Samuel Laryea
I serve as a Professor in the School of Construction Economics and Management at University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa; and Chairman of the West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference. My research area is business economics in construction. The essence of my research outputs has been to analyse construction procurement and contracting practices, and to determine how to enhance the activities involved for better achievement of intended outcomes and value for money.
Phone: +233265360217 (Ghana) )
Address: School of Construction Economics & Management
Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
John Moffat Building
1 Jan Smuts Avenue
Br mfontein, Johannesburg
PO Box 20, Wits 2050
South Africa
Phone: +233265360217 (Ghana) )
Address: School of Construction Economics & Management
Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
John Moffat Building
1 Jan Smuts Avenue
Br mfontein, Johannesburg
PO Box 20, Wits 2050
South Africa
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Books by Samuel Laryea
African institutions fail to fully articulate the local construction practices and
stylized facts that are unique to construction in the region. !is textbook is an
attempt to begin bridging this gap. !e main aim is to illuminate some of the main
issues and local practices relating to construction in West Africa, to provide a basis
for understanding the nature of the construction sector in the subregion, and its
relationship with local practices elsewhere in the world.
!e idea of writing a textbook on construction in West Africa emerged during
the WABER 2010 Conference which took place in Accra, Ghana on 19-21 July.
Looking at the 150+ participants comprising of construction academics, researchers
and practitioners, we saw the WABER conference as an opportunity to mobilise
ourselves and take this "rst step of providing a useful textbook for students and
researchers of construction in West Africa. Although the o#cial title of the book
is: “Construction in West Africa”, its origins and process of development has led
most people to simply refer to it as the “WABER Book”. !e end result just goes
to show what we can collectively achieve when we work together, share ideas and combine what we know.
!e chapters have been written by ten academics of West African origin based in six different countries. !e reviewers of the draft chapters for the book are based
in ten countries. !is scope and diversity is one of the strengths underpinning
the textbook, in that, the authors touch on a variety of interesting areas and draw
upon a broad array of experiences. In some chapters, the authors have been able to
relate their experiences of the construction sector in West Africa to local practices
!e "rst chapter addresses the nature of economies in West Africa and its
relationship with the construction sector. !e production of construction goods, services, utilities and works happens within an economic context. This chapter helps in our understanding of some of the issues relating to demand and supply of construction goods and services, stylized features of the construction sector,
and economic institutions that support the construction industry such as banks,
insurance "rms, derivative markets and non-bank "nancial institutions.
!e second chapter provides a lens for understanding some of the historical
antecedents shaping the construction of buildings and infrastructure in West Africa. Architecture and urbanisation in most West African cities have been significantly influenced by the colonial period. Many buildings in West African
cities were constructed during the colonial period, as evidenced by the structures in areas such as Accra, Lagos, Abidjan and Bamako. However, one interesting thing about these buildings is how they have been incorporated over time into the local
and dynamic fabric of the locality, although their uses may have changed over
time according to the needs of the population, they continue to stand and testify to the British and French influence of this period and African adaptability in the independence period.
!e third chapter deals with the commonly seen architecture and building forms
in West Africa. !e concepts of traditional architecture, colonial architecture and
contemporary architecture are examined to consider the potential implications
on future design and construction practices. !is chapter examines the material
form and construction of speci"cally West African architecture, attempting a brief
survey of buildings from the nomadic dwellings of the Saharas dry savannah belt,
through to the rainforest wattle and daub settlements, to the stilt buildings found
in the mangrove swamps in coastal West Africa. It highlights the relationship of
building construction and form to socio-cultural economic and environmental
contexts in each case.
As construction activities involve input from people with the relevant knowledge
and skills, the fourth chapter on human resources explores some of the common
Human Resources practices in public and private construction sectors, particularly,
in Ghana and Nigeria. Key issues discussed include the role and demand of human
resources, workforce compositions and human resource challenges. A useful
point discussed is the need for better strategic management of the construction
workforce to improve the development and sustenance of the construction sector
and its contribution to the economic development of the subregion.
One of the initial activities carried out for every construction project or property
development is planning. !is may be carried out in formal and informal ways
depending on the scale of the development, location and regulatory requirements.
Although there is evidence of some level of planning and building regulations
during the pre-colonial era in most countries in West Africa, it was not until
the colonial administration that formal planning and building regulations were
institutionalised. Several decades a%er independence, most of the legislations and
institutions established still take centre stage in current planning and building
regulatory activities. With increasing urbanization in West African countries, the
adequacy and strength of such institutions are put to test. In the "%h chapter, three
issues are discussed in relation to the planning processes and building regulations
of countries in West Africa, i.e. the planning process, building regulations and the
state of cities.
