Papers: Venetian Chronicles by Alexandru Simon
Transylvanian Review, 2009
Crusading and Church Union are two of the most debated medieval concepts. In the former ‘borderla... more Crusading and Church Union are two of the most debated medieval concepts. In the former ‘borderlands of Christendom’ they have also peculiar modern nationalist meanings. Like modern nationalism, both were coined outside of the borderlands, in the great centers of civilization Rome and Constantinople. At the end of the Middle Ages, the two centres and systems underwent dramatic crisis that altered their fate for good. The Papacy experienced its ‘Babylonian captivity’, whereas Byzantium, eroded by Latins, Greeks and Muslims alike, turned into the ‘small empire’ that fell in 1453. These evolutions increased the ‘freedoms’ of the borderlands. Between the Angevine supremacy of the 1300s and the great ‘Oriental’, respectively ‘European’ rise of the House of Habsburg, respectively of the Ottoman Empire, East-Central Europe (i.e. Christendom’s south-eastern borderlands) underwent a series of changes that equally support ‘the survival of the Middle Ages’ and ‘the dawn of the Modern Age’. The studies collected in this volume attempt to recapture these contradictory features and provide a wide range of explanations for some of the ‘paradoxes’.
Italy and Europe's Eastern Border (1204-1669) (ed. by Iulian-Mihai Damian, Ioan-Aurel Pop, Mihailo St. Popovic and Alexandru Simon), p. 237-258, 2012
Papers by Alexandru Simon
În căutarea celuilalt. Diplomație, război, memorie. In Honorem Ileana Căzan Volum omagial coordonat de Mioara Anton, Georgiana Țăranu (Târgoviște: Cetatea de Scaun), pp. 45-68., 2024
Mara Branković and Zoe (Sophia) Palaiologos were frequently mentioned in connection to Saint (sin... more Mara Branković and Zoe (Sophia) Palaiologos were frequently mentioned in connection to Saint (since 1992) Stephen III the Great of Moldavia. Nevertheless, their impact on the designs of the ruler never received proper attention. One of the reasons for this neglect may have well been the fact that Mara and Zoe were staunch defenders of Orthodoxy while Stephen (the future Orthodox saint), likewise a Greek rite Christian, was the athlete of the Papacy. However, Stephen’s connections to other female politicians of his time, for instance to (famed) queens Elisabeth of Habsburg or Beatrice of Aragon, have also not been analysed, even though there was no shortage of evidence on these relations. Hence, potentially, the said scientific omissions were more (or at least equally) gender-related than confessionally motivated. The paper attempts to prudently sketch a general framework of these „female political relations” of Stephen, with emphasis on the otherwise well-known figures of Mara and Zoe. In spite of the variety of sources still available, prudence is a keyword, because, in fact, Stephen never prevailed against either of them. These facts are in effect more than telling both in relation to the age and in the long historical run. Still, they should not be viewed as profoundly indicative, in the absence of additional researches.
Analele Academiei Române. Memoriile Secţiei de Ştiinţe Istorice şi Arheologie (Bucureşti), seria a V-a, XXXIX (2024), pp. 107-146, 2024
On 1 March 1436, Pope Eugenius IV appointed Giovanni de Dominis, bishop of Senj, as Papal legate ... more On 1 March 1436, Pope Eugenius IV appointed Giovanni de Dominis, bishop of Senj, as Papal legate for Hungary (de Dominis later became bishop of Oradea and died at the battle of Varna in 1444). Nine days later (10 March 1436), still from Florence, Eugenius IV placed the ‘Wallachians, the Bulgarians and the Moldovlachs’ in ‘the Kingdom or at the Borders of Hungary’ under the authority of Gregory, the metropolite of Moldovlachia (i.e. Moldavia), who had personally acknowledged the authority of the heir of Saint Peter. A day later, on 11 March, the pope issued a universal safe-conduct for Gregory, sent out to ‘augment the Catholic faith and the Church of Rome’.
