Prof. dr Zeljko Despotovic
Zeljko V. Despotovic was born in Prijepolje, Serbia in 1964. He finished primary school and high school in Nova Varos, 1979 and 1983, respectively. He received the B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in School of Electrical Engineering (Chair of Power Converters and Drives), from the University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 1990, 2003 and 2007, respectively. He has been with the Department of Mechatronics, Mihajlo Pupin Institute, Belgrade, since 1991. His research interests include the fields of power electronics, mechatronics, electrostatic precipitator control and vibration control.
He is currently in positions PhD.E.E-Scientific fellow and Senior Research & Development Engineer of Power Electronics. Beginning in 2005 he became the member of the IEEE society: Industrial Electronics, Industry Applications and Power Electronics. He is an expert reviewer in the prestigious journal IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics. He has a Graduate Engineer's Licenses (Serbian Chamber of Engineers): Responsible Designer of Electrical Drive Control - automatic, measuring and regulation and Responsible Designer of Low and Medium Voltage Power System. He is an associate fellow of Laboratory for Digital Control of Power Converter and Drives-School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia. He is professor at the High School of Professional Studies in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - Belgrade, Serbia, since February 2010.
He is the professor at School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade on PhD academic studies, Chair of Power Converters and Drives (teaching on the courses: Power Converters, Control of Power Converters), since March 2015.
Supervisors: Prof. dr Zoran Stojiljkovic and Prof. dr Slobodan Vukosavic
Phone: +381-11-6771-024
Address: Volgina 15,
Belgrade 11060
He is currently in positions PhD.E.E-Scientific fellow and Senior Research & Development Engineer of Power Electronics. Beginning in 2005 he became the member of the IEEE society: Industrial Electronics, Industry Applications and Power Electronics. He is an expert reviewer in the prestigious journal IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics. He has a Graduate Engineer's Licenses (Serbian Chamber of Engineers): Responsible Designer of Electrical Drive Control - automatic, measuring and regulation and Responsible Designer of Low and Medium Voltage Power System. He is an associate fellow of Laboratory for Digital Control of Power Converter and Drives-School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia. He is professor at the High School of Professional Studies in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - Belgrade, Serbia, since February 2010.
He is the professor at School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade on PhD academic studies, Chair of Power Converters and Drives (teaching on the courses: Power Converters, Control of Power Converters), since March 2015.
Supervisors: Prof. dr Zoran Stojiljkovic and Prof. dr Slobodan Vukosavic
Phone: +381-11-6771-024
Address: Volgina 15,
Belgrade 11060
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Papers by Prof. dr Zeljko Despotovic
blizu dostizanja proizvodnih limita. U poslednjoj deceniji intenzivno se favorizuje korišćenje tzv. čiste zelene energije i njena primena u energetski održivim sistemima. Uredbu o merama podsticaja za proizvodnju električne energije korišćenjem OIE, Vlada Srbije je u skladu sa svetskim trendovima donela kao podsticajnu meru koja je znatno ubrzala povećanje instalisanih kapaciteta ovih izvora u Srbiji.
Tendencija je njihov dalji intenzivni porast, od kojih solarna energija
zauzima posebno mesto. Porastu upotrebe ovakve energije posebno ide u prilog značajno opadanje cene solarnih panela ali i prateće opreme (baterija, energetskih pretvarača, mernih i regulacionih sklopova) za njeno skladištenje i električnu konverziju .
of sun.It is intended for individual users, small and medium customers of electrical power, like alternative resource for off-grid supplying.
It has universal purpose and can be used in household, agriculture, industry, tourism, etc. MobiSun Pro Energy™ is designed to be
autonomous device without connecting to the electrical network (off-grid) and any kind of construction and energy infrastructure is not
required. Suitable for use on variety of terrains (rural or urban) where natural conditions for the exploitation of solar energy exist and there are no conditions for use of electric power infrastructure. It is designed to be steadfast for various weather conditions – rain, sun and wind (up to 80km/h).