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"social media"に関するエントリは64件あります。 SNSmediaMastodon などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Top Japanese Social Media Apps: Demographics of 7 Major Apps in 2020』などがあります。
  • Top Japanese Social Media Apps: Demographics of 7 Major Apps in 2020

    Top Japanese Social Media Apps: Demographics of 7 Major Apps in 2020 In this article, we compared the monthly active users (MAU) and user demographics of top Japanese social media used in Japan based on published data and estimates of major SNS published as of December 2019. The spread of social media in Japan is growing rapidly, and social media is a very powerful marketing tool. If you are think

      Top Japanese Social Media Apps: Demographics of 7 Major Apps in 2020
    • The BBC on Mastodon: experimenting with distributed and decentralised social media

      The BBC on Mastodon: experimenting with distributed and decentralised social media Posted by Tristan Ferne on 31 Jul 2023, last updated 31 Jul 2023 As the social media landscape ebbs and flows, the team at BBC Research & Development are researching social technologies and exploring possibilities for the BBC. One part of our work is to establish a BBC presence in the distributed collection of socia

        The BBC on Mastodon: experimenting with distributed and decentralised social media
      • Nostr, a simple protocol for decentralizing social media that has a chance of working

        What is Nostr?Nostr is a protocol, designed for simplicity, that aims to create a censorship-resistant global social network. Let's unpack that a little: SimpleThe protocol is based on very simple & flexible event objects (which are passed around as plain JSON) and uses standard elliptic-curve cryptography for keys and signing. The only supported transport is websockets connections from clients to

        • 'Post-Twitter' decentralized social media struggles for way forward

          Technology'Post-Twitter' decentralized social media struggles for way forwardJapan's Misskey shows it can be tough to scale up passion projects Proponents of decentralized social media platforms like Mastodon and Misskey say such services can empower smaller online communities. (Source photos by Getty and logo from Misskey's website) TOKYO -- In February, a server administrator at Misskey, a Japan

            'Post-Twitter' decentralized social media struggles for way forward
          • Two masks, no lockdown: Japan PM's latest coronavirus step riles social media

            TOKYO (Reuters) - Facing calls to declare a coronavirus state of emergency, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was derided on social media on Thursday for instead offering people cloth masks, pointing to growing frustration with his handling of the crisis. Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wears a protective face mask as he attends an upper house parliamentary session, following an outbreak of the

              Two masks, no lockdown: Japan PM's latest coronavirus step riles social media
            • Mozilla to explore healthy social media alternative | The Mozilla Blog

              Update: Starting May 4, 2023, we’re expanding Mozilla.social to a private beta. If you’re interested, join our waitlist. In early 2023, Mozilla will stand up and test a publicly accessible instance in the Fediverse at Mozilla.Social. We’re eager to join the community in growing, experimenting, and learning how we can together solve the technical, experience, and trustworthiness challenges inherent

                Mozilla to explore healthy social media alternative | The Mozilla Blog
              • EFF's Response to Social Media Companies' Decisions to Block President Trump’s Accounts

                EFF's Response to Social Media Companies' Decisions to Block President Trump’s Accounts Like most people in the United States and around the world, EFF is shocked and disgusted by Wednesday’s violent attack on the U.S. Capitol. We support all those who are working to defend the Constitution and the rule of law, and we are grateful for the service of policymakers, staffers, and other workers who en

                  EFF's Response to Social Media Companies' Decisions to Block President Trump’s Accounts
                • How Harmful Is Social Media?

                  There’s a general sense that it’s bad for society—which may be right. But studies offer surprisingly few easy answers. In April, the social psychologist Jonathan Haidt published an essay in The Atlantic in which he sought to explain, as the piece’s title had it, “Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid.” Anyone familiar with Haidt’s work in the past half decade could have

                    How Harmful Is Social Media?
                  • The Ice Bucket Challenge wasn't just for social media. It helped fund a new ALS drug

                    ALS Ice Bucket Challenge helped fund the development of a new drug for treatment In 2014, it was hard to miss the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge that set out to raise money to fund research for the disease. And it paid off. A new treatment was funded by $2.2 million of the funds raised.

