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Q: What does "honor someone's memory with American resolve" mean?

Ji Seong-ho, a North Korean man who made it out of the rogue nation and now resides in South Korea, attended President Donald Trump's first State of the Union address Tuesday night.

Recognizing the guest, Trump told Ji's story, one of a starving boy in North Korea some 20 years ago, whose limbs were run over by a train after he collapsed in exhaustion on the tracks before enduring torture at the hands of North Korean authorities.

"Seong-ho traveled thousands of miles on crutches across China and Southeast Asia to freedom," Trump continued. "Most of his family followed. His father was caught trying to escape, and was tortured to death."

Trump said Ji was a "witness to the ominous nature" of the authoritarian North Korean government.

Alongside Ji were Fred and Cindy Warmbier, who were reunited last year with their son Otto shortly before he died after returning from 17 months of captivity in North Korea. The Warmbiers, along with their children Austin and Greta, attended the address where Trump pledged "to honor Otto's memory with American resolve."

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