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As if it is not quite obvious by now, R Truth’s baby is the 24/7 Championship. It can be defended at any time and any place and you can be sure that the current holder will do everything to hold onto it. Some of its segments are actually wild and they all include R Truth spewing some magnificent one-liners. Now, Reggie is the current ATK Galleria discount champion. Given his background in Le Solei
Pinboard lets you bookmark from any browser, connect up Twitter accounts (and favorites), and sync with popular services like Instapaper or Pocket. For a few more bucks a year, Pinboard offers an archiving service which saves a copy of everything you bookmark, gives you full-text search, and automatically checks your account for dead links. Take a quick tour of the site to see if it's right for yo
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We love taking people whale watching, but if there is a special place you want to see or do an extended private charter, just ask us and we will help fulfill your wishes!
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