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Building repair & maintenance (R&M) are inevitable: building components deteriorate with time due to aging, constant use -causing wear and tear, possible design and construction defects, and the consequences of environmental agents and... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentProject Risk ManagementDeveloping CountriesRepair and Maintenance
Purpose Project risk management (PRM) and human resource management (HRM) are the two critical success factors (CSFs) for international project management. This paper aims to correlate these two CSFs, identify the human resource (HR)... more
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      Project ManagementProject Risk ManagementInternational Project ManagementEmerald Journal
This work is a research done by Mwalimu Martin Otundo out of a friend's inkling. The idea of the project was initially put forward by Adam. Publication has been done by Mwalimu martin Otundo to add knowledge and literature to other... more
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      Project ManagementProject Risk ManagementProject-Based LearningProject Managment
Difficulties in the disaster management process are caused by many factors such as the complexity and fast-spreading harmful effects of hazards, lack of timely and accurate information, difficulty in making key decisions, inability to... more
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      Disaster risk managementProject Risk ManagementDisasters
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      Strategy (Military Science)Project ManagementStrategic StudiesStrategic Management
2016 For companies where its capacity for effective governance has degraded slowly, but consistently over the course of a long chain of rhetorical excesses, guidelines corruptions, sentimental hyperbole and philosophical high-falutin….... more
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      Project ManagementArbitrationHuman Resource ManagementProject Risk Management
Woods, M. (2011). Risk Management in Organizations-An integrated case study approach. New York: Routledge.
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      Business AdministrationProject ManagementRisk GovernanceHuman Resource Management
An adequate Risk management system for manufacturing medical devices - orthopaedic and dentistry implants - is critical due to sensitive nature of these devices. The main goal of this research is to apply a risk management system based on... more
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      Project Risk ManagementMedicine
Essential Information, tools and techniques for the portfolio, program and project managers
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      Project ManagementClassProject Risk ManagementConstruction Project Management
The complex environments of today’s markets makes managing organizations in complexity and turbulence a concern for senior managers, and necessitate developing a dynamic strategic framework to cope with complexity in managing... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsProject ManagementTurbulence
The adage goes that, " you can't manage what you can't measure ". Furthermore, project teams cannot reasonably measure uncertainty if it is not clearly described. Additionally, the worthiness of an entire risk management program is in... more
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    • Project Risk Management
The paper explores the impact of the main elements of the strategic investment projects management process in South East Europe (SEE), on achieving project objectives. The impact of different projects elements on the project's risk... more
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      Project Risk ManagementFormulation and Evaluation of Investment ProjectsStrategic Investment
Safety and security are major factors that need to be prioritised by any party in the building and construction industry. Various regulations are required to be maintained by the authority regarding safety. The topic of study was the... more
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      Civil EngineeringProject Risk ManagementConstruction Project ManagementBuilding Engineering and Construction Management
Effective cost and risk management is critical to the success of large infrastructure projects. Significant cost overruns in major projects show that risk management is not being given the importance it should have. In order to be able to... more
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      Project Risk ManagementRisk Assessment & Risk ManagementMegaprojectsProbabilistic Graphical Models
Risk plays an important role in the success of construction project. In managing risk, identification of risk factors is very critical. Hence, this study focused on the investigation of risk factors from contractors’ perspective as the... more
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      Construction ManagementProject Risk ManagementRisk ManagementRisk Management in Construction
Communication is a viable tool in project management which depends on verbal, non-verbal body dialect that transmits a message whereas relying on signals for input. Without solid communication project manager seem discover it... more
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      Project ManagementProject Risk Management
Risk is a condition that can result failure of software project and loss in terms of cost and quality. Some controls used to reduce the Risk. These controls can be identified as anything that finds the cause and help to reduce the risk... more
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      EngineeringProject Risk ManagementRiskPROJECT
In an interview with Project Magazine, Bent Flyvbjerg describes the challenges, causes, and cures of risk in major project management. Main challenges identified are benefit shortfalls, cost overruns, and schedule overruns. Root causes of... more
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      ManagementProject ManagementUrban PlanningStrategic Management
Organizational success in software industry is completely dependent on accomplishment in terms of successful project delivery that results in client satisfaction associated with end user requirements. This victory can be sustained if the... more
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    • Project Risk Management
Purpose International projects very commonly experience failure due to various factors at the global level. Especially, large projects at the international level virtually have no chance of meeting scope, time, cost and quality. This fact... more
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      Project ManagementProject Risk ManagementRisk Assessment & Risk ManagementInternational Projects
Tunnel projects considered as one of the complex and dangerous infrastructure projects due to the attribute of such projects as it progressively achieves highly risk and uncertainties during project implementation. Such kind of projects... more
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      Construction ManagementGeotechnical EngineeringProject Risk ManagementRisk Management
This paper seeks to investigate the concepts of risk management and its implications for program management discipline. It highlights the distinctions of programs over projects and discusses why programs are more risky. Further, based on... more
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      Decision MakingProject ManagementTelecommunicationsProject Risk Management
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    • Project Risk Management
Risk and opportunity are present in the lives of people and organizations of all types and sizes, exposed to the influences and factors, internal and external, that interfere with the possibility and when both are trying to reach an... more
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      Monitoring And EvaluationProject Risk ManagementRisk ManagementRisk Assessment & Risk Management
PL Artykuł omawia problem ryzyka w zarządzaniu projektem. Opisano różne formuły realizacji projektów inwestycyjno-budowlanych. Podano też czynniki ryzyka odpowiadające wybranym wariantom formuły realizacji projektu. Podkreślono zależność... more
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      Project ManagementLogisticsProject Risk ManagementConstruction Project Management
Comune di Bardonecchia PRGC-Cronoprogramma degli interventi per l'utilizzazione delle aree di Classe IIIb2-IIIb3-IIIb4 Scheda N° 3 "S" parziale Melezet-Les Arnauds Rio Fosse Studio della dinamica valanghiva e sedimentaria del bacino del... more
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      Snow and Avalanche ResearchProject Risk ManagementDebris FlowsAvalanche Hazard
The presentation examines the challenges to project delivery and highlights key factors to be addressed in correcting the situations.
