2013年12月4日のブックマーク (17件)

  • GIN.IO

    GIN JSON-API framework Gin is an JSON-API framework, currently in its early stage. It has been designed to allow for fast development, TDD and ease of maintenance. Gin is helpful when you need an extra-boost in performance and scalability, as it runs embedded in a packaged version of nginx called OpenResty and it's entirely written in Lua. For those not familiar with Lua, don't let that scare you

    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
  • Home

    Machine learning training is essential but can be environmentally taxing due to new hardware needs, high energy consumption, and a large embedded carbon footprint. We offer a unique, carbon-negative cloud, enabling you to train extensive models at a fraction of the price of the hyperscalers. All while actively reducing carbon emissions.

    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
  • MySQL Performance: over 1M QPS with InnoDB Memcached Plugin in MySQL 5.7 - DimitriK's (dim) Weblog : November 2013

    MySQL Performance: over 1M QPS with InnoDB Memcached Plugin in MySQL 5.7 Last week, during Tomas' keynote at MySQL Percona Live Conference in London we announced as one of "previews" of the following MySQL 5.7 release(s) -- an over 1,000,000 Query/sec result obtained with InnoDB Memcached plugin on a Read-Only workload. This article here is just to confirm the announced results without going too m

    MySQL Performance: over 1M QPS with InnoDB Memcached Plugin in MySQL 5.7 - DimitriK's (dim) Weblog : November 2013
    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
    MySQL 5.7のInnoDB memcached pluginは5.6よりも格段に性能向上、Read-Onlyなら1台で秒間100万クエリも可能。まじか。
  • Full-[Watch]! Power Season 6 Episode 12 Online Free 123Movies

    Welcome to the DigitalOcean Community!DigitalOcean’s community offers thousands of tutorials, videos, and answers to questions on a wide range of topics. Unsure where to start?

    Full-[Watch]! Power Season 6 Episode 12 Online Free 123Movies
    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
  • Improving the Command-Line Postgres Experience

    Let’s jazz it up. There are a lot of options for changing the prompt. You can add colors, domain names, the name of the current database, and more. The %[..%] sets the default prompt color to a bold black. %M is “The full host name (with domain name) of the database server, or [local] if the connection is over a Unix domain socket”. %n is the database user name. %/ is the database name. %R is “nor

    Improving the Command-Line Postgres Experience
    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
  • TPM chip protecting SSH keys - properly

    This is my personal blog. The views expressed on these pages are mine alone and not those of my employer. TPM chip protecting SSH keys - properly Nov 26, 2013, Categories: security,hsm,tpm,unix Not long after getting my TPM chip to protect SSH keys in a recent blog post, it started to become obvious that OpenCryptoKi was not the best solution. It’s large, complicated, and, frankly, insecure. I dug

    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
    ノートPCなどに搭載されているTPMチップをつかってSSH鍵を安全に運用する方法。PKCS11 APIを使って。おおおおー、このやり方知りたかったんだ。メモ。問題はMacBookにTPMが搭載されてないことなんだが。
  • Satoshi Nakamoto is (probably) Nick Szabo

    I recently became interested in identifying the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. I started from the Bitcoin whitepaper [0] published in late 2008, and proceeded to run reverse textual analysis –essentially, searching the internet for highly unusual turns of phrase and vocabulary patterns (in particular places which you would expect a cryptography researcher to contribute to), the

    Satoshi Nakamoto is (probably) Nick Szabo
    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
    Satoshi Nakamotoの正体はおそらくNick Szabo?
  • PS4 Jailbreaking (with OrbisOS 0day) - Pastebin.com

    Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!

    PS4 Jailbreaking (with OrbisOS 0day) - Pastebin.com
    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
  • All bitcoin private keys

    Page 1 out of 904625697166532776746648320380374280100293470930272690489102837043110636675 On December 01 2013, this website "leaked" all Bitcoin private keys. It stopped serving traffic in 2017. It was the first of its kind for cryptocurrencies. Initially a joke, it went on to be a useful demonstration of how keys are protected. There are many clones of the site, some still based on the original c

    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
  • IIJmio:mioモバイルのIPv6について