Procurement approaches and contract networks are essential parts of construction
projects. In a wider sense, procurement processes relate to the methods and
relationships involved in the acquisition of goods, utilities, services and works.
In construction, a procurement strategy describes the roles, responsibilities and
relationships of the various organizations involved in developing the funding,
design, construction and operation of a building or facility. In the sixth chapter,
some of the salient issues covered include the institutional framework within which
construction is procured; how to develop a tendering and procurement strategy
for a construction project appropriate to its context; key constraints on organizing
construction supply chains; and the impact of the economy on the options open
to a procurer of construction work. Anyone involved in procurement decisionmaking
should have a clear understanding of the various stages of deciding
on a procurement policy, including sources of funds, management of design,
management of construction, integration of supply chain, calculation of price, and
method for selecting contracting parties including consultants. !ey also need to
have an understanding of the various kinds of contracts used in construction.
!e seventh chapter focuses on the calculation of price which is a fundamental
activity in construction contracts. !ere are various techniques of how prices are
calculated i.e. "xed price or cost reimbursement. !is mechanism for calculating
the construction price has an impact on the pricing strategy of a contractor, and on
the risks associated with cash #ow, "nancial protection and, ultimately, price. !e
issues covered include the calculation of construction costs, elements of a bidding
price, factors considered by contractors in deciding whether or not to bid for a
project, and risks that a$ect pricing levels. !ree important concepts relating to
price formation in contracts are cost, price and value. Cost refers to the amount
people pay for their resources. Price refers to the amount for which people sell
their products or services. Value refers to the amount buyers are willing to pay
for products and services, i.e. how much it is worth to the buyer. !e relationship
between these three concepts is vital in procurement and price formation in
construction contracts.
Once a project is planned and the contractual arrangements are set out between
the employer, contractor and other members of the supply chain, appropriate
materials and methods need to be mobilised for actual production of the work
on a construction site. Chapter eight o$ers a detailed explanation of various
kinds of methods and materials used in construction production, particularly in
Ghana. It discusses the indigenous self-built construction techniques in Ghana
and provides comprehensive range of alternative solutions covering contemporary
and conventional methods of construction. Some of the key areas described
relate to construction methods of foundations and retaining structures, ground
water control, #oors, walls, doors and windows and roofs, which form the major
components of a building structure. Most of these are illustrated with drawings viii
and photographs of actual construction techniques in progress.
Education is key to the development and future of the construction professions
and industry in West Africa. !e "nal chapter looks at the major academic
institutions in the region that provide built environment education, and the courses
o$ered. Most part of the built environment education o$ered in universities has
traditionally been focused around six main areas of architecture, building, estate
management, quantity surveying, surveying and geoinformatics, and urban and
regional planning. New areas like construction management, project management,
real estate, and procurement management are emerging. It is crucial to keep the
built environment programmes o$ered in West African institutions fresh and upto-
date. A possible way to achieve this is to align the programmes with changing
national needs and global trends.
As to the best of our knowledge this is the "rst textbook of its kind focusing on
West Africa. It is impressive to have such an important piece of academic material
from a wide range of West African academics. We wish to thank and commend all eight authors of this first edition on a job well done.
Construction in West Africa
Accra, Ghana, 12-14 August 2013
A/Prof Samuel Laryea, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr Sena A. Agyepong, Ashesi University College, Ghana
First published 2013
ISBN 978-0-9566060-6-8
Published by
West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference
C/o Samuel Laryea
University of the Witwatersrand
School of Construction Economics and Management
1 Jan Smuts Avenue
PO Box 20
Wits 2050
Tel: +27 11 717-7657
Fax: +27 11 339-8175
© The copyright for papers in this publication belongs to authors of the papers.
All correspondence relating to the WABER Conference should be addressed to:
Dr Sena A. Agyepong
Ashesi University College
Accra, Ghana
Please visit for more information
All papers in this publication have been through a review process involving initial screening of abstracts, review by at least two referees, reporting of comments to authors, modifications of papers by authors and re-evaluation of re-submitted papers to ensure quality of content.