                      The Ice Bucket Challenge wasn't just for social media. It helped fund a new ALS drug
                    • Analysis | Bogus ‘vote fraud’ claims proliferate on social media

                      A viral video was edited to make it appear as if former vice president Biden is admitting to voter fraud, when he was actually addressing efforts to prevent it. (Video: The Washington Post) With votes still being counted in the presidential election — and Joe Biden clinging to a small electoral college lead over President Trump — many false claims of voter fraud being circulated by the president a

                        Analysis | Bogus ‘vote fraud’ claims proliferate on social media
                      • Forge Icons - 300 right mix of SVG icons for use in e-commerce, travel, social media, app design and much more.

                        300+ right mix of SVG icons for your project. Ideal for: E-Commerce, Travel, Social Media, App Design  and much more. Download Icon pack

                          Forge Icons - 300 right mix of SVG icons for use in e-commerce, travel, social media, app design and much more.
                        • GitHub - qeeqbox/social-analyzer: API, CLI, and Web App for analyzing and finding a person's profile in 1000 social media \ websites

                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                            GitHub - qeeqbox/social-analyzer: API, CLI, and Web App for analyzing and finding a person's profile in 1000 social media \ websites
                          • Twitter(ツイッター)一括ブロック・フォロー解除ツール3選!フォローを整理しましょう | Social Media Trend

                            Twitter(ツイッター)を利用していると時、スパムアカウントからDMが送られてきたり、勝手にフォローされたりした経験はありませんか。そうした迷惑アカウントはツールを使って一括でブロックすることが可能です。この記事では、一括でブロックが可能なツールやアプリをご紹介しますので、迷惑なアカウントはブロックもしくはフォロー解除をし、ユーザーを整理しましょう。 Twitter(ツイッター)で一括ブロックできるツール3選 Twitter(ツイッター)運用において、迷惑なアカウントやスパムアカウントをそのまま放置していませんか?迷惑なアカウントを見つけた場合にはブロックをしましょう。ブロックをするとフォロー関係が強制的に解除されるため、迷惑アカウントをフォロワーから削除することができます。 迷惑アカウントの数が1つや2つの場合は、その都度ブロックをしてもさほど手間はかかりませが、迷惑アカウントの数が

                              Twitter(ツイッター)一括ブロック・フォロー解除ツール3選!フォローを整理しましょう | Social Media Trend
                            • GitHub - gitroomhq/postiz-app: 📨 The ultimate social media scheduling tool, with a bunch of AI 🤖

                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                GitHub - gitroomhq/postiz-app: 📨 The ultimate social media scheduling tool, with a bunch of AI 🤖
                              • 1.5億のツイート分析からみる「X(Twitter)のベストな投稿時間」とは。 | Social Media Trend

                                Twitterユーザーの1億5000万以上のツイートを基に、時間帯別ツイート分析結果とそれに基づく最適な投稿時間について詳しく解説します。Twitterユーザーの「活発な利用時間帯」についての情報は、ネットなどで多く見受けられますが、果たして「活発な利用時間」と「ツイートが認知されやすい・RT(リツイート)されやすい時間帯」はリンクするのでしょうか?今回は「UU数・ツイート数・いいね数・RT数」の1日の平均数を抽出し、その詳細な分析結果からみえた「効果が期待できるツイート時間」をお伝えします。ツイートの効果を上げるための検証方法や、検証や投稿を簡単に行うためのおすすめツールも紹介します。Twitterの効果的な運用のために、ぜひ参考にしてください。 1億5000万以上のツイートから分析 今回の調査は、国内No.1のアカウント数を誇るTwitter管理サービス、「SocialDog」を利用し

                                • ツイートの一括削除にはツールが便利!全削除の注意点と削除できない場合の対応まで | Social Media Trend

                                  Twitter(ツイッター)で過去のツイートを一括で削除する方法について解説します。Twitterに投稿した過去のツイートを、一括で削除したいという方は多いのではないでしょうか。過去のツイートを1つずつ削除するのには多くの時間と手間がかかってしまいます。ツイートを一括で効率よく全削除するには、ツールを使用することをおすすめします。ツイートの削除に特化したツールやツールを使用する上での注意点についても説明しますので、ぜひ参考にしてみてください。 Twitter(ツイッター)公式アプリで過去のツイートを全削除できる? Twitter(ツイッター)の公式アプリでは過去のツイートを遡って1つずつ削除できますが、一括で削除することはできません。過去のツイートを一括で削除するには、便利ツールを使用する必要があります。ツールを使用することにより、一括もしくは選択したツイートを削除できます。 過去のツイー

