Bộ dịch vụ chuyên nghiệp toàn diện của chúng tôi phục vụ đa dạng khách hàng, từ chủ nhà đến nhà phát triển thương mại. Cải tạo và Phục hồi Trải nghiệm sự kết hợp giữa trí tưởng tượng và chuyên môn với Giải pháp Kiến trúc Études.
Bộ dịch vụ chuyên nghiệp toàn diện của chúng tôi phục vụ đa dạng khách hàng, từ chủ nhà đến nhà phát triển thương mại. Cải tạo và Phục hồi Trải nghiệm sự kết hợp giữa trí tưởng tượng và chuyên môn với Giải pháp Kiến trúc Études.
Padrino is a Ruby web framework built upon the Sinatra web library. Padrino was created to make it fun and easy to code more advanced web applications while still adhering to the spirit that makes Sinatra great! Lightweight The Padrino code base has been kept simple and easy to understand, maintain and enhance. The generator for each new project creates a clean and compact directory structure keep
RubyStationとは RubyにはたくさんのWebフレームワークがあります。Rails, Sinatra, Merb, Ramaze, などなど。これらを使って、Webアプリを作ったことがあるかも 知れません。では、デスクトップアプリが作れることは ご存じでしたか? Railsを使ってデスクトップアプリを作るには、 以下のようにします。 Railsで普通にアプリケーションを作ります。 ファイルをzipに固めます。 ユーザはそれをダウンロードし、展開して、./script/server を実行します。 localhost:3000でアプリケーションが起動しました。 ほら、どう見てもデスクトップアプリでしょう?:-) RubyStationは、そんなアプリケーションを管理するためのソフトウェア です。各アプリにポート番号を自動で割り当てるので、リンクを クリックするだけでアプリを起動する
First published at Tuesday 28 August 2007 Warning: This blog post is more then 17 years old – read and use with care. It is not really Active Record (AR) which sucks but the implied, perhaps just misinterpreted, common usage as an ORM (object relational mapping). To summarize the following blog post in one sentence, so that you may skip reading it: Active Record may be used to implement ORM, but i
http://www.rubywaves.com/tutorial-2 パート1の翻訳はこちら。 【2008-03-18更新】id:t-wadaさんのご指摘により誤訳を修正しました。 - 次にビューを作り,ブログエントリのリストを表示します。まずエントリ関連のテンプレートのディレクトリを作ります。unixならこんな感じ。 ~/blog $ mkdir templates/entry次に template/entry に list.mab というファイルを作ります。"mab" 拡張子は Markaby テンプレート用です(Markaby は ruby ライクな記法がそのまま使えるテンプレートエンジン)。Waves は Markaby と Erubis をサポートしています(そして追加も簡単です)が,ここでは Markaby を使います。 layout :default, :title =>
http://www.rubywaves.com/tutorial チュートリアルがあったので訳してみた。まだパート1だけ。 ここだけ見るとまだ Rails との差はあまり無いです。 - Waves アプリを作るのに,一番手っとり早くて簡単な方法は,こんな風に waves コマンドを使うことです。 ~ $ waves blogこれはデフォルトの Waves アプリを blog というディレクトリの中に作ります。次に,このディレクトリの中の configurations ディレクトリにある default.rb を修正して,データベースに接続できるようにする必要があります。 デフォルトはこんな感じ。 module Blog module Configurations module Default database :host => 'localhost', :name => 'blog',
Faster, Lighter, More Agile. Merb is an MVC framework that is ORM-agnostic, JavaScript library agnostic, and template language agnostic, preferring plugins that add in support for a particular feature rather than trying to produce a monolithic library with everything in the core. In fact, this is a guiding principle of the project, which has led to third-party support for the ActiveRecord, DataMap
John Nunemaker, top ruby blogger of 2008, just posted about RailsTips.org’s awesomely expanded footer. If you click through to the full post, you’ll see his custom plugin pulling the most popular articles from his Mint stats. Mephisto is officially back! The 0.8.1 release features 157 patches since the start of the month, and several major improvements, including: Support for Rails 2.2. Unit tests
This is a basic overview of various possible languages that we could move to, for Bugzilla. Please put discussion on the discussion page. This page is only for technical pros and cons of each language from the perspective of Bugzilla. Of all of the ones I (mkanat) have used, I'm most in favor of Ruby as a language, because I think it'd be the fastest to write code in and it seems well-designed for