On 1 May, that same year, a member of de Dominis’ staff, signed B., wrote from Buda to Fantino Vallaresso, the archbishop of Crete. B. informed Vallaresso that “that Greek metropolite’, who earlier come to Rome from Constantinople, had arrived in Buda, together with his retinue, on 8 April. In In compliance with Eugenius IV’ wishes Sigismund of Luxemburg, king of Hungary and Bohemia, crowned emperor by Eugenius IV (1433), had dispatched the hierarch ‘towards Vlachia’, where the hierarch, that is Gregory, was to receive a church and an estate (his seat was probably the Monastery of Râmeţ, built under the Angevines in central Transylvania). B. praised Gregory’s Roman allegiance and his abjuration of ‘Greek heresies’ as a major step towards the return of the Greeks to the bosom of Christendom. Additionally, “Gregory’s union” was deemed a very good omen for the soon to be concluded – under Sigismund’s auspices - “Compacts of Jihlava” (July 1436) that were supposed to bring an end to the long Hussite wars
Eugenius IV’ decision to entrust the Greek rite Christians (the Wallachians and Bulgarians, not the Serbians) in the eastern parts of the Kingdom of Hungary to Gregory, metropolite of Moldavia, annulled the arrangements concluded between Sigismund of Luxemburg and Manuel II Palaeologus, and Mircea I of Wallachia, in the early 1390s. Based on them, Greek rite Christians in the eastern parts of Hungary were divided between the Monastery of Peri (in the – far – north), a stavropighia of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, and the metropolitanates of Ungrovlachia and of Severin (in the south), of Wallachia’s two “halves”. Unsurprisingly perhaps, Gregory however did not attend the subsequent Council of Ferrara-Florence (1438-1439). The (new) metropolite of Moldavia and its main representative was Damian, a (Bulgarian?) proxy of the ecumenical patriarch Joseph II.
The “pre-Florentine” story of Gregory of Moldavia (and Transylvania) provides more questions than answers. Three facts are however beyond doubt.1. Eugenius continued using Moldavia as unionist Papal Wallachian spearhead into Eastern and Central Europe after the Union of Florence was signed (July 1439). 2. As voivode of Transylvania from 1441 onwards (and later as regent of Hungary), John Hunyadi, who had accompanied “pater” Sigismund to the imperial coronation in Rome, tried to control Moldavia, using the election/ imposition of Wladyslaw III Jagiello, king of Poland, as king of Hungary (June 1440). 3. Even before Greek rite Cardinal Isidor read the Florentine decree of union in Buda (March 1440), prior to Wladyslaw’s enthronement (July 1440), the election of a Greek rite king of Hungary was not ruled out as an option (Lazar, one of the sons of Serbian despot George Branković, was considered as candidate for the throne in January 1440).
In spring 1436, when Eugenius, and Sigismund, rearranged – via Moldavia – Greek rite structures in (mainly) Transylvania, Dracula’s father, Vlad II was not yet voivode of neighbouring Wallachia and the secular lord of the metroplitanates of Ungrovlachia (in Argeş) and of Severin (whose seat was under Hungarian direct authority, since the early 1420s, and whose ban John Hunyadi became in May 1439). Vlad II had repeatedly failed to take Wallachia. In spring 1436, Vlad II was only Sigismund’s lord of the southern borders of Transylvania. Wallachia was under the grip of Murad II, who finally married Mara, George Branković’s daughter, in late August 1436. The sultan naturally opposed any – crusader – union between ‘Greeks’ and ‘Latins’, after also failing to win the goodwill of Sigismund at the Council of Basel (December 1433) through the agency of the ‘other duke of Wallachia’, presented as the ‘brother of the Turk’ and possibly identical with Vlad II.
Though partitioned between the brothers Elias I and Stephen II (a new, and more lasting, reconciliation was reached between them in April 1436), Moldavia was under those circumstances a better option for Eugenius IV’ designs (and for Sigismund’s, and maybe even for John VIII’s). Moldavia also had a major “international” and Wallachian advantage. Moldavia had been created a duchy (to whom the ‘nation of Vlachia’ had been entrusted by the Papacy) under the direct authority of Pope Urban VI (1370), and under the protection of Emperor Charles IV of Luxemburg, Sigismund’s father.