                                    ツイートの一括削除にはツールが便利!全削除の注意点と削除できない場合の対応まで | Social Media Trend
                                  • What Happens When You Quit Social Media? 6 Things I Learned

                                    In 2013, I deleted all of my social media accounts. Now, years later, I'm glad I took that "extreme" step. If you're planning to quit social media yourself, you might have questions about what comes next and how to begin preparing for this drastic change. Speaking from my own experience, here's what you can expect. 1. Unexpected Reactions When I quit social media, I encountered extremes of reactio

                                      What Happens When You Quit Social Media? 6 Things I Learned
                                    • X(旧Twitter)が広告代理店・X Social Mediaに訴えられる

                                      広告代理店のX Social Mediaが、自社の商標を侵害しているとしてSNS「X」の運営元であるXを訴えました。X Social Mediaはイーロン・マスク氏がTwitterを買収しXに改名したことで、消費者に混乱を引き起こしていると主張しています。 Elon Musk's X hit with trademark lawsuit from marketing agency | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/technology/elon-musks-x-hit-with-trademark-lawsuit-marketing-agency-2023-10-02/ X Social Media is suing X, a social media company - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/10

                                        X(旧Twitter)が広告代理店・X Social Mediaに訴えられる
                                      • Twitter(ツイッター)でフォロワーを増やすために最初にすべきこと8選。注意点についても解説! | Social Media Trend

                                        Twitter(ツイッター)でフォロワーを増やすために、最初にすべきことを解説します。具体的には、フォローされやすいプロフィールの作り方や、タグの使用を含めたツイートの書き方のコツをお伝えし、さらに、フォロワーを増やすために便利な多機能ツールを紹介します。また、フォロワーを増やす際に注意すべき、Twitter(ツイッター)のルールについても詳しく解説します。規約を知らずにフォロワーだけ増やすことを目的にしてしまうと、アカウントを凍結される可能性もありえます。Twitter(ツイッター)のルールに沿った効率的なフォロワー数の増やし方を学び、アカウントのフォロワー増加を目指しましょう。 Twitter(ツイッター)のフォロワーを増やすために押えておくべきこと Twitter(ツイッター)アカウントのフォロワーを増やすために、最初に押さえるべきポイントについて解説します。フォロワーを増やしたいか

                                          Twitter(ツイッター)でフォロワーを増やすために最初にすべきこと8選。注意点についても解説! | Social Media Trend
                                        • 投稿に最適な「曜日×時間帯」とは。2.1億のツイートから分析 | Social Media Trend

                                          Twitterユーザーの2億1,000万以上のツイートから、曜日別・時間帯別のツイート分析結果と、それに基づくベストな投稿時間を「曜日×時間」の観点から読み解いていきます。これまで、Twitterの利用ユーザーが多い時間帯を狙って投稿をしてきた方も多いのではないでしょうか。曜日及び時間別にユーザー動向を数値化することで、時間ごとの推移に一定の法則があることや、曜日によっては効果がある時間に違いがあることも分かりました。効果の見込める時間帯だけでなく曜日ごとのユーザーの動向の変化も知り、これまでよりさらに精度の高い運用を行っていきましょう。 2億1,000万以上のツイートからデータ分析 今回の調査は、2億1,000万以上のツイートの調査結果をもとに分析を行っています。データは、国内No.1のアカウント数を誇るTwitterマーケティングサポートサービスである「SocialDog」の蓄積データ

                                          • Openvibe — Town Square for Open Social Media

                                            Town square for open social media All decentralised social networks, single timeline

                                              Openvibe — Town Square for Open Social Media
                                            • It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore

                                              Tati Bruening, a 22-year-old content creator and photographer, just wants to share memes and post about cooking green beans. Every time she logs onto Instagram, however, her feed is swamped by a combination of perfectly curated photos and professionally created content. "It's really bizarre to me that everyone's gone to this place in their mind that content has to be so curated," Bruening told us.

