手持ちの写真にいろいろなフィルムエフェクトを施すことができる無償のプラグイン集です。Photoshop用だけでなく、これ単体でも実行可能ですので、Photoshopを持っていなくても利用できます。 収録されているのは「Black and White」「Contrasting Levels」「Duotone」「Starlight」「Starpoint」「Grain」「Monotone」「Tonal Streak」「Warm Cool」の9種類。どれもこれもシンプルですが既存の写真を簡単かつお手軽にいかにもそれっぽくすることができます。かなり便利です。 詳細は以下の通り。 PixelSampler Details ダウンロードは以下から。Windows版とMac版があります。右下にあるPixelSamplerからダウンロード可能。 TwistingPixels 体験版ダウンロード 「Black
Photoshop Tip: Remove objects from photos with Vanishing Point Photoshop how-to site Photoshopsupport.com shows you how to make objects disappear from photos using Photoshop's Vanishing Point tool. This is actually an excerpt from one of the site's video tutorials. The three-minute clip demonstrates the use of the Vanishing Point tool, which, when combined with the clone tool, enables you to quick
Winning by Being Valuable It's a challenge to come up with high ROI trade show booth design ideas that work well. And custom made stands in particular, present even more complexity, due to their size. But there is a popular and cost-effective option you can use to make your stand be noticeable. How could the core competences of a industry leader be seen when the quality of its products is, by natu
(Posting this here instead of BusinessLogs.com because our server is currently being moved!) If you add together all the “interface tricks” designers use on 1) websites, 2) blogs, and 3) web applications, the one common thread is the idea of manipulation. When we use gloss, gradients, or drop shadows it’s because we’re trying to manipulate your eye into thinking the 2D screen in front of you is a
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