Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Prank"
O significado de "Prank" em várias frases e orações
O que significa "put it past him" in "I wouldn't put it past him to pull a prank on us."?
"I wouldn't put it past him" means that I think he is capable of pulling a prank on us. the speaker believes the person might actually do it.
英語で "put it past him" は、「彼がそんなことをするとは思わない」という意味です。しかし、この文の "I wouldn't put it past him" は、逆の意味で、「彼なら本当にそんなことをやりかねない」と言っています。この場合、スピーカーは彼がいたずらをする可能性があると考えています。
英語で "put it past him" は、「彼がそんなことをするとは思わない」という意味です。しかし、この文の "I wouldn't put it past him" は、逆の意味で、「彼なら本当にそんなことをやりかねない」と言っています。この場合、スピーカーは彼がいたずらをする可能性があると考えています。
O que significa lame prank?
Lame prank means boring joke
O que significa Some prank youtuber said to the girl, ' You'd be surprised how many girls I've been with. '
I wonder what it means between ' ' be with = sex? or just date??
I wonder what it means between ' ' be with = sex? or just date??
It usually means sex
O que significa In the prank video, some passengers said 'period' to him who is dancing. What is the period meaning in this context??
it’s slang.
I’m American English period is the (.) on the end of sentence.
Americans say ‘period’ when they feel hot, pretty, anything like that, or when someone else is doing something similar.
Others can be:
Get it
Period is often spelt like periodt tho.
*an American tiktok using ‘period’
*you probably won’t be able do understand what she’s saying but yeah
I’m American English period is the (.) on the end of sentence.
Americans say ‘period’ when they feel hot, pretty, anything like that, or when someone else is doing something similar.
Others can be:
Get it
Period is often spelt like periodt tho.
*an American tiktok using ‘period’
*you probably won’t be able do understand what she’s saying but yeah
O que significa In a prank video on Youtube, this guy invades people's space and he say nothing, just staring at them. So this guy came up to a woman in a chair, and stared at her. She had no idea of what was going on. So finally she says "Are you tripping out?". ?
Tripping out = on drugs/ took drugs and are not mentally there/ took drugs and are not thinking normally
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Prank"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com prank
- He didn’t find know it was a prank until he saw the cameras
- Tony wanted to prank Peter so he hid his computer
- Bruce pranked Clark by taping his bedroom door
- The two sisters were pranking their neighbors because they were bored
- Tony wanted to prank Peter so he hid his computer
- Bruce pranked Clark by taping his bedroom door
- The two sisters were pranking their neighbors because they were bored
Me mostre frases de exemplo com prank.
Prank = funny act
She pulled a prank on me!
So, I pranked her by hiding her shoes!
She pranked me back by putting glitter in my bag!
“She pranked me back” = pulled a prank on me in return (revenge!)
She pulled a prank on me!
So, I pranked her by hiding her shoes!
She pranked me back by putting glitter in my bag!
“She pranked me back” = pulled a prank on me in return (revenge!)
Me mostre frases de exemplo com prank.
Earl: It’s just a prank, bro.
Adam: Like hell it is!
Earl laughed and looked around at his “masterpiece”. He stared at the now broken appliances scattered around Adam’s room. He had managed to pour glue on everything, giving it the appearance of a certain body fluid. Quite a creative prank it was, at least it was to Earl.
Adam: Like hell it is!
Earl laughed and looked around at his “masterpiece”. He stared at the now broken appliances scattered around Adam’s room. He had managed to pour glue on everything, giving it the appearance of a certain body fluid. Quite a creative prank it was, at least it was to Earl.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com prank.
"Let's play a prank on this guy!"
"It was just a prank!"
"I didn't like that prank."
"That was a good prank!"
"It was just a prank!"
"I didn't like that prank."
"That was a good prank!"
Palavras similares a "Prank" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre prank e mischief ?
