-Testimony of a Uyghur woman who lived in Japan and became a naturalized citizen. If her young brother is captured and accuses her of too much horrific oppression in her homeland in Japan, not only herself but also her relatives are interrogated on her behalf. There is no contact with his family. Even in Japan, the Chinese Communist Party continues to monitor and threaten me every day. Unthinkable human rights violations are occurring in our neighboring country. I want as many people as possible to know about this. And these women, who are being invaded and oppressed by China, are also sounding the alarm to us, Japanese people.
-近未来、AIロボットの発展と人間との共存社会が舞台。ロボット製造会社の社長令嬢キャロルの誕生日にプレゼントされた黒ヒョウはロボット。本物の動物が好きなキャロルには「感情」のないロボットが大嫌い。同じくロボットに憎しみすら持つ男に、目前で母親が銃で撃たれた事により、益々エスカレートするキャロルのロボット嫌悪感。14歳になり、パリからアメリカへ帰省する前に現れたボディーガード「シュローダー」との奇妙な駆け引きの始まりになる。第1部-Revenger Shadow-第1話。月刊ミステリーDX連載作品。90年代。未単行本。角川書店/KADOKAWA
-CASE2 of Uyghur manga "What happened to me" featured by the world's media such as the Washington Post, Guardian, Bloomberg, CNN, and Al Jazeera. This time is a testimony of a Uyghur man living in Japan. In his homeland of East Turkistan, ethnic repression above the Nazis is ongoing and is dying. sister is? Parents? This story is not about poor people in distant countries.
-Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. There is a place called so in China. For some reason, there is an unreported reality that is hardly taken up by the media. So I want as many people as possible to know. And I want you to imagine. Lastly, the meaning of words spoken by the main character.
-Hello. This is a manga artist, Natsuko Hamaguchi.『Arriba! 2nd season』is the sequel of 『Arriba!』which was published serially in extra issue of Shogakukan petit comic.Unfortunately, as of 2019, 『Arriba!』is only published in Japan and Taiwan.However, once you read the summary which you can find at the beginning of this book, you’ll soon be able to enter the world of 『Arriba!』.『Arriba! 2nd season』was published by a manga artist, that is myself.I, myself had also learnt flamenco for 8 years. Moreover, I love various styles of dancing and theater arts.I would love to explore the world of 『Arriba! 2nd season』with manga and dance lovers.Be sure to check out the next episode.Last but not least, I would be very happy if you could send me a message.Please find me at hnatsuko.Special thanks to all dance and manga lovers around the world.