SimpleCreate and manage an entire knowledgebase using your favorite text editor.
compliant — 100% to CommonMark, 100% to GFM or MDX with a pluginASTs — inspecting and changing content made easypopular — world’s most popular markdown parserplugins — 150+ plugins you can pick and choose from remark is an ecosystem of plugins that work with markdown as structured data, specifically ASTs (abstract syntax trees). ASTs make it easy for programs to deal with markdown. We call those p
remarkable-classy This is a plugin for the remarkable markdown parser. Need to style some text written with markdown but are lacking that extra oomph? Plug in remarkable-classy to make your markup remarkable and classy. Install $ npm install --save remarkable-classy Plug var classy = require("remarkable-classy"), Remarkable = require("remarkable"), md = new Remarkable(); md.use(classy); Use Anythi
markdown-styles Converts Markdown files to HTML, with over a dozen builtin themes. Looking for something to generate a blog from Markdown files? Check out ghost-render. Looking to automatically render your Markdown site on git push? Check out markdown-styles-lambda Features v3.1.9 adds support for Chinese characters in heading link ids, thanks @weihong1028! Also includes a fix by @csandor for meta
概要 完全に単一のHTMLファイルで動作するMarkdownエディタ「かんたんMarkdown」を作ったというお話。 お断り 一応簡単に動作検証はしていますが、とんでもないバグが潜んでいるかもしれません。 かんたんMarkdownを利用して大切な文章がなくなってしまったり、その他損害が生じても責任は取れませんm_ _m 経緯 前回の記事(そろそろExcelで資料作るのやめたい)で、 単一ファイルで動くMarkdown 画像をbase64で埋め込んでしまう というアイデアに可能性を感じて下さった方が多いようです1。 しかしながら、 エディタとプレビューアが別なのが面倒 base64に変換するのが面倒 といった意見も多く聞かれました。 そこで思ったのです。ならばエディタを作ってしまえと。 かんたんMarkdown かんたんMarkdownは完全に単一のhtmlファイルで動作するMarkdown
(追記) このアイデアを一部利用したエディタを作りました→完全に単一のHTMLファイルで動作するMarkdownエディタ作った 概要 Excelの代わりにHTML5+markdownを使うといいんじゃないの?というお話し。 エクセル方眼紙つらい SIer界隈ではいまだにExcelが大流行です。Excelは使いどころさえ間違えなければ大変強力で便利なツールですが、いかんせん使いどころを間違えた資料が多すぎるなと感じています。 例えば開発環境などの導入手順書とかバグの調査報告書とか、どう考えてもExcelに向いてない資料まで頑張ってExcelで作っていたりします。使いどころを間違えたExcelの資料は、非常にメンテナンス性が悪いです。 Excelで作られた資料を手直ししたら改行位置がずれて一行一行手動で直した 1行増えただけで罫線がずれて1ページ1ページチマチマと泣きながら直した 追記しようと
--- __Advertisement :)__ - __[pica]( - high quality and fast image resize in browser. - __[babelfish]( - developer friendly i18n with plurals support and easy syntax. You will like those projects! --- # h1 Heading 8-) ## h2 Heading ### h3 Heading #### h4 Heading ##### h5 Heading ###### h6 Heading ## Horizontal Rules ___ -
# Remarkable > Experience real-time editing with Remarkable! Click the `clear` link to start with a clean slate, or get the `permalink` to share or save your results. *** # h1 Heading ## h2 Heading ### h3 Heading #### h4 Heading ##### h5 Heading ###### h6 Heading ## Horizontal Rules ___ *** *** ## Typographic replacements Enable typographer option to see result. (c) (C) (r) (R) (tm) (TM) (p) (P) +
You can now import Markdown table code directly using File/Paste table data... dialog. How to use it? Using the Table menu set the desired size of the table. Enter the table data into the table: select and copy (Ctrl+C) a table from the spreadsheet (e.g. Google Docs, LibreOffice Calc, webpage) and paste it into our editor -- click a cell and press Ctrl+V or just double click any cell to start edit
A strongly defined, highly compatible specification of Markdown What is Markdown? It’s a plain text format for writing structured documents, based on formatting conventions from email and usenet. Learn Markdown in 60 Seconds Who created Markdown? It was developed in 2004 by John Gruber in collaboration with Aaron Swartz. Gruber wrote the first markdown-to-html converter in Perl, and it soon became
Syntax highlighting in markdown Last updated by Dan Quinney on August 08, 2016 16:33 Codebase allows you to use markdown in various places such as ticket updates and notebook pages. Markdown is great because of its support of code blocks. We've tied this in with Codebase's powerful syntax highlighting to provide language specific code blocks To use the syntax highlighting, you'll need to specify t
rubycoloredglasses I'm Jason, a web application developer in East Tennessee. Languages Supported by Github Flavored Markdown NOTE: This post updated on 12/08/2020 I’m currently configuring the Yard documentation tool for use with Ruby/Rails projects. I could see that it’s possible to create a .yardopts file in the main directory for your Rails application, and simply add command line arguments to