Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Moisturize"
O significado de "Moisturize" em várias frases e orações
O que significa to moisturize ?
It means to hydrate the skin by applying moisturizer
Palavras similares a "Moisturize" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre moisturize e hydrate and humidify ?
To moisturize is to apply moisture to something, to hydrate is put moisture on or into something and to humidify is to have moisture around something, like in the air.
Putting on lotion: moisturize
Drinking water: Hydrate
Outside after it rains : Humidifying
Putting on lotion: moisturize
Drinking water: Hydrate
Outside after it rains : Humidifying
Qual é a diferença entre moisturizing e hydrating ?
This is my best guess:
When you say “moisturize”, I think of applying moisture to the outer part of something so that it is absorbed - particularly skin, and applying creams to it.
When you say “hydrate”, I think of water retention from within, rather than as an external application - “drink water” = “stay hydrated”. “Make sure your plants stay hydrated”.
When a person says their skin feels rough or dry, you would tell them to moisturize it.
When a person is thirsty, they’re “dehydrated”, so you’d tell them to drink water (stay hydrated).
When you say “moisturize”, I think of applying moisture to the outer part of something so that it is absorbed - particularly skin, and applying creams to it.
When you say “hydrate”, I think of water retention from within, rather than as an external application - “drink water” = “stay hydrated”. “Make sure your plants stay hydrated”.
When a person says their skin feels rough or dry, you would tell them to moisturize it.
When a person is thirsty, they’re “dehydrated”, so you’d tell them to drink water (stay hydrated).
Traduções de "Moisturize"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? moisturizing
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Outras perguntas sobre "Moisturize"
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar It's important to moisturize your hands after washing them.(*just natives) ..
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Por favor me mostre como pronunciar moisturizing.
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Por favor me mostre como pronunciar moisturize.
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Por favor me mostre como pronunciar moisturize.
I hope this helps!
化粧品の使用感などで、”しっとりさせる”は[moisturize]・”さっぱりさせる”は[freshen]でよいですか?例えば、”この化粧水はさっぱりタイプです。”と言いたい時は”This lotion is for freshening (the skin).”or"This lotion freshens the skin"といえますか?
You can say: "This lotion moisturises your skin" or "This lotion rehydrates your skin".
You can also say "This lotion freshens your skin"
Don't say "the skin"
Do say "your skin"
You can also say "This lotion freshens your skin"
Don't say "the skin"
Do say "your skin"
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