Recent papers in Hegemony
This article discusses the influence exerted on English Language Teaching (ELT) by discordant informing paradigms. It is argued that ELT is undergoing a theoretical restructuring, as its established linguistic, pedagogical and political... more
https://classiques-garnier.com/l-histoire-et-la-question-de-la-modernite-chez-antonio-gramsci.html Le marxisme ouvert d’Antonio Gramsci permet de redéfinir la philosophie de l’histoire en échappant à tout dogmatisme. Gramsci cherche en... more
Following attempts to make sense of a congeries of global dynamics, and to render legible events that have concomitantly made the world a space of order and disorder, globalization has emerged as a concept that encompasses countless... more
All organisations must take active steps to maintain the security and integrity of their information resources, and nowhere is this strategy more critical than in hospitals where issues of information accuracy and patient confidentiality... more
The United States pursuing the realist prescription during the cold war helped maintain the balance of power and thus 'peace' among the competing great powers. In the post-cold war era it divorced some of realist assumptions-most... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
The Sino-US relations will be perhaps, the most important set of relationships in the near future. They tend to shape international relations in the coming decades and almost all other sets of relations can be considered from the... more
Resumen: Hegemonía y orden internacional hegemónico son ontologías clave para la disciplina y la teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales, y por ello, se trata de conceptos en permanente disputa académica. En un escenario mundial... more
One of Halliday's original purposes in developing Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) was to address and redress equity questions such as how and why certain groups of people are discriminated against because of their language use. This... more
The perpetuation of inequalities around the world is best understood by looking at the power dynamics of a given society. Systems and institutions are set up to mold certain types of citizens through subjectification. Anthropological... more
Volume I Praca doktorska napisana pod kierunkiem Prof. UAM dr. hab. Arkadiusza Marciniaka Poznań 2015 2
Wayne Vucinic Book Prize 2007, "for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences." Endorsement by Slavoj Zizek: "Alexei Yurchak's Everything... more
Επιβλέπουσα Καθηγήτρια: ΝΑΣΚΟΥ-ΠΕΡΡΑΚΗ Παρασκευή Τηλ.: 2310 891499 Email: perraki@uom.gr Β΄ Μέλος Εξεταστικής Επιτροπής: ΜΠΕΛΛΟΥ ΦωτεινήΤηλ.: 2310 891479 Email: fbellou@uom.gr ------------------------------------- <a rel="license"... more
This thesis takes an interdisciplinary approach combining research methods in history and political science to propose that the fundamental cause of Rome’s entry into and later domination of the Greek world was its reaction to a series of... more
The concept of üst akıl, an all-powerful and sinister agency, has recently been socially and politically influential in the public sphere in Turkey. From the time it was first used in 2014 to today, the concept has served as an enabling... more
This study focuses on hegemonic contests in Zimbabwe between Authoritarian Nationalism and Democratic nationalism as competing national visions. It focuses on understanding the tri-factor of: the crisis in Zimbabwe post-2000 in its proper... more
Brazilian projection towards South America has been an important issue since its re democratization process in the 1980s. Still, Brazil’s regional behavior could not be considered as a hegemony, under the realist point of view, that is,... more
Article on the comparison of Gramscian and Foucauldian understandings of civil society. Published in the book "A Panacea For all Seasons?" (Freise, Pyykkönen, Vaidelyte, eds., 2010, Nomos):... more
Social media platforms have gained prominence worldwide over the past decade. Texts, images, recordings/podcasts, videos and innovations of all sorts have been created, and can be shared and disseminated, including fake news in all of its... more
June 6, 2021 The genocide in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region has been going on for seven months now. The UN is doing nothing and the slaughter continues. To understand events there one must examine the context in which they were... more
The Social and Economical Bases of Evolution in the Hegemonic Political Discourses of the Islamic Republic of Iran مبانی اجتماعی و اقتصادی تحول در گفتمان های سیاسی مسلط در جمهوری اسلامی ایران Abstract: Iran's revolution was a... more
IntroductionThey bear upon them the traces of the particular cultures, traditions, languages and histories by which they were shaped. The difference is that they are not and will never be unified in the old sense, because they are... more
The phenomenon of globalisation has further strengthened the relationship between cultural identity and language learning. The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of language in the formation of cultural identity and the role of... more
The special issue New Swedish environmental and sustainability education research, published in Education & Democracy 20(1), introduced a novel generation of Swedish ESD research. With the intention to spur academic debate this rejoinder... more
Emerging post-development literatures consider how post-structural and post-colonial critiques of development could form the basis for new kinds of development practices. Much of the search for such post-development possibilities draws on... more
IR scholars have recently paid increasing attention to unequal institutional orders in world politics, arguing that global governance institutions are deeply shaped by power inequalities among states. Yet, the literature still suffers... more
Master class at the Faculty of Translation, Intepreting and East Asian Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona
The challenge of Marxism to the establishment caused him to be excluded from the academic field. Gramsci says, altogether, that Marxism will be the common sense of our age, because it is a formation that has influenced a wide area in many... more
How should we understand such discursive patterns? From where do the involved mental maps come from, which we understand as key ideational mechanisms about how knowledge on demographic and migratory processes are structured? How are... more
I wrote this poem when I accepted who I had become over time: a Poster Boy. Playing the game of the colonizers, I had learned to climb up the ladder of “success”, as defined by the colonials and internalized by us. This ladder being one... more
This review critically engages with Radhika Desai’s concept of geopolitical economy as a framework for understanding the evolution of the capitalist state system. While presenting a useful challenge to many of the most deeply-held beliefs... more
Türkiye'de neoliberal hegemonyanın inşası, diğer unsurların yanı sıra, tabandaki grupların desteğini seferber etmek için birbiriyle yarışan siyasi aktörler arasındaki mücadelelerin yönü ve kapsamına bağlı olmuştur. 1980'lerde başlayan... more
This article suggests that the Gezi Park protests in general, and particularly the presence there of the Anti-Capitalist Muslims is a valuable example for studying the ambiguity and complexity of the secular/Islamic paradigm in Turkey.... more
Algo habrán hecho bien. Una juventud "sin futuro" pero con estilo", en Juventud Sin Futuro. Madrid: Icaria. Pp. 67-78. ISBN: 978-84-9888-356-5Algo habrán hecho bien Algo habrán hecho bien Una juventud "sin futuro" pero con estilo. 1
This is the idea of the paper. It incorporates a slightly Marxist feminist perspective that basically works on the premise that we are all agents in the production cycle like cogs in a wheel and we have different roles to play to keep the... more