Allied with Elias I and Stephen II, the sons of Alexander I of Moldavia, enthroned by Mircea I in 1400, Vlad II eventually ascended the throne of Wallachia in autumn 1436 against Ottoman opposition. By spring 1437, prior to Sigismund’s death, Vlad acknowledged Murad as his suzerain. Vlad then led the way for Murad’s troops into Transylvania, ravaged by the “popular uprisings” since spring 1437. Hence, Dracula’s father was justly and immediately called a ‘son of whore’ by Eberhard Windecke, Sigismund’s chronicler.
None of the two metropolites of Wallachia were present at the Council of Ferrara-Florence (February/ April 1438-July 1439), although the Council of Basel had been informed, in August 1437, that both were active. Their absence from the council in Italy served not only Murad II, but also Albert II of Habsburg, Sigismund’s son-in-law and successor. Albert supported the rival “anti-Papal” Council of Basel, endorsed also in Poland, ruled by the very young Wladyslaw. Furthermore, in order to protect Hungary, Albert had been compelled to come to terms with Vlad II (by July 1439 the latest).
Even though, from the beginning until the end of the unionist talks in Italy, it would have been in their power (and in their interest), neither the Byzantine emperor, nor the ecumenical patriarch replaced the metropolites of Ungrovlachia and of Severin with men of their confidence. We can only speculate as to the reasons. We know solely the results: (1) for the Papacy, Moldavia stood for the Wallachians in their entirety (though Elias I was loyal to pro-Basel Krakow and (2) the crusaders of Wladyslaw III and John Hunyadi drove Vlad II and his sons into Ottoman exile (1442). Albert II’s death (October 1439), just three months after the conclusion of Union of Florence, and the subsequent structural crisis in Hungary did not help Christian stability north of the Lower Danube.
The conflict, bitter by spring 1436, between Eugenius IV and the Council of Basel further complicated matters. Eugenius, supported by Venice, focused on Moldavia. Basel seems to have turned to Wallachia and Vlad II. The Ragusan Dominican, John Stojković, highly familiar with both Wallachia and Constantinople, was appointed by Basel Latin rite bishop of Wallachian Argeş (October 1438). He was then created cardinal tituli Sancti Sixti by Felix V (October 1440), elected (anti-) pope by the Council of Basel (November 1439), after the conclusion of the Union of Florence (July 1439). Because Felix V resigned only in April 1449 (more than two years after the death of Eugenius IV in February 1447), the German reported conversion of Vlad III Dracula after John Hunyadi, regent of Hungary and voivode – to be – of Wallachia, executed Vlad II Dracul (and his first-born son, Mircea) in November 1447, might have an additional meaning.
For the time being, it safer therefore to focus (1) on the case of Gregory as a failed – pre-Florentine – unionist experiment that was initially sanctioned by at least part of the Byzantine leadership (Emperor John VIII Palaeologus and perhaps also the Ecumenical Patriarch Joseph II) and (2) on the “Wallachian” choices of Eugenius IV and Venice. (1) Gregory’s mission was most likely a rapid failure because his “Roman deal” was too extreme for other Greek rite hierarchs and politicians and because he was met with disgust by the Latin rite bishop of Transylvania, the influential George Lepes, who would have issued Gregory at best as some sort of Greek rite inquisitor, in the fashion of Giacomo Della Marca, invited to Transylvania by Lepes on precisely 8 May 1436 (a month after Gregory had arrived in Buda). (2) already by 1437, not only Rome, but also Venice had chosen Moldavia over Wallachia “on Wallachian soil”. In addition to Constantinople and Trebizond, Moldavia’s main harbour, Cetatea Albă (Moncastro, Akkerman) was used as assembly point for the Eastern delegates that sailed on Venetian galleys to the council in the Italian Peninsula.
