Drafts by Dr. Bam Aondofa
This paper focuses on the Description of Evolutionary Perspective on Tiv Traditional Funeral Ritu... more This paper focuses on the Description of Evolutionary Perspective on Tiv Traditional Funeral Ritual Songs. The aim of this paper is to do an evolutional study of the traditional funeral ritual songs performed in Tiv. This paper has achieved this through these set objectives being: to emulate the role and significance of these songs for cultural perpetuation, to identify and document these Tiv indigenous funeral songs. The study finds that, traditional funeral ritual songs are indispensable among the Tiv people as they play an integral role at funerals in Tiv society. The paper also discovered that traditional funeral ritual songs performed in the Tiv are of rich literary value and have rich histories. It recommended that traditional leaders in Tiv should encourage the younger generation to learn traditional songs for cultural perpetuation and preservation for the purpose of revitalization and subsequent generations.
aondofa bam
This paper dwells on the themes and style in Tiv ishor i kpehen divination ritual poetry. Ishor i... more This paper dwells on the themes and style in Tiv ishor i kpehen divination ritual poetry. Ishor i kpehen is a common traditional practice in Tiv land that is for investigating causes of sickness, death, misfortune, poor harvest, suffering and ill luck. The incantation, chant or songs that accompany these ritual are thereafter called Tiv ishor i kpehen ritual poetry. The paper is aimed at the analyses of these Tiv ishor i kpehen incantation, chant or songs to show their aesthetics and functional values. The theoretical framework for the study centres on the rhetorical approach to the study of orature. The rhetorical theory is concerned with those devices employed by the poets to persuade his audience to accept his views. The aesthetic of this poetry lies in the diction and the use of poetic devices. It is based on this aesthetic structure and expressions that this poetry is delivered and can be called Tiv ishor i kpehen divination ritual poetry. The researcher adopted two principal methods in data collection-field work and library research. The field work includes interviews with people who partook or witnessed ishor i kpehen divination. And the library research covers both published and unpublished materials that concern this topic. The result reveals that Tiv ishor i kpehen divination ritual poetry has themes that are highly significant and which reflect the prevailing situation of the time. The paper concludes that Tiv ishor i kpehen divination ritual poetry constitutes a highly creative literary genre worth of critical attention in terms of more research in it.
Papers by Dr. Bam Aondofa
1 Taraba Journal of Humanities and Communications, vol 2, No. 1, September 2023., 2023
This study explores the potential of oral poetry in reconstructing Tiv history. Focus is on histo... more This study explores the potential of oral poetry in reconstructing Tiv history. Focus is on historical events which inspired the creation of poetry, and on the impact of poetry in the process of history making. The aim of this study is to appraise and study the potentials of poetry in reforming Tiv history using Atemtyo songs. This aim can be achieve through the following set objectives: to explore the significant role of oral poetry in reconstructing Tiv history and to discuss the historical events that inspired the creation of poetry. The significance of this work is premised on the fact that oral performance is an important source of information about a people's worldview. The study adopts functionalist theory to form the theoretical background of this study. The functionalist theory concentrates on the utilization role of Atemtyo songs as it contributes immensely to the reconstruction and reformation of Tiv history. Research findings is that oral poetry is capable of repackaging unadulterated cultural values of the people for history recreation. Recording and documentation of these poetry helps in retelling the people's story. The study has contribution to knowledge by reemphasizing the potentials of poetry in reforming Tiv history using Atemtyo songs. Importantly, this study has documented these performances which otherwise are endangered by social media and the negative influences of globalization. The researcher adopted two principal methods in data collection-field work and library research. The field work includes interviews with people who partook or witnessed Atemtyo. And the library research covers both published and unpublished materials that concern the study.
http://journal.fudutsinma.edu.ng/index.php/DUJEL/index, 2024
This paper titled "Tiv oral poetry and the environment: an ecocritical study of selected Tiv bush... more This paper titled "Tiv oral poetry and the environment: an ecocritical study of selected Tiv bush burning songs" examines the extent to which poetry explores the problematic interaction between man and environment at a period when ecological problems pose a threat to the word ecology. The selected songs illustrate the degradation of the environment by bush burning impact on the vulnerability of the Nigerian bionetwork and also on the livelihood of Tiv communities. The theoretical framework used in the paper is ecocriticism. It addresses the representations of nature, discusses specific issues relating to the ecology and analyses the treatment of nature expressed in the selected Tiv bush burning songs. It also tries to link nature to the plot and other elements in the selected Tiv bush burning songs. Furthermore, it attempts an ecocritical examinations of environmental exploitation, as well as the destruction of human and non-human habitats. The research findings reveal that environmental degradation and the consequent impoverishment of the lot of rural communities in Nigeria have inhibited Nigerian natural environment from enhancing its socioeconomic development and the survival of the Tiv people. The paper contributes to knowledge by preserving the Tiv tradition with attention on selected Tiv bush burning songs which otherwise are endangered by the negative influence of western civilization. The paper has also contributes to knowledge by showing that Tiv oral Poetry is also a fitting discursive medium used to contribute to the ongoing debate about ecological issues in Nigeria.
Drafts by Dr. Bam Aondofa
Papers by Dr. Bam Aondofa