Join The Richard Heartbrakers Club

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I am so thankful that most of my Palestinian family members have survived, but the fact that some of them didn't (one of whom was a child only fifteen when he died) will weigh on my soul forever. And even through that suffering I know I am fortunate, for many more people have lost their families entirely, and even more have been killed. There isn't anything I can say that hasn't been already said, but please keep Palestinians in your heart in the coming days, and in the years after. Don't forget what has happened.


And I am even more fortunate that my family has the means and connections to rebound after this travesty. Many families do not have this luxury. Consider turning your attentions to those who need urgent help, such as this family, who is not even 20% to their goal.


It has been several months since I have made this post, and, despite nearly 10k notes, they only sit at €5079/30000


"Under Trump’s order, Vance will also work with the White House budget office to make sure future funding for the Smithsonian Institution isn’t spent on programs that “degrade shared American values, divide Americans based on race, or promote programs or ideologies inconsistent with federal law and policy.” Trump also wants to ensure that the women’s history museum celebrates women and not “recognize men as women in any respect.”"


“Hozier is a lesbian” “Hozier is a man written by a woman” “Hozier is like if a man was raised by lesbian mothers” “Hozier is like if a man was a woman” quick give me one reason why a man can’t be soft and gentle and poetic and in love without sounding like a terf or a misogynist


“They’re written by a woman” “they’re written by a man” is just another way gen z has reinvented gender norms but make it cool and edgy and a little queer and hopefully no one will notice that they’ve reinvented gender norms and actually are misogynistic


"The nonbinary afab who goes by she/her, dresses femininely, and uses a push-up bra when I—" when you what? What's wrong with her?

Is she not nonbinary enough for you? Is the way she experiences her queerness and how she presents not perfect enough for you? Nonbinary people don't owe you androgyny, right? So why is she the exception? Why does she have to hate herself to appeal to your standards? Why is she any less trans—any less worthy of respect—cause it's "not visible"? Queer solidarity my ass. Don't spout this bullshit on Pride, man.


This, but also for enby amabs going by he/him and with hairy chests and beards



[Image ID: Tumblr tags reading: #the way y'all treat nonbinary ppl who present similarly to cis ppl of their assigned gender says a lot abt other patriarchal rhetoric you #have yet to unpack #oh the afab nonbinary she/her is an attention seeking cunt who just wants to be special? #the amab nonbinary he/him is an aggressive predatory creep? #hmm! #wonder where u got that! /End ID]