Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Aftertaste"
O significado de "Aftertaste" em várias frases e orações
O que significa aftertaste?
it's the taste you get in your mouth after you swallow
O que significa aftertaste?
It is the taste after the first initial taste.
For example, dark chocolate: The first initial taste is okay, but some people don't like the taste of dark chocolate after a few seconds. That's aftertaste.
For example, dark chocolate: The first initial taste is okay, but some people don't like the taste of dark chocolate after a few seconds. That's aftertaste.
O que significa The aftertaste of shallots?
O que significa aftertaste ?
@luana97: significa despues de probar
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Aftertaste"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com "aftertaste" .
"I brushed my teeth than drank some orange juice, which left this terrible aftertaste."
"I ate an apple and then ate a banana. I didn't taste the banana but I tasted the apple since it left this after taste in my mouth." Aftertaste- a taste left on your mouth after eating or drinking something. Reoccurs
"I ate an apple and then ate a banana. I didn't taste the banana but I tasted the apple since it left this after taste in my mouth." Aftertaste- a taste left on your mouth after eating or drinking something. Reoccurs
Outras perguntas sobre "Aftertaste"
I didn't know what it tastes like at first but I realized the aftertaste is refreshing. soa natural?
It’s a bit of an intricate situation? Because you’d be presently talking to them, “is refreshing” is fine. But you are right, “was” is past tense and more accurate grammatically.
After eating it, it will leave you with an endless aftertaste that makes you want to eat it again and again/constantly/repeatedly/continually. soa natural?
@seviin: Thank you!
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar aftertaste.
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It's good that we won, but I feel that it left a bad aftertaste.
soa natural?
soa natural?
What Daphne said is right sentence-wise but you will never hear someone say aftertaste instead you would just say "it left a bad taste in my mouth" as aftertaste is more about the actual taste of a food
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