If you want to start a company and are working on new ideas, here’s how I’ve always done it and how I recommend you do it. Be the opposite of secretive. Create a Google spreadsheet where you list every idea you can think, even really half-baked ones. Include ideas you hear about (make sure you keep track of who had which idea so you can credit them/include them later). Then take the spreadsheet
Join our daily and weekly newsletters for the latest updates and exclusive content on industry-leading AI coverage. Learn More Just five days after buying social-messaging and advertising company Meebo for a rumored $100 million, Google is beginning to shut down the company’s various products. On July 11, Meebo Messenger, Sharing on Meebo, Meebo Me, and all of Meebo’s mobile apps will be shut down
Maybe you were too busy hunting down celebrities on the new video chat service, Airtime. Better yet, maybe you were using it to land a job. For whatever reason, you missed out on some of Mashable's features coverage this week, and that simply won't do. Thankfully, we've rounded up the top resources in social media, business and tech to catch you back up to speed. We've continued our series of begi
Your skills and experience certainly lend themselves to certain types of jobs, but they aren’t the only things you should consider when applying for a new position. Your satisfaction in a new job goes beyond simply being able to utilize your skills each day -- you also need to consider who you’ll be working with, what the company is like and if you’ll be happy in the job, should you land it. So wh
[nggallery id=5911] It can be tough to keep up with all the new apps released each week. But you’re in luck: We take care of a lot of that for you, creating a roundup each weekend of some of our own highlights from the week. This week we found an app that lets you instantly get the opinion of a group of people on everything -- from what shirt you should wear out tonight to what you should have for
How the UFC Ran the Most Successful Spotify Campaign in History In fact, no other contest even comes close to matching the UFC's results -- according to Spotify representatives this week, the UFC promotion attracted about four time as many votes as any previous campaign on the platform. (Both UFC and Spotify declined to specify how many votes that totaled.) So what was the contest? The UFC has a r
The signs tout iOS 6 as the “the most advanced mobile operating system,” and we're likely to see at least a few major improvements to the OS. Apple is always completely tight-lipped about new products and enhancements to its hardware and software, so its anyone's guess what the company will be announcing. Rumors point to Apple releasing its own 3D Maps, adding deeper Facebook integration into the
Instagram has gained a big increase in popularity and exposure over the past few months, with the development of the Android app and, of course, Facebook's $1 billion acquisition of the company. You're likely finding more of your friends and colleagues using Instagram, but you might not have explored another corner of the photo sharing app: non-profits looking to expand their social reach.
Watching your product come to life through public support after pouring blood, sweat and tears into it is every entrepreneur's biggest dream. Kickstarter has become famous for making that a reality, serving as the birthplace of many now-thriving small businesses. But just because Kickstarter has made it easier for you to raise awareness about a product doesn't mean that your campaign will be succe
Intel Set-Top Box Uses Face Recognition to Target Ads to You [VIDEO] [brightcove video="1681927065001" /] Intel has developed a new set-top box that will monitor who is watching TV at that moment, enabling advertisers to target the most appropriate ads to them. The box does this by using facial recognition technology. The box won't identify the specific person watching TV, but will be able to tell
Join our daily and weekly newsletters for the latest updates and exclusive content on industry-leading AI coverage. Learn More It takes money to make money. Deciding where to find the first funds to get a startup off the ground is one of the most important decisions an entrepreneur has to make. We asked 12 startup founders what advice they would give an early-stage entrepreneur who’s considering
[brightcove video="1681968464001" /] Here's an enterprising young electrical engineer who wanted to directly impress all those who received one of his business cards. What did he do? Well, he did some electrical engineering on the business card itself. Cody Shaw, a first-year University of Waterloo engineering student who wanted to get himself a job in printed circuit board design and manufacture,
PlayStation's Wonderbook Makes Rowling's 'Book of Spells' Magical [HANDS-ON] Sony announced Wonderbook at its E3 press conference on Monday. The interactive book looks for all intents and purposes like a traditional hardcover book, however, inside the pages are shapes rather than words. Used along with the PlayStation Move, the pages of the book can be read on the screen and come to life. While So
Kinsight System Means You'll Never Lose Anything Again [VIDEO] [brightcove video="1681904234001" /] Are you constantly misplacing things? A couple of inventors might have a solution to your age-old problem with Kinsight, a system that helps you retrace your steps when you've lost something by tracking you and how you interact with your stuff. Their secret? They've done it by placing several Micros
Introduction If you’re thinking of creating a startup, you’re probably going to look for promising external factors like astrological signs to determine whether a gamble into entrepreneurialism is worth the trouble. And right now, the signs look good. VCs are startup friendly, hardware costs are low, and Google is buying companies for 1.65 billion dollars. The problem, however, is that first time
With $48.1 billion in net sales last year, Amazon is certainly the leading Internet retailer. But how does the company fare in other areas, such as employee satisfaction and corporate social responsibility? Not so well, according to an infographic from MBAOnline, a website that curates business information from the top minds in the blogosphere. In fact, Amazon seems to put saving money ahead of ma
先日、仕事の関係でサンフランシスコとシリコンバレーに一週間ほど滞在した時に、現地で働くスタートアップ関係者にいろいろ話を聞いた。 その中で、なぜ日本のスタートアップはこちらでイマイチ存在感がないのかという話題がなかなか興味深かったので、ご紹介したい。 圧倒的に挑戦者数が少なすぎる シリコンバレーでは毎年17000社が誕生し、10000社が消えて行く。起業家の人種は様々で、中国人、インド人、当然、あちらの日系人の方も多いと聞く。 その中において日本からシリコンバレーに挑戦するスタートアップ企業はほんの一握りである。0.1%よりももっと少ない。 チャレンジャーの数が少ないのだから、イグジットの数も少なくて当然だ。 BICというシリコンバレーのインキュベーション施設を運営されているJETROの方の話では、「長年やっているが、こちらでイグジット出来たという成功例は5社くらいしか記憶にない。」とのこ