                                                It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore
                                              • White House told U.S. ambassador to Japan to stop taunting China on social media

                                                WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden’s aides have asked that Rahm Emanuel, the U.S. ambassador to Japan, stop posting messages on social media taunting Chinese President Xi Jinping, according to three administration officials. Officials at the National Security Council told Emanuel's staff in recent days that his comments risk undermining the administration’s efforts to mend deeply strained relations

                                                  White House told U.S. ambassador to Japan to stop taunting China on social media
                                                • SOCIAL MEDIA TITLE TAG

                                                  The recent success of large vision language models shows great potential in driving the agent system operating on user interfaces. However, we argue that the power multimodal models like GPT-4V as a general agent on multiple operating systems across different applications is largely underestimated due to the lack of a robust screen parsing technique capable of: 1. reliably identifying interactable

                                                  • “Think carefully before you quote-tweet”: The Guardian releases new social media guidelines for staff

                                                    Last month, The New York Times released new guidelines around the way its reporters use Twitter. Twitter was taking up too much of journalists’ time, the Times said. It was also driving harassment and abuse, and bad tweets harm the reputation of the paper and of its staffers. The company also made it clear that Twitter is truly optional, and that using it isn’t a job requirement. There must be an

                                                      “Think carefully before you quote-tweet”: The Guardian releases new social media guidelines for staff
                                                    • Block Party | Deep clean your social media

                                                      Get a year for $25 with the code JOINTHEPARTY - limited time only

                                                        Block Party | Deep clean your social media
                                                      • Bluesky and the AT Protocol: Usable Decentralized Social Media

                                                        Bluesky is a new social network built upon the AT Protocol, a decentralized foundation for public social media. It was launched in private beta in February 2023, and has grown to over 10 million registered users by October 2024. In this paper we introduce the architecture of Bluesky and the AT Protocol, and explain how the technical design of Bluesky is informed by our goals: to enable decentraliz

                                                        • UK exposes sick Russian troll factory plaguing social media with Kremlin propaganda

                                                          UK Government funded expert research unveils new tactics of the Kremlin’s large-scale disinformation campaign troll factory is targeting politicians and baiting audiences across a number of countries including the UK, South Africa and India the operation has suspected links to Yevgeniy Prigozhin, founder of infamous bot-farm the Internet Research Agency UK-funded expert research has exposed how th

                                                            UK exposes sick Russian troll factory plaguing social media with Kremlin propaganda
                                                          • Toxic Fandom: How Hollywood Is Battling Fans Who Are ‘Just Out for Blood’ — From Social Media Boot Camps to Superfan Focus Groups

                                                            On Aug. 28, Amandla Stenberg, the lead of the “Star Wars” series “The Acolyte,” posted an eight-and-a-half-minute video to her Instagram Stories about Lucasfilm’s abrupt decision not to pick up the show for a second season just a month after the Season 1 finale streamed on Disney+. “It’s not a huge shock for me,” Stenberg said. Since the series was announced in 2020, she continued, “we started exp

                                                              Toxic Fandom: How Hollywood Is Battling Fans Who Are ‘Just Out for Blood’ — From Social Media Boot Camps to Superfan Focus Groups
                                                            • Australian social media ban on under-16s approved by parliament

                                                              Australia will ban children under 16 from using social media, after its parliament approved the world's strictest laws. The ban, which will not take effect for at least 12 months, could see tech companies fined up to A$50m ($32.5m; £25.7m) if they don't comply. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says the legislation is needed to protect young people from the "harms" of social media, something many pa

                                                                Australian social media ban on under-16s approved by parliament
                                                              • 2024 Social Media Image Sizes for All Networks [CHEATSHEET]

                                                                Quick social media image sizes We go into more detail for every single network below, but this image includes the social media image sizes you probably look up most often. Basic Instagram image sizes Profile photo: 320 x 320 px Landscape: 1080 x 566 px Portrait: 1080 x 1350 px Square: 1080 x 1080 Stories and Reels: 1080 x 1920 Basic Facebook image sizes Profile photo: 170 x 170 px Landscape: 1200

                                                                  2024 Social Media Image Sizes for All Networks [CHEATSHEET]
                                                                • Paul Graham on Twitter: "Reddit is unique in social media. 15 years after launching, it still hasn't peaked. https://t.co/QNl5T7vNqZ"

                                                                  Reddit is unique in social media. 15 years after launching, it still hasn't peaked. https://t.co/QNl5T7vNqZ

