Working with Engines and Connections¶ This section details direct usage of the Engine, Connection, and related objects. Its important to note that when using the SQLAlchemy ORM, these objects are not generally accessed; instead, the Session object is used as the interface to the database. However, for applications that are built around direct usage of textual SQL statements and/or SQL expression c
© Copyright 2007-2025, the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors. flambé! the dragon and The Alchemist image designs created and generously donated by Rotem Yaari. Created using Sphinx 7.2.6. Documentation last generated: Mon 13 Jan 2025 08:39:35 AM EST Website content copyright © by SQLAlchemy authors and contributors. SQLAlchemy and its documentation are licensed under the MIT license. SQLAlchemy
The Type Hierarchy¶ SQLAlchemy provides abstractions for most common database data types, as well as several techniques for customization of datatypes. Database types are represented using Python classes, all of which ultimately extend from the base type class known as TypeEngine. There are two general categories of datatypes, each of which express themselves within the typing hierarchy in differe
Column Elements and Expressions¶ The expression API consists of a series of classes each of which represents a specific lexical element within a SQL string. Composed together into a larger structure, they form a statement construct that may be compiled into a string representation that can be passed to a database. The classes are organized into a hierarchy that begins at the basemost ClauseElement
SQLAlchemy1.2の基本的なクエリをまとめました! python初心者以上向けの記事です。 改めて読み返してみると、直した方が良さそうな箇所や、この機能書かないんかいってのがあるので修正予定です。 記述内容 ORMについて、動かしてみるところまで、select, limit, orderby, distinct, join, leftjoin, in, insert, update, delete, union, unionAll, sql吐き出し, sqlを直接実行について また、flask-sqlalchemyでは実行を試していません。 SQLAlchemyとは pythonのORMモジュール。 session.query(User).all() このようにSQL操作ができる。 ORM SQLをクラスとして扱えるようにしたもの。 使用する理由は、 ・SQLインジェクション対策が
How can I use ORDER BY descending in a SQLAlchemy query like the following? This query works, but returns them in ascending order: query = (model.Session.query(model.Entry) .join(model.ClassificationItem) .join(model.EnumerationValue) .filter_by( .order_by(model.Entry.amount) # This row :) ) If I try: .order_by(desc(model.Entry.amount)) then I get: NameError: global name 'desc' is not
SELECT and Related Constructs¶ The term “selectable” refers to any object that represents database rows. In SQLAlchemy, these objects descend from Selectable, the most prominent being Select, which represents a SQL SELECT statement. A subset of Selectable is FromClause, which represents objects that can be within the FROM clause of a Select statement. A distinguishing feature of FromClause is the
Release: 2.0.37 current release | Release Date: January 9, 2025
Engine Configuration¶ The Engine is the starting point for any SQLAlchemy application. It’s “home base” for the actual database and its DBAPI, delivered to the SQLAlchemy application through a connection pool and a Dialect, which describes how to talk to a specific kind of database/DBAPI combination. The general structure can be illustrated as follows: Where above, an Engine references both a Dial
New to SQLAlchemy? Start here: For Python Beginners: Installation Guide - basic guidance on installing with pip and similar For Python Veterans: SQLAlchemy Overview - brief architectural overview New users of SQLAlchemy, as well as veterans of older SQLAlchemy release series, should start with the SQLAlchemy Unified Tutorial, which covers everything an Alchemist needs to know when using the ORM or
SQLAlchemy + URL dispatch wiki tutorial¶ This tutorial introduces an SQLAlchemy and URL dispatch-based Pyramid application to a developer familiar with Python. When finished, the developer will have created a basic wiki application with authentication and authorization. For cut and paste purposes, the source code for all stages of this tutorial can be browsed on GitHub for a specific branch or ver
In a little script I'm writing using SQLAlchemy and Elixir, I need to get all the distinct values for a particular column. In ordinary SQL it'd be a simple matter of SELECT DISTINCT `column` FROM `table`; and I know I could just run that query "manually," but I'd rather stick to the SQLAlchemy declarative syntax (and/or Elixir) if I can. I'm sure it must be possible, I've even seen allusions to th