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installationに関するエントリは28件あります。 githubプログラミングweb などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『サーバーサイドエンジニアがじっくり学ぶVue.jsチュートリアル【1. Installation】 | DevelopersIO』などがあります。
  • サーバーサイドエンジニアがじっくり学ぶVue.jsチュートリアル【1. Installation】 | DevelopersIO

    こんにちは。DA事業本部の春田です。 普段の業務では全く扱わないフロントエンドの世界に飛び込んでみたいと思います。最近3系が登場しましたがまだ情報が少ないので、2系のチュートリアルを進めていきます。サンドウィッチマンでいう「ちょっと何言ってるかわからない」ポイントは、その都度調べていきます。英語版の公式ドキュメントがベースです。 今回は、一番最初のInstallationです。 はじめに 互換性の注意 最初のセクションは「互換性の注意」についてです。ECMAScript 5とun-shimmableが、早速「ちょっと何言ってるかわからない」ポイントだったので調べてみました。 Vue.js uses ECMAScript 5 features that are un-shimmable in IE8 ECMAScript5は2009年にリリースされたJavaScriptの標準仕様のことで、プ

      サーバーサイドエンジニアがじっくり学ぶVue.jsチュートリアル【1. Installation】 | DevelopersIO
    • あの話題の寿司屋がアート団体とコラボイベントを開催「Skin Installation×なでしこ寿司 女性解体ショー」/ゲストに石川優実 - Togetter

      2020年1月25日 身体×芸術×食をテーマとした、空間パフォーマンスショーを行う団体 Skin Installationより、「なでしこ寿司」とコラボするイベントの告知が出る。 【コラボ企画第1弾・告知】 Skin Installation×なでしこ寿司 -Sushi art show party with Modern Nadeshiko- 3月1日(日)①14:30-/②19:00 十人十色、スシジェンヌがお送りするショータイム お寿司を味わいながら「さまざまな違いを楽しめる」未来を考えてみませんか? #女性国際デー #ジェンダー pic.twitter.com/YILpd8CRxa

        あの話題の寿司屋がアート団体とコラボイベントを開催「Skin Installation×なでしこ寿司 女性解体ショー」/ゲストに石川優実 - Togetter
      • Google tracks individual users per Chrome installation ID | Hacker News

        Not endorsing this, but according to https://www.google.com/chrome/privacy/whitepaper.html#variat...> We want to build features that users want, so a subset of users may get a sneak peek at new functionality being tested before it’s launched to the world at large. A list of field trials that are currently active on your installation of Chrome will be included in all requests sent to Google. This C

        • GitHub - contrastio/recorder: 📹 Recorder | Open-source web app to record screen and camera directly in your browser | No installation required | No tracking | Fully local | 🚀

          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

            GitHub - contrastio/recorder: 📹 Recorder | Open-source web app to record screen and camera directly in your browser | No installation required | No tracking | Fully local | 🚀
          • GitHub - cybozu/octoken-action: GitHub Action for creating an installation access token for a GitHub App

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              GitHub - cybozu/octoken-action: GitHub Action for creating an installation access token for a GitHub App
            • GitHub - actions/create-github-app-token: GitHub Action for creating a GitHub App Installation Access Token

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                GitHub - actions/create-github-app-token: GitHub Action for creating a GitHub App Installation Access Token
              • Installation | Playwright

                Run the install command and select the following to get started: Choose between TypeScript or JavaScript (default is TypeScript) Name of your Tests folder (default is tests or e2e if you already have a tests folder in your project) Add a GitHub Actions workflow to easily run tests on CI Install Playwright browsers (default is true) What's Installed​ Playwright will download the browsers needed as

                  Installation | Playwright
                • GitHub - vendasta/setup-new-computer-script: This script will help with the quick setup and installation of tools and applications for new developers at Vendasta.

                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                    GitHub - vendasta/setup-new-computer-script: This script will help with the quick setup and installation of tools and applications for new developers at Vendasta.
                  • TBSラジオがスタジオ常設マイクロフォンを全数更新「Neumann KM 184 A」を32式導入【BROADCAST INSTALLATION】 - Stereo Sound ONLINE

