Manuel Caingcoy
Scopus Author ID: 57225209415
Web of Science ResearcherID(ISI): AAR-1566-2020.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3862-1561
SSRN Author ID: 4138528
Loop profile: 979212
- Educator
- Researcher
- Data analyst
- Peer reviewer in several international journals
- Editorial Board Member in a number of international journals
Supervisors: Dr. Nenita I. Prado
Phone: 09451979261
Address: Malaybalay City, Philippines
Web of Science ResearcherID(ISI): AAR-1566-2020.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3862-1561
SSRN Author ID: 4138528
Loop profile: 979212
- Educator
- Researcher
- Data analyst
- Peer reviewer in several international journals
- Editorial Board Member in a number of international journals
Supervisors: Dr. Nenita I. Prado
Phone: 09451979261
Address: Malaybalay City, Philippines
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InterestsView All (20)
Papers by Manuel Caingcoy
integrated framework of CRL and guide current and future school leaders in higher education who aspire to implement it. Initially, 47 literature sources were searched, screened, and 18 articles were selected for thematic analysis based on predefined criteria. The analysis revealed three key themes: culturally responsive school leadership in higher education, the success of culturally responsive leadership, and effective practices of CRL which serve as an integrative framework. The findings underscore the importance of prioritizing culturally responsive school leadership in higher education to promote access, equity, and improvement. Furthermore, the review highlights the potential impact of embracing CRL in higher education settings and fills a gap in the existing literature by offering an integrative framework. It contributes to understanding the potential of CRL to enhance higher education institutions. The recommendations and implications discussed in the review provide valuable guidance for educational leaders seeking to implement culturally responsive practices. Overall, this review enhances our
understanding of CRL in the context of higher education and emphasizes its potential benefits for educational institutions.
Os estudos existentes carecem de insights abrangentes sobre o sucesso e a eficácia da liderança culturalmente responsiva (LCR) no ensino superior. Para abordar essa lacuna, foi conduzida uma revisão exploratória com o objetivo de fornecer um quadro integrado de LCR e orientar os líderes escolares atuais e futuros no ensino superior que aspiram implementá-la. Inicialmente, foram pesquisadas 47 fontes de literatura, avaliadas e 18 artigos foram selecionados para análise temática com base em critérios
predefinidos. A análise revelou três temas-chave: liderança escolar culturalmente responsiva no ensino superior, o sucesso da liderança culturalmente responsiva e práticas eficazes de LCR que servem como um
quadro integrativo. Os resultados destacam a importância de priorizar a liderança escolar culturalmente responsiva no ensino superior para promover acesso, equidade e melhoria. Além disso, a revisão destaca o
impacto potencial da adoção da LCR em contextos de ensino superior e preenche uma lacuna na literatura existente ao oferecer um quadro integrativo. Ela contribui para a compreensão do potencial da LCR para
aprimorar as instituições de ensino superior. As recomendações e implicações discutidas na revisão oferecem orientações valiosas para líderes educacionais que buscam implementar práticas culturalmente
responsivas. Em geral, esta revisão aprimora nossa compreensão da LCR no contexto do ensino superior e enfatiza seus benefícios potenciais para instituições educacionais.
practice teachers in CRT, correlating their competence across dimensions, and verifying the role of gender and degree programs in competence development. This investigation provides evidence on the role of gender in competence development toward culturally responsive teaching. Such competence is vital in practice teachers, especially because they are exposed to learners with diverse backgrounds during their teaching internship. This evidence informs supervising instructors in molding practice teachers.
integrated framework of CRL and guide current and future school leaders in higher education who aspire to implement it. Initially, 47 literature sources were searched, screened, and 18 articles were selected for thematic analysis based on predefined criteria. The analysis revealed three key themes: culturally responsive school leadership in higher education, the success of culturally responsive leadership, and effective practices of CRL which serve as an integrative framework. The findings underscore the importance of prioritizing culturally responsive school leadership in higher education to promote access, equity, and improvement. Furthermore, the review highlights the potential impact of embracing CRL in higher education settings and fills a gap in the existing literature by offering an integrative framework. It contributes to understanding the potential of CRL to enhance higher education institutions. The recommendations and implications discussed in the review provide valuable guidance for educational leaders seeking to implement culturally responsive practices. Overall, this review enhances our
understanding of CRL in the context of higher education and emphasizes its potential benefits for educational institutions.
Os estudos existentes carecem de insights abrangentes sobre o sucesso e a eficácia da liderança culturalmente responsiva (LCR) no ensino superior. Para abordar essa lacuna, foi conduzida uma revisão exploratória com o objetivo de fornecer um quadro integrado de LCR e orientar os líderes escolares atuais e futuros no ensino superior que aspiram implementá-la. Inicialmente, foram pesquisadas 47 fontes de literatura, avaliadas e 18 artigos foram selecionados para análise temática com base em critérios
predefinidos. A análise revelou três temas-chave: liderança escolar culturalmente responsiva no ensino superior, o sucesso da liderança culturalmente responsiva e práticas eficazes de LCR que servem como um
quadro integrativo. Os resultados destacam a importância de priorizar a liderança escolar culturalmente responsiva no ensino superior para promover acesso, equidade e melhoria. Além disso, a revisão destaca o
impacto potencial da adoção da LCR em contextos de ensino superior e preenche uma lacuna na literatura existente ao oferecer um quadro integrativo. Ela contribui para a compreensão do potencial da LCR para
aprimorar as instituições de ensino superior. As recomendações e implicações discutidas na revisão oferecem orientações valiosas para líderes educacionais que buscam implementar práticas culturalmente
responsivas. Em geral, esta revisão aprimora nossa compreensão da LCR no contexto do ensino superior e enfatiza seus benefícios potenciais para instituições educacionais.
practice teachers in CRT, correlating their competence across dimensions, and verifying the role of gender and degree programs in competence development. This investigation provides evidence on the role of gender in competence development toward culturally responsive teaching. Such competence is vital in practice teachers, especially because they are exposed to learners with diverse backgrounds during their teaching internship. This evidence informs supervising instructors in molding practice teachers.
Keywords: educational administration, experiences, instruction, research, extension, production