Fast. Revery is lightweight and built for speedy apps - quick to start, quick to run, quick to build. Intuitive. Revery is inspired by React, and built with Reason. Build native-code apps with your ReactJS skills! Cross-Platform. Windows, Mac, and Linux? No problem. Our focus is native, but Revery can run in the browser with WebGL, too. And mobile is next!
esyEasy package management for native Reason, OCaml and more Get Started
はじめに Reason MLを最近始めました。よき。 Reason MLとは Reason MLとはOCamlにインスパイアされたAltJSの一種。見た目は型の付いたJSみたいな感じだけど実際はJSのsyntaxに寄せたML。 BuckleScriptというコンパイラ(この名前もどうなんという感じだけど)を使ってJSに変える。BuckleScriptはReason MLとOCamlをJSに変換するコンパイラであり、Reason MLとOCamlのいずれのsyntaxも混ぜて使うことができるっぽい。便利~。 実際に使うときはBuckleScriptの方のドキュメントもちゃんと読んでおく必要がある(似たような見た目のページだけど内容は違う)。BuckleScriptにはコンパイラ拡張みたいなものが載っておりそれを上手く使うことで生成されるJSを制御したりJS側の関数を読み込んだりするのでこの辺
Reason とは? Reason is a programming language powered by OCaml's strong type system, and has a syntax designed to feel familiar to people coming from JavaScript or C-family languages. Note: Reason can be translated back and forth to OCaml using refmt. Anything possible in Reason is also possible with OCaml and vice versa. Why Use Reason? The powerful typesystem underlying Reason will reduce bugs, in
Reason is a user-friendly programming language built on OCaml's robust type system, making it a comfortable choice for developers familiar with JavaScript or C-family languages. Not only does Reason leverage the OCaml type system, but it also seamlessly integrates with its reliable ecosystem, providing access to all the tools of OCaml, including the Language Server, the de facto build system dune,
Today, Electron is one of the most popular tools for building desktop apps - using an HTML, JS, CSS stack. However, it has a heavy footprint in terms of both RAM and CPU - essentially packing an entire browser into the app. Even with that tradeoff, it has a lot of great aspects - it's the quickest way to build a cross-platform app & it provides a great development experience - as can be testified