Accra, Ghana, 12-14 August 2013
A/Prof Samuel Laryea, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr Sena A. Agyepong, Ashesi University College, Ghana
First published 2013
ISBN 978-0-9566060-7-5
Published by
West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference
C/o Samuel Laryea
University of the Witwatersrand
School of Construction Economics and Management
1 Jan Smuts Avenue
PO Box 20
Wits 2050
Tel: +27 11 717-7657
Fax: +27 11 339-8175
© The copyright for papers in this publication belongs to authors of the papers.
All correspondence relating to the WABER Conference should be addressed to:
Dr Sena A. Agyepong
Ashesi University College
Accra, Ghana
Please visit for more information
All papers in this publication have been through a review process involving initial screening of abstracts, review by at least two referees, reporting of comments to authors, modifications of papers by authors and re-evaluation of re-submitted papers to ensure quality of content.
Accra, Ghana, 12-14 August 2013
A/Prof Samuel Laryea, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr Sena A. Agyepong, Ashesi University College, Ghana
First published 2013
ISBN 978-0-9566060-7-5
Published by
West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference
C/o Samuel Laryea
University of the Witwatersrand
School of Construction Economics and Management
1 Jan Smuts Avenue
PO Box 20
Wits 2050
Tel: +27 11 717-7657
Fax: +27 11 339-8175
© The copyright for papers in this publication belongs to authors of the papers.
All correspondence relating to the WABER Conference should be addressed to:
Dr Sena A. Agyepong
Ashesi University College
Accra, Ghana
Please visit for more information
10th - 12th August 2015 in Accra, Ghana
Samuel Laryea, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Roine Leiringer, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
First published in 2015
The ISBN for this publication was provided by the National Library of South Africa. Legal deposits of the publication have been supplied to the National Library of South Africa, Library of Parliament, and other places of Legal Deposit.
© Copyright. WABER Conference. 2015. The copyright for papers in this publication belongs to authors of the papers.
Published by:
West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference
C/o Samuel Laryea
School of Construction Economics and Management
University of the Witwatersrand
1 Jan Smuts Avenue, Johannesburg, South Africa
PO Box 20, Wits 2050
Tel: +27 78 172 6106
Website: /
All papers in this publication have been through a review process involving initial screening of abstracts, review of full papers by at least two referees, reporting of comments to authors, revision of papers by authors and re-evaluation of re-submitted papers to ensure quality of content.
Volume 2
10th - 12th August 2015 in Accra, Ghana
Samuel Laryea, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Roine Leiringer, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
First published in 2015
The ISBN for this publication was provided by the National Library of South Africa. Legal deposits of the publication have been supplied to the National Library of South Africa, Library of Parliament, and other places of Legal Deposit.
© Copyright. WABER Conference. 2015. The copyright for papers in this publication belongs to authors of the papers.
Published by:
West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference
C/o Samuel Laryea
School of Construction Economics and Management
University of the Witwatersrand
1 Jan Smuts Avenue, Johannesburg, South Africa
PO Box 20, Wits 2050
Tel: +27 78 172 6106
Website: /
All papers in this publication have been through a review process involving initial screening of abstracts, review of full papers by at least two referees, reporting of comments to authors, revision of papers by authors and re-evaluation of re-submitted papers to ensure quality of content.
Volume 1
10th - 12th August 2015 in Accra, Ghana
Samuel Laryea, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Roine Leiringer, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
First published in 2015
The ISBN for this publication was provided by the National Library of South Africa. Legal deposits of the publication have been supplied to the National Library of South Africa, Library of Parliament, and other places of Legal Deposit.
© Copyright. WABER Conference. 2015. The copyright for papers in this publication belongs to authors of the papers.
Published by:
West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference
C/o Samuel Laryea
School of Construction Economics and Management
University of the Witwatersrand
1 Jan Smuts Avenue, Johannesburg, South Africa
PO Box 20, Wits 2050
Tel: +27 78 172 6106
Website: /
All papers in this publication have been through a review process involving initial screening of abstracts, review of full papers by at least two referees, reporting of comments to authors, revision of papers by authors and re-evaluation of re-submitted papers to ensure quality of content.
African institutions fail to fully articulate the local construction practices and
stylized facts that are unique to construction in the region. !is textbook is an
attempt to begin bridging this gap. !e main aim is to illuminate some of the main
issues and local practices relating to construction in West Africa, to provide a basis
for understanding the nature of the construction sector in the subregion, and its
relationship with local practices elsewhere in the world.
!e idea of writing a textbook on construction in West Africa emerged during
the WABER 2010 Conference which took place in Accra, Ghana on 19-21 July.
