Els Països Catalans, són els territoris en els quals la llengua autòctona és el català, o bé els territoris que formen part d'unitats geohistòriques de predomini català.[1] Són també els territoris on han viscut o viuen els catalanoparlants.
El término Países Catalanes hace referencia a los territorios en los cuales la lengua catalana es autóctona, o bien los territorios que forman parte de unidades geohistóricas de predominio lingüístico catalán.
Paesi catalani è un termine utilizzato per descrivere i territori catalanofoni, tutt'ora o storicamente parte di entità amministrative catalane, impiegato anche con connotazioni politiche oltre che linguistiche.
Los Païses Catalans son una sola entitat (per cèrtas personas, una sola nacion) qu'inclutz totes los territòris ont s'espandís istoricament la lenga catalana.
Catalan Countries - The Catalan Countries refers to the territories where the Catalan language is spoken.The Països Catalans do not have any legal standing, nor is there any universal territorial definition of the scope covered by this concept. It may refer strictly to the territories in which the different varieties of Catalan are traditionally spoken, or it may be extended to the entire political entities in which Catalan has some official status, in spite of the fact that those entities include areas where Catalan is not spoken.
Short name
Catalan Countries
Official name
Divided by France, Spain, Andorra and Italy
14,435,023 inhabitants
20,664 km²
Major languages
Catalan, Spanish, French, Italian, Occitan and Sardinian
The WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons. The main page is therefore the portal to maps and cartography on Wikimedia. That page contains links to entries by country, continent and by topic as well as general notes and references.
Every entry has an introduction section in English. If other languages are native and/or official in an entity, introductions in other languages are added in separate sections. The text of the introduction(s) is based on the content of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. For sources of the introduction see therefore the Wikipedia entries linked to. The same goes for the texts in the history sections.
Historical maps are included in the continent, country and dependency entries.
The status of various entities is disputed. See the content for the entities concerned.
The maps of former countries that are more or less continued by a present-day country or had a territory included in only one or two countries are included in the atlas of the present-day country. For example the Ottoman Empire can be found in the Atlas of Turkey.