The so-far unknown or simply neglected documents indicate that Wallachian – state and Church – matters that were deemed specific for the second half of the 15th century (i.e. the fall of Constantinople and the rise of Stephen III of Moldavia) can be traced back to the final decade of Sigismund of Luxemburg’s reign, who wanted to have his own council of union (preferably in Buda). It was perhaps not without a reason that Mehmed II’s Critobulos, Sigismund was the first ‘emperor of the Peons [i.e. the Hungarians] and of the Dacians’ [i.e. of the Wallachians]’.
Revista istorică, Nov 21, 2023
IOAN-AUREL POP*, ALEXANDRU SIMON** În 1874, Constantin Esarcu publica la București un volum de do... more IOAN-AUREL POP*, ALEXANDRU SIMON** În 1874, Constantin Esarcu publica la București un volum de documente culese din arhivele venețiene 1. Între ele, erau și fragmente din "jurnalele" (Diarii) lui Marino/ Marin Sanudo, din preajma anilor 1500. Un asemenea fragment, care ar fi putut atrage atenția, a rămas aproape uitat, din pricina unor avataruri pe care vom încerca să le lămurim, în parte măcar, în cele ce urmează. Extrasul, consemnat sub data de 28 martie 1502, este următorul: "De asemenea, în aceste zile, fiind venit la Veneția un sol al dacului, adică al lui Ștefan Carabogdan, a fost, în colegiu de către principe, făcut cavaler și îmbrăcat în aur" ([...] Item in questi zorni hessendo venuto a Venecia un orator del Dacho, zoe Stefano Carabodam, fo in Collegio per il Principe fatto cavaliere e vestito d'oro [...]). Nu interesează tema acestui studiu în ce context istoric s-a făcut această solie, atestată și de alte surse și nici ce rezultate-de altminteri notabile, cunoscute și comentate-a avut ea. Este vorba despre o solie venită la vreme de cumpănă pentru Ștefan cel Mare: în octombrie 1501, murise Bartolomeu Drágffy, cuscrul domnului de la Suceava, iar în aprilie 1502, fiica sa, Elena, acuzată de simpatii "iudaizante", şi băiatul acesteia, Dimitri<e>, moştenitorul desemnat al lui Ivan al III-lea al Moscovei, aveau să fie aruncaţi în temnită 2. Volumul lui Constantin Esarcu și autorul său erau lăudați în epocă de către Tullo Massarani, într-un periodic din Italia al prestigioasei "Societății Istorice Lombarde": "Domnul Constantin Esarcu, sol la Roma a ceea ce fu odată Dacia Traiană sau, spus în jargonul zilei curente, agent diplomatic al României (Rumenia) pe lângă guvernul nostru, este dintre acei oameni valoroși care nu consideră cele mai erudite studii ca fiind străine de grijile, chiar foarte actuale, de stat. Astfel, părându-ise că nu mai puțin din înrudirea antică dintre cele două stirpe fu demnă de alianța care le strânse împreună în vremi foarte norocoase contra unui formidabil și comun * Ioan-Aurel Pop. Acad. prof. univ. dr.,
Deleted Journal, 2023
According to letter, calendared by Ioan Bogdan (in Documente și regeste privitoare la relaţiile Ţ... more According to letter, calendared by Ioan Bogdan (in Documente și regeste privitoare la relaţiile Ţării Rumînești cu Brașovul și Ungaria în secolul XV și XVI (Bucharest, 1902), no. 27, p. 308), and later lost (like some other sources). Daniel asked the city council to fine with 3 florins each Greek rite Christian, under their secular authority, that leaved outside the law. In the absence of the Slavonic original, we can only speculate about what that law meant.
