Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales
Departamento de Estudios e Investigación
Many academics, policymakers, non-governmental organisations and other observers of the North America relations have been historically critical of the Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and especially of the rules of Chapter 11. It is widely... more
General David Petraeus attempts to lessen our concerns about the state-of-affairs of regional integration in North America and be cautiously optimistic about its future. I argue, however, that this might be a counterproductive position.... more
This article discusses and compares the foreign policy actions of Mexico and Singapore in response to the Food Crisis in the Horn of Africa in 2011. (In Spanish)
The United Kingdom seems to be interested in boosting its moral credentials on the global promotion of freedom and self-determination by taking part in this alleged dispute on Crimea. Staying out of the issue could actually better serve... more
Emilian Kavalski's book joins a number of excellent textbooks providing an accessible route into the study of IR. It provides an overview of the major theories and debates in the discipline, with a particular focus on those covered in... more
In The Fence and the Bridge: Geopolitics and Identity Along the Canada-US Border, Heather N. Nicol adds to growing analyses of the functioning and perception of borders by focusing on the historical development of the Canada-US... more
Numerous scholars argue that the rules, mechanisms, and bodies established under NAFTA's Chapter 11 for the settlement of foreign direct investment disputes have undermined the policy-making capabilities of governments in the U.S.,... more
This opinion article briefly discusses Mexico's most likely objectives at the North American Leaders’ Summit to take place on 29 June, 2016, in Ottawa, Canada, and the complexities the country will face to reach its intended goals at the... more
This is a report on a visit by students from the University of Birmingham's Department of Political Science and International Studies to Amnesty International UK’s Human Rights Action Centre in London, which took place on 28th March 2012.... more
In Free Speech After 9/11, Katharine Gelber compares three liberal democracies –the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia– to consider the ways in which Western governments have placed new restrictions on freedom of speech since... more
Many of us, political scientists, failed to anticipate, and some to even acknowledge, the resurgence of nationalism and xenophobia in the 21st century in Europe and North America. These regions, which used to be considered the global... more
Why do Mexicans migrate to the US? In "On the Move: Changing Mechanisms of Mexico-US Migration", Professor Filiz Garip seeks to challenge overarching assumptions regarding the ‘typical’ Mexican migrant by instead showing the diverse... more
The current scholarship on North American integration has largely failed to engage with European integration theories. This paper argues that this situation results from the existence and dominance of the assumption, in the current... more
In Thinking like a Political Scientist: A Practical Guide to Research Methods, Christopher Howard makes a compelling case for transforming how research methods are taught to undergraduate students of political science. Through its... more