                    TBSラジオはこのほど、7つあるスタジオの常設マイクロフォンを全数更新した。新しく導入されたのは、リボン型やコンデンサー型の大口径カプセルのマイクロフォンではなく、小口径カプセルのNeumann KM 184 Aコンデンサー・マイクロフォンだ。 なぜ、大口径カプセルのリボンやコンデンサーマイクではないのだろうか。そこには、TBSラジオのリファレンス・マイクロフォンの変遷における「TBSラジオの音」があった。そこで、TBSラジオ UXデザイン局メディアテクノロジー部の富田大滋氏に詳しく伺った。 TBSラジオは7つのスタジオプロサウンド(以下:PS) 最初に、スタジオの特徴(コンセプト)から伺えますか。 富田 生放送用が3部屋(第6~8スタジオ)と、録音用が4部屋(第2~5スタジオ)あります(第5スタジオはCM制作で優先利用)。 生放送スタジオは、録音スタジオと比べて、中継LINEの入力数や出

                      TBSラジオがスタジオ常設マイクロフォンを全数更新「Neumann KM 184 A」を32式導入【BROADCAST INSTALLATION】 - Stereo Sound ONLINE
                    • IDE: Haskell Language Server, binaries and installation

                      Posted on July 24, 2020 by Luke Lau If you’ve ever had to install haskell-ide-engine or haskell-language-server, you might be aware that it is quite a lengthy process. There are several reasons for this, two of the most significant being: Both haskell-ide-engine and haskell-language-server act as a kitchen sink for plugins. These plugins all depend on the corresponding tool from Hackage, and as a

                      • Installation Success | Anaconda

                        Create your free Anaconda Cloud account today to get access to training materials, how-to videos, and expert insights, all free for a limited time to Nucleus members. Anaconda Distribution Tutorial Anaconda Distribution is the industry standard for data scientists developing, testing, and training on a single machine. Learn how to get started with Anaconda Distribution, work with conda, and write

                        • Distro installation added to WSL --install in Windows 10 insiders preview build 20246

                          Distro installation added to WSL –install in Windows 10 insiders preview build 20246 We’ve added automatic distro installation to wsl --install in Windows 10 insiders preview build 20246! This means that installing WSL is now easier than ever, as now when you run wsl --install all the necessary components that you need for WSL will be automatically enabled, including your specific Linux distro of

                            Distro installation added to WSL --install in Windows 10 insiders preview build 20246
                          • WSL2 | Installation Tutorial for graphical Windows Subsystem on Linux

                            In 2001, Microsoft's former CEO— Steve Ballmer— was quoted by the online tech news publication, The Register, saying: Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches Fast-forward 15 years into the future— at Microsoft's developer conference, Build 2016— and Gates' tech behemoth reveals a sudden volte-face. The current CEO, Satya Nadella, announces

                              WSL2 | Installation Tutorial for graphical Windows Subsystem on Linux
                            • How to see logs from npm installation?

                              I am unable to install ionic through npm. Are there any logs that I can check to see what's wrong and if yes, where are they located? What I see is the waiting stick dancing forever. I've waited for an hour or so but nothing changes.

                                How to see logs from npm installation?
                              • CLI Installation | OpenAPI Generator

                                There are a number of ways to use OpenAPI Generator. This page documents how to install the CLI artifact. Installing OpenAPI Generator's CLI tool allows users to generate all available generators from the command line. Some of the following are cross-platform options and some are not, these are called out where possible. npm​Platform(s): Linux, macOS, Windows The npm package wrapper is cross-platf

                                • 'Re: Why does OpenBSD still include Perl in its base installation?' - MARC

                                  [prev in list] [next in list] [prev in thread] [next in thread] List: openbsd-misc Subject: Re: Why does OpenBSD still include Perl in its base installation? From: Marc Espie <espie () nerim ! net> Date: 2020-05-25 12:50:43 Message-ID: 20200525125043.GA70727 () nausicaa ! home [Download RAW message or body] Another thing to consider: why is perl in the base system. Assume you need a script languag

                                  • Amazon EKS simplifies installation and management for Kubernetes cluster add-ons

                                    Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) now allows you to install and manage Kubernetes operational software (add-ons) as part of the Amazon EKS console, CLI, and API. Today, EKS supports managing the Amazon VPC CNI networking plugin, with more add-ons coming soon. Every Amazon EKS cluster is automatically enabled with operational software that provides core networking functionality for Kub

                                      Amazon EKS simplifies installation and management for Kubernetes cluster add-ons
                                    • Installation on Apple Silicon

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                                        Installation on Apple Silicon
                                      • Installation - WireGuard

                                        Installation Windows [7, 8.1, 10, 11, 2008R2, 2012R2, 2016, 2019, 2022] Download Windows Installer Browse MSIs macOS [app store] Download from App Store Ubuntu [module & tools]