Looking at the 150+ participants comprising of construction academics, researchers
and practitioners, we saw the WABER conference as an opportunity to mobilise
ourselves and take this "rst step of providing a useful textbook for students and
researchers of construction in West Africa. Although the o#cial title of the book
is: “Construction in West Africa”, its origins and process of development has led
most people to simply refer to it as the “WABER Book”. !e end result just goes
to show what we can collectively achieve when we work together, share ideas and combine what we know.
!e chapters have been written by ten academics of West African origin based in six different countries. !e reviewers of the draft chapters for the book are based
in ten countries. !is scope and diversity is one of the strengths underpinning
the textbook, in that, the authors touch on a variety of interesting areas and draw
upon a broad array of experiences. In some chapters, the authors have been able to
relate their experiences of the construction sector in West Africa to local practices
!e "rst chapter addresses the nature of economies in West Africa and its
relationship with the construction sector. !e production of construction goods, services, utilities and works happens within an economic context. This chapter helps in our understanding of some of the issues relating to demand and supply of construction goods and services, stylized features of the construction sector,
and economic institutions that support the construction industry such as banks,
insurance "rms, derivative markets and non-bank "nancial institutions.
!e second chapter provides a lens for understanding some of the historical
antecedents shaping the construction of buildings and infrastructure in West Africa. Architecture and urbanisation in most West African cities have been significantly influenced by the colonial period. Many buildings in West African
cities were constructed during the colonial period, as evidenced by the structures in areas such as Accra, Lagos, Abidjan and Bamako. However, one interesting thing about these buildings is how they have been incorporated over time into the local
and dynamic fabric of the locality, although their uses may have changed over
time according to the needs of the population, they continue to stand and testify to the British and French influence of this period and African adaptability in the independence period.
!e third chapter deals with the commonly seen architecture and building forms
in West Africa. !e concepts of traditional architecture, colonial architecture and
contemporary architecture are examined to consider the potential implications
on future design and construction practices. !is chapter examines the material
form and construction of speci"cally West African architecture, attempting a brief
survey of buildings from the nomadic dwellings of the Saharas dry savannah belt,
through to the rainforest wattle and daub settlements, to the stilt buildings found
in the mangrove swamps in coastal West Africa. It highlights the relationship of
building construction and form to socio-cultural economic and environmental
contexts in each case.
As construction activities involve input from people with the relevant knowledge
and skills, the fourth chapter on human resources explores some of the common
Human Resources practices in public and private construction sectors, particularly,
in Ghana and Nigeria. Key issues discussed include the role and demand of human
resources, workforce compositions and human resource challenges. A useful
point discussed is the need for better strategic management of the construction
workforce to improve the development and sustenance of the construction sector
and its contribution to the economic development of the subregion.
One of the initial activities carried out for every construction project or property
development is planning. !is may be carried out in formal and informal ways
depending on the scale of the development, location and regulatory requirements.
Although there is evidence of some level of planning and building regulations
during the pre-colonial era in most countries in West Africa, it was not until
the colonial administration that formal planning and building regulations were
institutionalised. Several decades a%er independence, most of the legislations and
institutions established still take centre stage in current planning and building
regulatory activities. With increasing urbanization in West African countries, the
adequacy and strength of such institutions are put to test. In the "%h chapter, three
issues are discussed in relation to the planning processes and building regulations
of countries in West Africa, i.e. the planning process, building regulations and the
state of cities.
Procurement approaches and contract networks are essential parts of construction
projects. In a wider sense, procurement processes relate to the methods and
relationships involved in the acquisition of goods, utilities, services and works.
In construction, a procurement strategy describes the roles, responsibilities and
relationships of the various organizations involved in developing the funding,
design, construction and operation of a building or facility. In the sixth chapter,
some of the salient issues covered include the institutional framework within which
construction is procured; how to develop a tendering and procurement strategy
for a construction project appropriate to its context; key constraints on organizing
construction supply chains; and the impact of the economy on the options open
to a procurer of construction work. Anyone involved in procurement decisionmaking
should have a clear understanding of the various stages of deciding
on a procurement policy, including sources of funds, management of design,
management of construction, integration of supply chain, calculation of price, and
method for selecting contracting parties including consultants. !ey also need to
have an understanding of the various kinds of contracts used in construction.
