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¿El agua presenta una gran capacidad de disolución?
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Resumen Basada en los hallazgos de la Cátedra Televisa en el Tecnológico de Monterrey, la ponencia explora la manera en que mujeres de distinta edades, ocupaciones y niveles socioeconómicos integran la televisión en sus rutinas diarias, y... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesGlobal mediaAttribution
El trabajo se propone examinar la utilidad del enfoque de domesticación aplicado al estudio de las tecnologías móviles de comunicación, en general, y del teléfono celular, en particular. Con base en la revisión de la literatura, se... more
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      SociologyTechnologyHumanitiesCell Phones
Just when we thought that China was about to take over the world, brands like Samsung and LG started invading our stores and giving a hard time to giants like Apple and Sony; names like PSY and the " horse " dance moves invaded TV shows,... more
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      Korean StudiesSouth KoreaMexicoTeens
En el presente trabajo describiré la cultura del “Body Art” y más específicamente el “arte” de Tatuar. Empezaré con una breve definición e historia del tatuaje, a continuación haré referencia a sus clasificaciones, corrientes y... more
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      Contemporary ArtTattoos
Para Schmelkes (2007), México es un país altamente desigual en materia educativa; en su opinión, el imponer modelos uniformes de educación que no consideran las diferentes realidades de México, reproduce y acrecienta dichas desigualdades.... more
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In this article explore de women"™s role into de mexican media. It describes the insidence of women in a media demacracy, as reporter and also as a subject of the journalistic production. Also it explores the main troubles to face in... more
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    • Political Science
The symbolic flows of messages in electronic mass media in the Globalization era have been characterized in international communication research as part of the process of de-territorialization of local identities. De-territorialization is... more
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Blood-saliva contamination negatively affects the bonding potential of adhesive agents. The study aimed to assess the effect of various cleaning protocols on micro-shear bond strength (µSBS) between blood-saliva-contaminated post-etched... more
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Blood–saliva contamination negatively affects the bonding potential of adhesive agents. The study aimed to assess the effect of various cleaning protocols on micro-shear bond strength (μSBS) between blood–saliva-contaminated post-etched... more
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      Materials ScienceMedicineHealthcareAdhesive
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