                                                                    Paul Graham on Twitter: "Reddit is unique in social media. 15 years after launching, it still hasn't peaked. https://t.co/QNl5T7vNqZ"
                                                                  • Supernova festival: How massacre unfolded from verified video and social media

                                                                    Supernova festival: How massacre unfolded from verified video and social media Warning: This article contains details that some may find distressing The last videos taken before the horror began, show it was a festival like any other - young people, dancing at dawn. According to some accounts, there were up to 4,000 people in attendance. From the footage, they appear to be mostly under 30. They ha

                                                                      Supernova festival: How massacre unfolded from verified video and social media
                                                                    • Trump's new social media platform found using Mastodon code

                                                                      Trump's new social media platform found using Mastodon codeOur statement From media reports and individual findings that various people have presented to us, it seems that the new social media platform owned by the former president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, so-called Truth Social, is using Mastodon’s source code with various visual adjustments. The platform has not formally launched y

                                                                      • tweetdeckの使い方・機能とは。TweetDeckについて詳しく解説します。 | Social Media Trend

                                                                        Twitter(ツイッター)の運用に役立つ便利ツール「TweetDeck」について、使い方や料金、機能について解説します。TweetDeckは、複数アカウントの管理や運用に特化している便利ツールです。TweetDeck以外の多機能ツールも紹介しますので、自社のアカウントの運用状況に合ったツールを選んで運用に活かしていきましょう。 TweetDeckとは 複数アカウントの管理・運用に特化している便利ツール「TweetDeck」とは、Twitter(ツイッター)公式のクライアント・アプリです。TweetDeckの機能や料金を理解して、アカウントの管理の効率化を図りましょう。 TweetDeckでできること TweetDeckでは、一画面で列(カラム)に分けて分類表示ができるのが特徴です。Web版は13種類の分類表示が可能です。 その他のTweetDeckの特徴的な機能を下記にまとめました。 複

                                                                          tweetdeckの使い方・機能とは。TweetDeckについて詳しく解説します。 | Social Media Trend
                                                                        • The Spectacular Failure of Right-Wing Social Media Platforms

                                                                          The Spectacular Failure of Right-Wing Social Media PlatformsFrom Kanye West (maybe?) buying Parler (but why?) to Donald Trump’s flailing (and scammy) Truth Social, the “free-speech” revolution is floundering. Why is Kanye West interested in buying the far-right social media platform Parler? The answer likely isn’t that different from the reason why Donald Trump started his own alternative social m

                                                                            The Spectacular Failure of Right-Wing Social Media Platforms
                                                                          • XユーザーのLearningTheLawさん: 「Thomas Lockley, the man behind the revisionist history of Japan and famous for his books about the legendary black samurai Yasuke, has deleted all his social media and disappeared from the internet. This happened after he was caug

                                                                            • Japan PM’s video at home with pet dog prompts social media backlash | CNN

                                                                              " data-check-event-based-preview="" data-is-vertical-video-embed="false" data-network-id="" data-publish-date="2020-04-12T02:42:07Z" data-video-section="health" data-canonical-url="https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2020/04/12/japan-coronavirus-anti-flu-drug-abe-ripley-dnt-vpx.cnn" data-branding-key="" data-video-slug="japan coronavirus anti flu drug abe ripley dnt vpx" data-first-publish-slug="jap

                                                                                Japan PM’s video at home with pet dog prompts social media backlash | CNN
                                                                              • Social Media is Broken. Can We Fix It?

                                                                                Most people agree that Social Media is broken and that we need to find new solutions. I embarked on a journey to find out more about a new invention called NOSTR. Join me and see how i was able to understand more about that technology. 💸 SUPPORT MY WORK: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=TAHNASMRFA934 Lightning: https://maxdemarco.com/lightning/ BTCPAY: https://maxdemarco.

                                                                                  Social Media is Broken. Can We Fix It?
                                                                                • How Smartphones and Social Media have Revolutionized Refugee Migration | UNHCR Blog

                                                                                  How Smartphones and Social Media have Revolutionized Refugee Migration Oct 26, 2018 “Water, phone, food,” in that order. According to Marie Gillespie, a sociology professor at The Open University in the United Kingdom, these are now the three most important items refugees take with them when they are unexpectedly forced to leave their homes. Since the beginning of the Syrian civil war in 2011, ove

                                                                                    How Smartphones and Social Media have Revolutionized Refugee Migration | UNHCR Blog