!e seventh chapter focuses on the calculation of price which is a fundamental
activity in construction contracts. !ere are various techniques of how prices are
calculated i.e. "xed price or cost reimbursement. !is mechanism for calculating
the construction price has an impact on the pricing strategy of a contractor, and on
the risks associated with cash #ow, "nancial protection and, ultimately, price. !e
issues covered include the calculation of construction costs, elements of a bidding
price, factors considered by contractors in deciding whether or not to bid for a
project, and risks that a$ect pricing levels. !ree important concepts relating to
price formation in contracts are cost, price and value. Cost refers to the amount
people pay for their resources. Price refers to the amount for which people sell
their products or services. Value refers to the amount buyers are willing to pay
for products and services, i.e. how much it is worth to the buyer. !e relationship
between these three concepts is vital in procurement and price formation in
construction contracts.
Once a project is planned and the contractual arrangements are set out between
the employer, contractor and other members of the supply chain, appropriate
materials and methods need to be mobilised for actual production of the work
on a construction site. Chapter eight o$ers a detailed explanation of various
kinds of methods and materials used in construction production, particularly in
Ghana. It discusses the indigenous self-built construction techniques in Ghana
and provides comprehensive range of alternative solutions covering contemporary
and conventional methods of construction. Some of the key areas described
relate to construction methods of foundations and retaining structures, ground
water control, #oors, walls, doors and windows and roofs, which form the major
components of a building structure. Most of these are illustrated with drawings viii
and photographs of actual construction techniques in progress.
Education is key to the development and future of the construction professions
and industry in West Africa. !e "nal chapter looks at the major academic
institutions in the region that provide built environment education, and the courses
o$ered. Most part of the built environment education o$ered in universities has
traditionally been focused around six main areas of architecture, building, estate
management, quantity surveying, surveying and geoinformatics, and urban and
regional planning. New areas like construction management, project management,
real estate, and procurement management are emerging. It is crucial to keep the
built environment programmes o$ered in West African institutions fresh and upto-
date. A possible way to achieve this is to align the programmes with changing
national needs and global trends.
As to the best of our knowledge this is the "rst textbook of its kind focusing on
West Africa. It is impressive to have such an important piece of academic material
from a wide range of West African academics. We wish to thank and commend all eight authors of this first edition on a job well done.
Construction in West Africa
Accra, Ghana, 12-14 August 2013
A/Prof Samuel Laryea, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr Sena A. Agyepong, Ashesi University College, Ghana
First published 2013
ISBN 978-0-9566060-6-8
Published by
West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference
C/o Samuel Laryea
University of the Witwatersrand
School of Construction Economics and Management
1 Jan Smuts Avenue
PO Box 20
Wits 2050
Tel: +27 11 717-7657
Fax: +27 11 339-8175
© The copyright for papers in this publication belongs to authors of the papers.
All correspondence relating to the WABER Conference should be addressed to:
Dr Sena A. Agyepong
Ashesi University College
Accra, Ghana
Please visit for more information
All papers in this publication have been through a review process involving initial screening of abstracts, review by at least two referees, reporting of comments to authors, modifications of papers by authors and re-evaluation of re-submitted papers to ensure quality of content.
Accra, Ghana, 12-14 August 2013
A/Prof Samuel Laryea, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr Sena A. Agyepong, Ashesi University College, Ghana
First published 2013
ISBN 978-0-9566060-7-5
Published by
West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference
C/o Samuel Laryea
University of the Witwatersrand
School of Construction Economics and Management
1 Jan Smuts Avenue
PO Box 20
Wits 2050
Tel: +27 11 717-7657
Fax: +27 11 339-8175
© The copyright for papers in this publication belongs to authors of the papers.
All correspondence relating to the WABER Conference should be addressed to:
Dr Sena A. Agyepong
Ashesi University College
Accra, Ghana
Please visit for more information
All papers in this publication have been through a review process involving initial screening of abstracts, review by at least two referees, reporting of comments to authors, modifications of papers by authors and re-evaluation of re-submitted papers to ensure quality of content.
Accra, Ghana, 12-14 August 2013
A/Prof Samuel Laryea, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr Sena A. Agyepong, Ashesi University College, Ghana
First published 2013
ISBN 978-0-9566060-7-5
Published by
West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference
C/o Samuel Laryea
University of the Witwatersrand
School of Construction Economics and Management
1 Jan Smuts Avenue
PO Box 20
Wits 2050
Tel: +27 11 717-7657
Fax: +27 11 339-8175
© The copyright for papers in this publication belongs to authors of the papers.
