Analysis of Web 2.0 Design & Layout Trends – Part 1: Clean, Colorful and Horizontally Divided Posted by admin, 10 Months, 3 Weeks, 6 Days, 11 Hours, 43 Minutes ago One of the web 2.0 design and layout trends which I actually quite like is what I am going to call "clean and horizontally divided". Catchy name eh? Every trend should have a poster-boy, and the poster-boy for this trend is *drum rol
by Alessandro Fulciniti In November 2005 I presented on a three-part article on creating CSS layouts using techniques like negative margins, any order columns and in some case opposite floats. The main goal of the article was getting the maximum number of layouts based on the same markup, each with valid CSS and HTML, without hacks nor workaround and a good cross-browser compatibility.
NEW dynamic basic CSS TEMPLATES 07 at the moment just in german avalible All templates are XHTML 1.0 and CSS2. Basic CSS TEMPLATES 2 columns fixed centered 3 columns fixed centered Freeflux Templates Special Templates for FLUX CMS Border Trick TEMPLATES 2 columns fixed centered 3 columns fixed centered CSS TEMPLATES AND SAMPLES Menu and content dynamic Menu fixed, Content dynamic Menu and c
ドコモに回線開放、命令へ 紛争処理委が総務相に答申 FujiSankei Business i. 2007/11/26 09:59 通信ベンチャーの日本通信(東京都品川区)がNTTドコモに携帯電話の回線開放を求めている問題で、総務省の電気通信事業紛争処理委員会は22日、日本通信が携帯の利用者料金を自由に設定できる形で回線を貸し出すことをドコモに命じるよう、増田寛也総務相に答申した。総務相は月内に、答申に沿った裁定を行う見通し。 既存の携帯会社から通信設備を借りて事業を展開する「仮想移動体通信事業者(MVNO)」の日本通信が、利用者料金の設定権を持ち、独自の携帯サービスを提供できるようになる。 答申に合わせて紛争処理委は、MVNOの携帯事業への参入が進むような環境整備を総務相に勧告しており、今後、異業種による多様な携帯サービスが期待できそうだ。 利用者料金の設定権を日本通信に