    IIJmioモバイルサービスにおいて、IPv6アドレスを動的に割り当て、IPv4/IPv6デュアルスタックによるIPv6ネットワークへの接続環境を提供いたします。 ■設定・仕様 □IPv6/IPv4アドレス 端末に割り当てられる IPv6 アドレスは /64 となります ※ IPv6アドレスの先頭 64桁を弊社で指定します ※ IPv6アドレスの割り当てについてはこちらをご覧ください IPv6アドレスは動的に割り当てます IPv4のアドレスはプライベートアドレス、IPv6のアドレスはグローバルアドレスを払い出します □設定方法 以下の条件を満たす環境を用意し、サービス詳細情報 をご参考の上、設定を行ってください。 LTEに対応したデータ通信端末を利用されていること データ通信端末の「接続方式」を「IPv4v6」に設定可能であること ■接続の確認方法 https://www.iijmio.j

    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
    BIC SIM(IIJmio 高速モバイル/D)でIPv6が使えることを知ったので早速設定した。Nexus5がIPv6 readyになった。
  • Meta-eX - Live Coding Duo

    __ __ __ __ __ | \ / \ | \ | \ | \ | $$\ / $$ ______ _| $$_ ______ ______ | $$ | $$ | $$$\ / $$$ / \| $$ \ | \ ______ / \ \$$\/ $$ | $$$$\ $$$$| $$$$$$\\$$$$$$ \$$$$$$\| \| $$$$$$\ >$$ $$ | $$\$$ $$ $$| $$ $$ | $$ __ / $$ \$$$$$$| $$ $$ / $$$$\ | $$ \$$$| $$| $$$$$$$$ | $$| \| $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$$| $$ \$$\ | $$ \$ | $$ \$$ \ \$$ $$ \$$ $$ \$$ \| $$ | $$ \$$ \$$ \$$$$$$$ \$$$$ \$$$$$$$ \$$$$$$$ \$$ \

    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
  • GitHub - quil/quil: Main repo. Quil source code.

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

    GitHub - quil/quil: Main repo. Quil source code.
    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
    Proce55ing×Clojure=quil ほほう。絵がシュール
  • Go database/sql tutorial

    The idiomatic way to use a SQL, or SQL-like, database in Go is through the database/sql package. It provides a lightweight interface to a row-oriented database. This website is a reference for the most common aspects of how to use it. Why is this needed? The package’s documentation tells you what everything does, but it doesn’t tell you how to use the package. Many of us find ourselves wishing for

    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
  • International primes

    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
  • Archived MSDN and TechNet Blogs | Microsoft Learn

    If you were looking for MSDN or TechNet blogs, please know that MSDN and TechNet blog sites have been retired, and blog content has been migrated and archived here. How to use this site Archived blogs are grouped alphabetically by the initial letter of the blog name. Select the initial letter from the TOC to see the full list of the blogs. You can also type the name of the blog or the title of the

    Archived MSDN and TechNet Blogs | Microsoft Learn
    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
  • How to change timezone in Debian — mkouhei's blog

    How to change timezone in Debian Debian/Ubuntu JP Advent Calendar 2013 の三日目の記事です。二日目じゃないよ、三日目だよ。 この時期になると各所で「もう少しだけ時間が伸びたらいいのにッ!」とお悩みの方が多いことでしょう。そんな貴方に朗報です。今からハワイにバカンスに行くのですッ!タイムゾーンは当然違う上、日付変更線越えるので一日巻き戻った感があってとってもお得ですね。 Debianでシステムグローバルにタイムゾーンを変更するには、 dpkg-reconfigure コマンドで行います。 $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata あとは、「地理的情報」で「太平洋側」を選択し、「時間帯」で「ホノルル」を選択し、「了解」を押すだけですッ!良かった、これで貴方の Advent Calendarネタは間に合った

    tmatsuu 2013/12/04
    一方、Gentooユーザはインストール時に行ったとおり、cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo /etc/localtimeでok
  • 映画上映前に流れるTHXロゴの「ブゥゥウウンン」という音の正体とは?

    THXとは、映画館や家庭用AV再生機器からDVDなどのソフトウェアの品質チェックを行っている企業で、THX社の規定をクリアしたものにはTHXマークをクレジットすることが許可されます。映画館やDVD、ブルーレイディスクなどで映画を見る際、作品が始まる前にTHXのロゴが映し出され「ブゥゥウウンン」という電子音が流れるのは、THXが何なのか知らないという人でも映画を見たことのある人なら一度は目にしているはず。 しかしながら、THXのロゴと一緒に流れる電子音についてはあまり知られていないということで、その正体をMusic Thingが明らかにしています。また、映画作品の上映前に流れるTHXのロゴにはさまざまなバージョンがあるとのことなので、公開されているものの一部をまとめてみました。 Music Thing: TINY MUSIC MAKERS: Pt 3: The THX Sound http:

    tmatsuu 2013/12/04