                                        • php Laravel : Installation and Basics | DevelopersIO

                                          Laravel is an open source php framework which makes it easier to make web applications. Laravel is based upon the MVC pattern.Laravel updates every 6 months and releases an LTS (Long Term Support) version every 2 years adding new features which keeps it up to date with industry’s trends and needs. If you want to build products quickly in php and need tedious stuff to be taken care of then Laravel

                                            php Laravel : Installation and Basics | DevelopersIO
                                          • 【どうして...?】Android Studioインストールで「HAXM installation failed.」が発生する - Qiita

                                            はじめに Android studioのインストールでHAXMのインストールエラーが発生して、それの解消につまづきました。解消までの道のりをつらつらと書いていますので、誰かの助けになれば幸いです。 結論 先に結論を書いておくと、WHPX(Windows Hypervisor Platform)が有効になっている人は、HAXM installation failed.と表示されても問題ないです。それでも、「俺はHAXM(Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager)で開発するんだ!」って方はお読みください。 ただ、WHPXにもHAXM にも一長一短あるようです。 環境 ノートPC:HP(Hewlett-Packard)製 OS:Windows10 Home (これより以下の文章は常体でお送りします。) エラー内容 以下のサイトからAndroid Stadioを

                                              【どうして...?】Android Studioインストールで「HAXM installation failed.」が発生する - Qiita
                                            • Docker-sync with unision strategy broken for newer MacOS / homebrew installation · Issue #687 · EugenMayer/docker-sync

                                              $ docker-sync start ok Starting unison for sync sync-app error Error starting sync, exit code 0 message Warning: No archive files were found for these roots, whose canonical names are: {docker-sync.yml root dir}/backend //4bd40753d696//app_sync This can happen either because this is the first time you have synchronized these roots, or because you have upgraded Unison to a new version with a differ

                                                Docker-sync with unision strategy broken for newer MacOS / homebrew installation · Issue #687 · EugenMayer/docker-sync
                                              • GitHub - SukkaW/nolyfill: Speed up your package installation process, reduce your disk usage, and extend the lifespan of your precious SSD.

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                                                  GitHub - SukkaW/nolyfill: Speed up your package installation process, reduce your disk usage, and extend the lifespan of your precious SSD.
                                                • GitHub - cargo-bins/cargo-binstall: Binary installation for rust projects

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                                                    GitHub - cargo-bins/cargo-binstall: Binary installation for rust projects
                                                  • 愉快になれる空間~ A Colorful Art Installation - 60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60

                                                    先日、仕事帰りに偶然出会ったアート。窓の向こうから、愉快な仲間たちが「おいで、おいで」と言ってくれているように感じて、迷わずドアを開けた。狭い空間に、ぎゅっと詰まったエネルギー。村上隆氏のマルチカラーの作品を思い出す。 "Poul & Emily Paint The Town" produced by Root56Art and Eri Tsunoda at UltraSuperNew Gallery 帰宅して、Webサイトで調べてみると、次のような説明を見つけた。 シルクスクリーンプリントで手染めされた布から生まれるカラフルなインスタレーションと、UK LONDONから日本では初めてのイベントとなるレコードレーベルWONDERFULSOUND RECORDSによるサウンドインスタレーション、更に東京で活動するアパレルブランドMr.Noppoが加わり、目と耳と肌で感じる空間を演出します。

                                                      愉快になれる空間~ A Colorful Art Installation - 60過ぎて、アスリート気取り~Like an Athlete after 60
                                                    • GitHub - David-OConnor/pyflow: An installation and dependency system for Python

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                                                        GitHub - David-OConnor/pyflow: An installation and dependency system for Python
                                                      • Installation - Tailwind CSS

                                                        CommunityGetting StartedInstallationEditor SetupUsing with PreprocessorsOptimizing for ProductionBrowser SupportUpgrade GuideCore ConceptsUtility-First FundamentalsHover, Focus, and Other StatesResponsive DesignDark ModeReusing StylesAdding Custom StylesFunctions & DirectivesCustomizationConfigurationContentThemeScreensColorsSpacingPluginsPresetsBase StylesPreflightLayoutAspect RatioContainerColum

                                                          Installation - Tailwind CSS
                                                        • Installation - Lumen - PHP Micro-Framework By Laravel

                                                          Note: In the years since releasing Lumen, PHP has made a variety of wonderful performance improvements. For this reason, along with the availability of Laravel Octane, we no longer recommend that you begin new projects with Lumen. Instead, we recommend always beginning new projects with Laravel. Server Requirements The Lumen framework has a few system requirements. Of course, all of these requirem

