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This essay examines media coverage and candidate rhetoric of Hillary Rodham Clinton and Elizabeth Dole during their 2000 political campaigns. Although gender was emphasized when Clinton was first lady, it became the tacit subtext of her... more
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      Gender and PoliticsHillary ClintonWomen's movementU.S. President
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      Image RestorationNewspaperFull Text Vol 5
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      Gender and PoliticsHillary Clinton
The authors examine two Time magazine cover images: O.J. Simpson, after his arrest for the murder of Nicole Brown, and Hillary Clinton during the Whitewater controversy, arguing that the Time covers function as a visual rhetoric, invoking... more
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      Visual RhetoricHegemonic MasculinityHillary ClintonTime Magazine
The “Sex and the City Voter” construct as it was deployed in political journalism and popular culture during the 2004 campaign is problematic. Although it seemingly promoted young women’s political agency, the potency of the image came... more
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      Gender and PoliticsThird-Wave FeminismSex and the City
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In this essay, I contend that political culture and campaign journalism during the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign was “pornified.” Examination of broadcast journalism, viral videos, online commentary, political pop culture, and... more
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      GenderSarah PalinU.S. PoliticsHillary Clinton
The authors examine two Time magazine cover images: O.J. Simpson, after his arrest for the murder of Nicole Brown, and Hillary Clinton during the Whitewater controversy, arguing that the Time covers function as a visual rhetoric, invoking... more
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      Visual RhetoricCritical Race Theory and Whiteness theory
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This essay assesses the challenges and opportunities the electoral system presents to women running for elective office. In proportional systems, much of the rhetorical work occurs at the level of the party, requiring the political woman... more
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This article assesses the ways in which electoral systems present unique rhetorical challenges for women running for elective office, using German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a case study. In proportional systems, much of the rhetorical... more
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      Electoral SystemsWomen in PoliticsAngela Merkel
The article discusses political partisanship as a theme in the U.S. presidential eulogies related to the U.S. Space Shuttle disasters in 1986 and 2003 by then-U.S. presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush respectively. The authors... more
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      RhetoricGenre studiesPublic AddressRhetorical Criticism
The contention that Clinton was the wrong candidate for a “change” election also obscures another, more important, insight—not that Clinton was the wrong woman for the presidency in 2016, but that every woman is the wrong woman—and will... more
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      Gender StudiesPresidency (American Politics)Women in Politics
The centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment offers an opportunity to write a new story about women's democratic engagement. The goal of this issue is to honor women's democratic labor while disturbing the generic features of... more
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    • Linguistics
Fortunately, in the last 20 years, the scholarship on women in politics has grown considerably, as have the number of women running for office, the number of women holding office, and thus the amount of data, artifacts, contexts, and... more
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      Political ScienceGender and Politics
art of the implicit charge of this task force is to call the presidency to its ethical obligations, most particularly with respect to its rhetorical activities. And yet as any observer of the ongoing four-year cycles of presidential... more
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This essay examines how public memory is visualized in the statue to Canada's ''gay pioneer,'' Alexander Wood. By analyzing three viewing positions of the statue*the official democratic memory, traditionalist countermemory, and camp... more
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      RhetoricQueer TheoryPublic MemoryQueer
LGBT discourse. This discourse has been used to defy heteronormative characterizations of violence, confirm gay and lesbian identity, and to "queer" rigid notions of community. Tracing Shepard's memory through three contested memory... more
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Oscar Wilde is perhaps the most well-known historical homosexual in the public imagination. However, for a new generation of queers less connected to “gay” labels, Wilde appears other and forgettable. To reanimate Wilde’s memory for... more
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      Queer TheoryGay And Lesbian StudiesPublic MemoryOscar Wilde
This essay examines memory strategies of the Obama Administration in the days immediately after the President’s gaffe-laden 2009 oath of office. Inaugurals are significant legal and symbolic moments in American memory. However, Obama’s... more
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      Presidency (American Politics)ArgumentationMemory StudiesPublic Memory