Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Whiplash"
O significado de "Whiplash" em várias frases e orações
O que significa whiplash?
Neck injury.
O que significa whiplash injuries?
When a car suddenly break. Most of the people in the car would get whiplash. It's when the head suddenly jerks forward or backward quickly
O que significa whiplash?
O que significa whiplash?
A neck injury that you can get if you are in a car crash.
O que significa whiplash( like movie) ?
I don't know a movie with that title, but whiplash is a neck injury that happens from very fast head movement (a car accident for example).
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Whiplash"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com emotional whiplash .
My boyfriend broke up with me this morning and asked to get back together tonight- it gave me emotional whiplash
Me mostre frases de exemplo com whiplash.
Her sharp voice cut the air like a whiplash.
There is nobody who could just snap his fingers and whiplash him out of the nightmare.
Her sharp voice cut the air like a whiplash.
There is nobody who could just snap his fingers and whiplash him out of the nightmare.
Me mostre frases de exemplo com whiplash.
- You stepped on the break so hard it gave me a bit of whiplash.
- The head rests on car seats are designed to minimize whiplash on the neck.
- The head rests on car seats are designed to minimize whiplash on the neck.
Outras perguntas sobre "Whiplash"
I have a whiplash. soa natural?
Whiplash injury
Por favor me mostre como pronunciar whiplash.
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