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      Project ManagementProject Risk Management
The number of projects run by companies has increased significantly over the last two decades. Therefore, apart from the challenges associated with single-project realisation, the multi-project environment created new issues that... more
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      ManagementKnowledge ManagementProject ManagementOperations Management
Özet Krizler, örgütlerin önleme ve uyum mekanizmalarını yetersiz hale getirerek mevcut değerlerini, amaçlarını ve varsayımlarını tehdit eden ve bu tehditlere karşı acele cevap verilmesini zorunlu kılan, gerginlik verici durumlardır.... more
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      ManagementCrisis communication and managementCrisis ManagementProject Risk Management
Organizations who rely on the successful delivery of capital assets, need to set stretch goals that can help improve their capability and develop or maintain a competitive advantage. Dr. D. Hillson once likened the successful application... more
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    • Project Risk Management
case analysis in overcoming the Hyflux company regarding their problems in project management issues
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      Project ManagementProject Risk ManagementRisk Management
This paper presents a structured Project Risk Interactions Management (PRIM) process designed to make risk response planning decisions taking into account the complex interactions that potentially exist between project risks. Projects are... more
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      Project Risk ManagementComplexityBusiness and ManagementInteractions
Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. Project management is also defining as the uses of the processes such as: initiating, planning,... more
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      Project ManagementProject Risk ManagementCost and Time Performance of Construction Project
Language Migration is a highly risky and complex process. Many authors have provided different ways to tackle down the problem, but it still not completely resolved, even-more it is considered almost impossible on many circumstances.... more
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      Project Risk ManagementSoftware MigrationSoftware Complexity
The drive to create integrated and collaborative project teams has seen the behavioural assessment of suppliers become increasingly common in construction procurement exercises. Within the stated objectives of this are the desire to... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologySocial SciencesSupply Chain Management
Lean Six Sigma Measure Phase Tollgate Templates are a guide to Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Projects. Lean Six Sigma Practitioners use the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationEngineeringStatistics
BUS 375 Week 1 to 11 Strayer BUS 375 Project Management BUS 375 Assignment 1, MS Project Familiarization BUS 375 Assignment 2, Project Proposal BUS 375 Assignment 3, Greendale Stadium Case BUS 375 Assignment 4, Project Schedule BUS... more
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      Project ManagementProject Risk ManagementConstruction Project Management
A copy of Journal published on RICS... more
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      Project Risk ManagementRisk mitigationDelay and disruption claims in construction industry
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was To Examine the influence of knowledge, attitude and practice of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevention in Hola Hospital. The following objectives guided this research: to establish the level of... more
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      Project ManagementHIV and AIDS educationHIV/AIDSProject Risk Management
Este estudo identifica riscos novos e potencializados em projetos de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) com equipes locais. O caráter é exploratório no tocante ao levantamento dos riscos junto aos gerentes de projeto de empresas de diversos... more
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      Project ManagementProject Risk ManagementRisk and VulnerabilityRisk Management
MySQL 5.7 has been GA since October 2015. At the time of writing, it is still a very new release. But more and more companies are looking into upgrading, as it has a list of great new features. Schema changes can be performed with less... more
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    • Project Risk Management
Studies show one of the reasons for the failure of the software projects is the absence of Risk Management or its improper application. The adoption of Agile Framework on software projects is increasing. However, the Agile does not have... more
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      Project ManagementAgile Project ManagementProject Risk ManagementRisk Assessment Tools
Railway track subgrade failure induced by climate related softening, may lead to unplanned maintenance costs and consequential and costly train delays. The softening process can be due to the presence of water in the upper parts of the... more
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      EngineeringProject Risk ManagementRisk ManagementRisk assessment
The mission of the International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management (IJRCM) is to discover what risk and uncertainty mean to different disciplines and industries. Risks are known in the sense they can be measured but it is the... more
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      Information SystemsDisaster risk managementRisk GovernanceProject Risk Management
The development of the web has made an incredible effect on our day by day lives. As of late, money related establishments worldwide have quickly moved from branch-based banking to online based administration conveyance changing the... more
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      Information TechnologyProject ManagementProject Risk ManagementConstruction Project Management
Although risk assessment is probably the most difficult component of the Risk Management process, it is potentially the most useful. A critical review of the literature published on the topic over the last 27 years has revealed... more
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      Project Risk ManagementRisk Management
The delivery of any construction project faces risk and uncertainty. Contingencies cover residual risks and absorb both variability and uncertainty. The management of contingencies plays a key role in improving risk management and project... more
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      Project Risk ManagementConstruction Project ManagementContingency Management
Dear Colleague, It is my great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 6th ICT Forum that will be held in October 14-16, 2014 in Nis, Serbia. Additional information on the 6th ICT Forum is enclosed and can be found at the... more
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      Sociology of DisasterFire and Emergency ServicesDisability StudiesFlood Risk Management