Prank - play a trick on someone
Mischief - generally causing small trouble
Hiding someone’s only pair of shoes would be both a prank, and an act of mischief.
Prank - play a trick on someone
Mischief - generally causing small trouble
Hiding someone’s only pair of shoes would be both a prank, and an act of mischief.
Qual é a diferença entre prank e troll e scam ?
noun- a practical joke or mischievous act.
verb- play a trick or practical joke on (someone).
noun- a person who intentionally tries to instigate conflict, hostility, or arguments in an online social community.
verb- to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content.
noun- a dishonest scheme; a fraud.
verb- to deceive and defraud (someone)
noun- a practical joke or mischievous act.
verb- play a trick or practical joke on (someone).
noun- a person who intentionally tries to instigate conflict, hostility, or arguments in an online social community.
verb- to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content.
noun- a dishonest scheme; a fraud.
verb- to deceive and defraud (someone)
Qual é a diferença entre prank e mischief ?
A prank is something you do when you want to cause mischief. Mischief is the result of pulling a prank or intentionally annoying somebody or breaking the rules.
Qual é a diferença entre A; He often pulls pranks on other people. e B: He often plays pranks on other people. ?
Phrase A is correct. Phrase B sounds somewhat unnatural
Qual é a diferença entre prank e shenanigans ?
prank is just いたずら
shenanigans isn't used often, and is defined as "silly, mischievous behavior". i think i've used the word maybe 5 times in 22 years
shenanigans isn't used often, and is defined as "silly, mischievous behavior". i think i've used the word maybe 5 times in 22 years
Traduções de "Prank"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? "to prank" or "to pull a prank"?
1.Michael went to the parking ask to the employees a favor this morning because he wants to prank
2.Michael went to the parking lot to ask the employees a favor this morning because he wants to pull a prank
1.Michael went to the parking ask to the employees a favor this morning because he wants to prank
2.Michael went to the parking lot to ask the employees a favor this morning because he wants to pull a prank
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? a:Why do they always do such a prank?
b:They've always been like that.
a:They even pretend like they are sick.
b:I try not to pay attention to them.
(does this sound natural?)
b:They've always been like that.
a:They even pretend like they are sick.
b:I try not to pay attention to them.
(does this sound natural?)
I guess it doesn't have any problem...
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (Reino Unido)? pranks of children
Verifique a pergunta para ver a resposta
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? prank
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Outras perguntas sobre "Prank"
What are they saying? please
(prank video : beatboxer trolling
They have a conversation online,after spoiler)
(prank video : beatboxer trolling
They have a conversation online,after spoiler)
1: よーそれはかっこいかったね!
2: wwwwありがとう!
1: おかしいかった (????????????) でも、それはとてもかっこいだよ。あの- 僕は早く話したい。うわ~!そんなに早く考えたい!ゲッ!(笑)
1: dude that was sick!
2: hahaha thank you!
1: so funny you could do this right now. but that was really cool- uh! i want to be able to talk that fast let alone do that! damn, i want to think that fast! the fuck!
1: よーそれはかっこいかったね!
2: wwwwありがとう!
1: おかしいかった (????????????) でも、それはとてもかっこいだよ。あの- 僕は早く話したい。うわ~!そんなに早く考えたい!ゲッ!(笑)
1: dude that was sick!
2: hahaha thank you!
1: so funny you could do this right now. but that was really cool- uh! i want to be able to talk that fast let alone do that! damn, i want to think that fast! the fuck!
I think that the prank show is a fake. I bet they have scripts. soa natural?
I believe that the prank show was fake and that it was scripted.
I made a prank at him and he got really angry. soa natural?
I pranked him. And he got really angry*
I made a prank at him and he got really angry. soa natural?
I did a prank on him/I pulled a prank on him, and he got really angry.
A: Do you pull prank on me now?
B: Are you kidding me? soa natural?
B: Are you kidding me? soa natural?
A: Are you pulling a prank on me?
B sounds natural.
B sounds natural.
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