Women's movement
Recent papers in Women's movement
Au tournant des années 1970, on assiste à l’émergence d’un renouveau féministe au Québec, marquée par la création du Front de libération des femmes du Québec en 1969. Une part du mouvement féministe envisage alors les activités... more
In the course of history an interesting evolution has taken place in European gender equality policies. This story started in 1957 when the European Economic Community was founded and the principle of equal pay for equal work for men and... more
Captured and branded in the highly recognizable image of the pink ribbon, the politics of breast cancer at the start of the 21st century is markedly hopeful (given the grim statistics) and surprisingly compliant with the medical... more
"‘This book illuminates the fascinating life of Eva Gore-Booth. Often lost in the shadow of her more famous sister, Constance, Eva finally emerges as a key figure. Historian Sonja Tiernan has written an exciting and vibrant life of this... more
Class Presentation outline:
San Francisco State University | COUN 700 [1] | Dr. Wanda Lee, Instructor | April 14, 2014
Text: Corey, G. (2013). (pp. 360-394)
San Francisco State University | COUN 700 [1] | Dr. Wanda Lee, Instructor | April 14, 2014
Text: Corey, G. (2013). (pp. 360-394)
One of the ways to account for the inability of the French feminist movement to think differences among women (as illustrated by the recent controversies around the wearing of the Islamic veils) is to examine its firm allegiance to the... more
Der Ruf nach Selbstbestimmung war einst ein Aufbruchssignal der Frauenbewegung. Inzwischen ist die Forderung vielfältig kritisch reflektiert worden. In den Sozialwissenschaften wird die Vorstellung eines autonomen Selbst in den so... more
In a year in which audiences have been captivated by Mad Men's exploration of the early 1960s and Julia Child's foray into the male-dominated world of Le Cordon Bleu, it seems Americans can't get enough of postwar culture and its... more
The women’s movement has become increasingly entangled with the “ secularism versus Islamism” debate in today’s Turkey. While secular feminists believe that escalating authoritarianism and Islamic revivalism threaten gender equality and... more
Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and to the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly entitled “Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century”. Tackling issues with Respect to... more
***Description of this Reading***: This is chapter six of my dissertation with only eleven pages available for preview here on Academia.edu. It chronicles the beginning of Bethune's NCNW. Readers gain a sense of her organizing... more
Woman's Theology - Black Women's Awakening is a chapter in the book Perspectives on Black Theology. Black Women have long been disenfranchised in our American society. Realizing the program format of Feminist nor the objectives of Black... more
The present paper maps the terrain of activism in the feminist and the Women’s Movement in India. The Indian women’s movement is extremely diverse; the cultural, historical, geographical, religious, political and regional factors... more
Despite its disapproval of the modernization of the woman’s role in the society, the NSDAP could not prevent the consolidation of a female leadership within the party. This was until 1945 in charge of leading the Reich´s woman´s... more
"In 1932, Ladies’ Home Journal (LHJ) ran an extensive campaign, orchestrated by public relations pioneer Edward Bernays, to persuade American women to end the Great Depression through consumer purchases. Although the campaign failed, it... more
Synopsis The article examines how feminists expand the confines of the political, rethink political values in the Turkish context and contribute to the democratization of the polity. The focus is on a feminist monthly entitled Pazartesi.... more
Women’s suffrage as a controversial issue among Dutch feminists, 1870-1900 Female suffrage was not the Dutch women’s movement’s central issue from the beginning, nor did contemporary social reformers conceive it as part of the... more
In this article I approach the mobilization of women outside the realm of politics and inside NGOs in Romania and Poland, by analyzing some of the most important contextual elements that shaped their activities, interests or causes. In... more
Se analizan las estrategias que desplegó la Campaña Nacional por el Derecho al Aborto Legal, Seguro y Gratuito en Twitter en 2018, en ocasión del primer debate legislativo en torno al proyecto de ley por la interrupción voluntaria del... more
My effort to sum up what we know about protest for non-specialists and students, with a special focus on how protestors view and feel the world and make strategic decisions. Translations currently underway into Turkish, Arabic, and... more
This encyclopedia entry underscores the politics and ethics of scale in reading women’s movements in the global south – how they have always been simultaneously regional, national and transnational in scale (materially if not always... more
This paper is about women movement in Asia. Where I've tried to give my best effort to attach much information on south Asian Women's Movement.
Özet: Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları olarak kadın hakları örgütleri, hakların devlet tarafından tam anlamıyla garanti altına alınmadığı koşullarda savunuculuk anlamında çok önemli roller üstlenmektedirler. Bu örgütlerin kamu kuruluşlarıyla olan... more
The paper examines the evolution of the women's movement in Turkey and the unintended consequences of modernizing reforms.
What is extractivism? Why is Latin America and the Caribbean the most dangerous region in the world for land defenders, environmental leaders, and activists? What are the impacts of extractivism on communities affected, women, indigenous... more
Jelen tanulmány a Nőkért Egyesület „A magyar feminizmus története” című vándorkiállítása kísérőjeként a hazai nőjogi törekvéseket tekinti át az előfutároktól napjainkig, Bárány Péter 1790-es, az özvegyek nevében írt beadványától a 2013-as... more
In this co-authored piece, we examine the uses and applicability of feminist consciousness-raising to the making of contemporary online feminisms. In doing so, we are specifically interested in how, both historically and in the present,... more
First- and second-wave Western European feminists struggled to realize full access to civil rights for women and the creation of a participatory democracy that ensured social solidarity. They consequently stressed the fact that in... more
According to sociological and cultural data, women appear as the central position of the family institution. Considering the qualifications of women with in the family institution, women can be defined socially as a wife, biologically as... more