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Q: The professor starts her words by clearly stating that no memoir is fully reliable, but the Chevalier's memoir has a high accuracy.
In the text it is said that some researches don't believe Chevalier was as rich as he claimed as he constantly borrowed money from his friends in Switzerland, they base this thought upon the induction that if he was really rich, then he wouldn't need to borrow money. But the professor said that Chevalier had to wait for his money to be delivered since he sold his assets to earn his money, so in the meantime he had to borrow it from his friends and that doesn't make him poor.

Another point that the critics were also skeptical about is his conversations with Voltaire, they claim that one wouldn't be able to remember the conversation he had after many years. But in lecture it is said Chevalier hadn't actually written those conversations he included in his memoir from his memory, he had taken notes the evening they had talked with Voltaire and he used those notes, the people around him confirm this.

Lastly, about the prison story, critics said it would make an enjoyable reading if he had really escaped from the prison by making a hole in there and that's why Chevalier lied about it. The truth is, in their mentality, one of his rich friends offered a bribe to let him out. But in the lecture, the professor mentions many people, who had rich friends too, weren't able to get out of that prison. And also, there were records proving that the cell in which Chevalier had been kept had to be repaired, and that proves Chevalier had made a hole which had to be repaired.

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