, 13 May 2011 I will be starting a new job here in SF, due in no small part to what I've learned here from the RailsApp Project. Joseph May, 23 Dec 2013 I would like to say thank you for such a pr
twitter bootstrapを更に便利に使うgemがtwitter bootstrap railsです。 railsアプリを作りましょう。 rvmでgem set作ります。 rvm --create 1.9.3-p125@tbrsample railsアプリ生成します。 gem install rails --no-ri --no-rdoc rails new tbrsample gemを指定しましょう。 Gemfileのgroup :assetsに追加します。 cd tbrsample vim Gemfile gem "twitter-bootstrap-rails" どん bundle install --without=production bootstrapをgenerateしましょう。 必要なjsやcssをapp/assets配下に配置します。 rails g bootst
Easy to Install Simply download a CSS file and replace the one in Bootstrap. No messing around with hex values. Customizable Changes are contained in just two SASS files, enabling further customization and ensuring forward compatibility. Tuned for 5.3.3 Themes are built for the latest version of Bootstrap. Version 4, version 3, version 2, and other releases are also available to download.