All correspondence relating to the WABER Conference should be addressed to:
Dr Sena A. Agyepong
Ashesi University College
Accra, Ghana
Please visit for more information
10th - 12th August 2015 in Accra, Ghana
Samuel Laryea, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Roine Leiringer, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
First published in 2015
The ISBN for this publication was provided by the National Library of South Africa. Legal deposits of the publication have been supplied to the National Library of South Africa, Library of Parliament, and other places of Legal Deposit.
© Copyright. WABER Conference. 2015. The copyright for papers in this publication belongs to authors of the papers.
Published by:
West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference
C/o Samuel Laryea
School of Construction Economics and Management
University of the Witwatersrand
1 Jan Smuts Avenue, Johannesburg, South Africa
PO Box 20, Wits 2050
Tel: +27 78 172 6106
Website: /
All papers in this publication have been through a review process involving initial screening of abstracts, review of full papers by at least two referees, reporting of comments to authors, revision of papers by authors and re-evaluation of re-submitted papers to ensure quality of content.
Volume 2
10th - 12th August 2015 in Accra, Ghana
Samuel Laryea, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Roine Leiringer, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
First published in 2015
The ISBN for this publication was provided by the National Library of South Africa. Legal deposits of the publication have been supplied to the National Library of South Africa, Library of Parliament, and other places of Legal Deposit.
© Copyright. WABER Conference. 2015. The copyright for papers in this publication belongs to authors of the papers.
Published by:
West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference
C/o Samuel Laryea
School of Construction Economics and Management
University of the Witwatersrand
1 Jan Smuts Avenue, Johannesburg, South Africa
PO Box 20, Wits 2050
Tel: +27 78 172 6106
Website: /
All papers in this publication have been through a review process involving initial screening of abstracts, review of full papers by at least two referees, reporting of comments to authors, revision of papers by authors and re-evaluation of re-submitted papers to ensure quality of content.
Volume 1
10th - 12th August 2015 in Accra, Ghana
Samuel Laryea, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Roine Leiringer, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
First published in 2015
The ISBN for this publication was provided by the National Library of South Africa. Legal deposits of the publication have been supplied to the National Library of South Africa, Library of Parliament, and other places of Legal Deposit.
© Copyright. WABER Conference. 2015. The copyright for papers in this publication belongs to authors of the papers.
Published by:
West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference
C/o Samuel Laryea
School of Construction Economics and Management
University of the Witwatersrand
1 Jan Smuts Avenue, Johannesburg, South Africa
PO Box 20, Wits 2050
Tel: +27 78 172 6106
Website: /
All papers in this publication have been through a review process involving initial screening of abstracts, review of full papers by at least two referees, reporting of comments to authors, revision of papers by authors and re-evaluation of re-submitted papers to ensure quality of content.
particularly in a competitive market where construction professionals strictly interpret the documents to prepare a competitive bid. The impact of tender document quality on the accuracy of project estimates is assessed to determine the determinants of good tender-quality documents. Additionally, interventions that can be implemented to improve tender document quality and the implications of poor tender document quality were also analyzed. Qualitative data was collected from construction professionals using an interview. Data was analyzed by Atlas-ti using thematic analysis where six key themes were extracted. The study concluded that poorquality tender documents compromise the accuracy of project estimates and delivery of projects within the South African construction industry. The consequences of poor tender document
quality included reduced project profitability, incomplete projects, project termination due to funding issues, misunderstanding of boundaries, misalignment of the programme, increased costs and a negative impact on construction estimates.
manage these disruptions effectively, it lacks clarity on how these strategies are conceptualised and practically mobilised within contracting organisations. However, a notable deficiency of the literature is that the manner in which these strategies are conceptualised and mobilised
persuasively within contracting organisations remain unidentified. This study fills this void by conducting a comprehensive literature review, proposing a conceptual framework on the persuasive mobilisation of organisational resilience strategies within the construction sector.
Through the lens of the strategy-as-practice perspective and drawing upon theoretical insights from narrative theory, this research intricately examines the interplay between contextual factors such as industry dynamics, organisational resilience strategies, narrative building blocks,
strategic discourse and narrative persuasion. Specifically, this study underscores the significance of narrative infrastructure as the contextual canvas upon which strategic narratives are crafted and enacted. By elucidating the impact of narrative infrastructure on organisational actions and member perceptions, this framework not only advances theoretical understanding but also offers actionable insights for enhancing organisational resilience through strategic narratives. This research contributes to both academia and industry by shedding light on the pivotal role of narrative infrastructure in construction firms and providing pragmatic pathways for leveraging it effectively.