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Woody’s review published on Letterboxd:
"I do not have a single ounce of original material" - Vision
Wandavision starts off slow, a subtle creepiness seeps through the first 3 episodes. Every episode feeling like it's amounting to a bigger picture that by the end we will understand. At this point I was loving every second of the show not just because of it's entertaining sitcom premise but because it was something unique from Marvel. For once something had had the balls to step outside the classic formula that has gotten so repetitive after 23 films.
Then episode 4 happened. This was when the show went from a great new entry into Marvel to just another Marvel movie. This episode felt like Twitter, it was just pure exposition explaining everything that had happened so far. Throwing every bit of subtlety that the show had going for it out the window in exchange for a fast paced bland show.
From here on out it was all tragic to me. The first true moment that caused me pain was Evan Peters' Quicksilver. I adore Evan Peters as Quicksilver, I think Days Of Future Past is one of the best superhero films and he is probably the best character in it, he was fantastically written and stands with the likes of wolverine as one of the best superheros of all time. Now the MCU had a Quicksilver and he sucked quite frankly, died before he even got a chance to settle in, so in this world of bringing people back from the dead they saw an opportunity to abandon their concept of the character and take a version from a significantly better written universe. But when the time comes that they need to explain it, uhhh he's just some guy that we found yeah he's not really Quicksilver haha bye bye. This isn't the only thing that's painfully thrown away like this.
There are so many villains in Wandavision I think by the end we have about 4 and I said this is going to end up really messy and bloated, it did but I don't think the fans would agree with me there. I'll go through the villains (some kinda kinda not) and show my problems with each of them.
Hayward. Yeah I mean he exists, he is the driving villain for most of the series and is somewhat developed. I never really felt that he was great but he was there from the start. Throughout the whole show he's controlling what's going into the hive and plotting how to "kill" Wanda. So how is his villain arc ended, a character crashes her car into his stopping him from getting out, they then wait a bit until someone comes and arrests him. Wow great arc guys! This confuses me, it seems so last minute thrown it like ohhhh wait we need to sort Hayward, chuck in this 2 minute scene yeah that'll sort it. He was the biggest villain for most of this show it's weird to see him discarded like this.
White Vision. What even was this. A villain chucked in at the last second I assume for pure spectacle because there actually is no reason for him to be there. He fights Vision, they share some shallow philosphy before Vision converts him into... another Vision? Who just flies off and is never seen again. This is the most baffling one for me because I just don't get it. They could have cut this whole character and had more time in the final episode for it to not be bloated as hell.
Agnes. Yeah I really don't think that was a good twist. It was weird to have a character developed for 6 episodes only to randomly reveal at the end of the 7th that she was the villain. There was no real hint to this or any indication that she was evil and this being tagged along at the end of an episode felt really lazy. The better time to reveal it would probably have been her one on one with Vision but oh well I guess you couldn't have had a forced musical number that way. They follow up that reveal with a clip show. I mean seriously it's a clip show where Agnes guides Wanda through her past, I'm fine with this development happening but it was just too late for me. This is a drastic change of pace when they should have been setting up the finale. Then the finale hits and again that episode was just pure spectacle, they fight and fight and fight and shock horror Wanda wins.
The kinda villain and I only say kinda because she causes conflict with Wanda is TVwoman I think her name is Monica but I'm not sure. Someone who gets powers at some point and barely uses them in the show. This is a reveal of a new superhero I assume so surely they would at least show them off a bit instead of just having pointless conflict that ends up getting resolved without her. This is the one I find least offensive though, she's fine and I wouldn't mind seeing more of her in the future.
Turns out i'm rambling a lot now but the TLDR is I really didn't like this show and this turn I thought Marvel was going to have after the first 3 episodes hurts a bit more. It really could have been great but alas nothing is new in Marvel.
The 2 stars are all for Jimmy Woo that guy is a fucking boss.