Acta terrae septemcastrensis, Dec 1, 2020
In late spring 1398, the noble judges of the Inner Szolnok County rejected John Toth as the legal... more In late spring 1398, the noble judges of the Inner Szolnok County rejected John Toth as the legal representative of Stephen I, voivode of Moldavia. Toth (i.e. the Slav/ Slovak, chiefly in later centuries) was in fact merely the procurator of Stephen's appointed procurator (representative), a certain John, the son of Costea. Mircea I the Elder, the voivode of Wallachia, was experiencing similar legal problems at the time in the Voivodate of Tran-sylvania. In January 1399, his procurator, Nicholas Dobokai of Luduş, the son of Ladislas Dobokai (the relative of Mircea's step-uncle, Wladislaw I Vlaicu), had to admit he did not know the exact boundaries of the estate of the Hunyad castle, recently granted by Sigismund of Luxemburg to Mircea. The two documents, almost trivial in essence, point towards two neglected issues: the first Transylvanian estates granted by a king of Hungary to a voivode of Moldavia and to the transalpine origins of the Hunyadi family. Placed in the context of other edited and unedited sources (charters and chronicles), the documents in question provide new perspectives on the beginnings and actions of famed Wallachian personalities of the next century.
Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Istorie, 2024
Responsabilitatea pentru opiniile exprimate în textele publicate revine în exclusivitate autorilor.
Mercenaries and Crusaders (=Memoria Hungariae, 15), ed. Attila Bárány., 2024
Few treatises have attracted the attention received by Giovanni Mario Filelfo’s Amyris (c. 1476).... more Few treatises have attracted the attention received by Giovanni Mario Filelfo’s Amyris (c. 1476). Few errant warrior poets have enjoyed the fame bestowed upon Michael <Tarchaniota> Marullus (1450s-1500). Even though they shared – through warfare and verses – the Eastern reigns of Matthias Corvinus and Mehmed II precisely in the mid 1470s, Amyris (its aim and its impact) and Marullus (his career and his messages) were seldom viewed and analyzed together. Their “official careers” did not give grounds for such togetherness. Their backgrounds and their paths were however quite similar. Giovanni Mario (Gianmario) Filelfo (1426-1480) was the son of the reputed Philorhomaios anthropos Francesco Filelfo (1398-1481), […] a clearing house for Greek intellectuals in Quattrocento Italy, second in this role only to Cardinal Bessarion […] (John Monfasani). Michael Marullus, a self-proclaimed Costantinopolitanus, found safe haven on the Ragusan and Venetian shores of the Adriatic after the Ottoman fall of Byzantium. Both Marullus and Filelfo Jr were to return to the East, where Filelfo Jr too had – certainly – been born (to a Byzantine mother, in Genoese Pera). Both served as mercenaries with the sword (Marullus) and the feather (Filelfo Jr) and both then refuted – in written above-all – their masters, Dracula allegedly, in the case of Michael Marullus, and Sultan Mehmed II (via a wealthy merchant from Ancona named Othman Lillo Ferducci), in Gianmario Filelfo’s case). These are some of the documentary grounds that call for a closer inspection of the lives and of the works of the two “Greek-Latin” humanists from the second half of the fifteenth century.
Anuarul Institutului de Istorie »A.D. Xenopol« - Iaşi, 2012
Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Medie (SMIM), 2008
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Theologia Orthodoxa, 2010
Academia letters, Jul 13, 2021
Presses universitaires du Midi eBooks, 2015
In the summer of 1476, Mehmed II had attacked Moldavia. Neither he nor his opponents accomplished... more In the summer of 1476, Mehmed II had attacked Moldavia. Neither he nor his opponents accomplished their goals. Still, it was his army and not the crusaders who was hastly retreating. In early September, Venice’s envoy in Moldavia, Emmanuele Gerardo thought that Moldavia had outlived rather well (i.e. cheap) the clash with the Porte. This was relative. Plagues, destructions, famine and death had struck her population too. Most damage had been inflicted by Basarab III Laiotă’s Walachians, who h..
Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 2021
Roughly a week before Ali Mihaloğlu, the bey of Vidin and Smederevo, raided Oradea (7-8 February ... more Roughly a week before Ali Mihaloğlu, the bey of Vidin and Smederevo, raided Oradea (7-8 February 1474), the connecting area between Hungary proper and the Voivodate of Transylvania, the Commune of Dubrovnik/Ragusa, at that time vassal to both Ottoman sultan Mehmed II and to Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary, informed Venetian Doge Nicolò Marcello, ruler of her Adriatic neighbour, about the most recent developments at the Porte, as well as at both the Porte&#39;s Asian and European borders (31 January 1474). From the latest news on Usun Hassan, still viewed by some as Christendom&#39;s main anti-Ottoman hope (in spite of the crippling losses he had suffered in August 1473), the commune moved on – in her message to Venice (earlier Usun’s main supporter) – to the combats in Vlachia Maior (Wallachia proper), recently invaded by Stephen III the Great of Moldavia (8-30 November 1473). The information had likewise been provided by the Ragusan envoys to the Porte, who had just returned to the Adriatic, after departing from Constantinople (Istanbul) on 28 December 1473. With Venice waging an increasingly desperate war against Mehmed (for ten years and counting), the task of conveying Ottoman inside information was very delicate for tribute paying Dubrovnik. The Ragusan message is the only extant known source to state that Stephen III the Great had won Wallachia from Radu III the Handsome for the benefit of Vlad III the Impaller. The rest of the known sources (however chronicles, not documents) claim that Stephen enthroned Basarab III Laiotă as ruler of Wallachia (Laiotă was his Wallachian ruler of choice until autumn 1474). Ragusa’s Venetian message bluntly contradicts the known contemporary data on Stephen III’s intervention in Wallachia in November 1473 and on the subsequent events, data preserved only in the chronicles of Stephen III (chiefly in the Moldavian-German Chronicle intended for Habsburg subjects, around 1499-1500) and in the writings of Jan Długosz (notoriously hostile towards the Hunyadi)
Anuarul Institutului de Istorie »A.D. Xenopol« - Iaşi, 2011
Anuarul Institutului de Istorie »A.D. Xenopol« - Iaşi, 2009
Radovi : Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Dec 15, 2010
In early 1474, almost ten years had elapsed since Matthias Corvinus' last and failed major anti-O... more In early 1474, almost ten years had elapsed since Matthias Corvinus' last and failed major anti-Ottoman attempt. The rather peculiar, given previous and later events and developments, Habsburg-Hunyadi 'crusader' plan of 1466-1467 had ended in the Transylvanian rebellion and the ensuing Moldavian campaign of king Matthias. Over the next years, the king focused on his Bohemian and Habsburg problems and claims, while the crusader plans drafted in 1471 were once again basically brought to a halt by another conspiracy against John Hunyadi's son. Less than three years later, the Ottoman raid on Oradea (Nagyvarad, Grosswardein), as well as Venetian financial offers, compelled the king to re-take anti-Ottoman action. His unsuccessful negotiations with sultan Mehmed II (1472-1473), alongside the aid rendered during the Walachian-Moldavian conflict to Stephen III of Moldavia (1470/1471-1473), also brought back the king to the crusader frontline. While having to restore good connections to pope Sixtus IV, eager, in return to strengthen his Western credit by crusader actions and plans, Matthias Corvinus had also to deal with the Habsburg and Jagellonian attempts to weaken his position and diminish his influence in crusader matters too, in Hungary as well as in the neighboring areas. Newfound sources, namely Italian, Milanese in particular, archival data, provided the grounds for new perspectives on Matthias Corvinus' Ottoman and anti-Ottoman actions in the mid 1470'. They allow us to take a closer look at the chain of events, decisions, propaganda, rivalry and disinformation that led to the Habsburg-Jagellonian charges of 'crusader incompetence' against Matthias Corvinus and also to the failure of the planned Hungarian-Moldavian 'trap' for sultan Mehmed II in the second half of 1476. Most of the explanations for it can be looked up in the immediate political context, complicated by the anti-Ottoman Muslim talks, by Usun Hassan's failure, respectively by the conflicts between Tartar factions. Yet, as in many cases of similar nature, the main explanations usually rely on quite simple facts. The 'anti-Ottoman' coalition of the mid 1470' consisted basically of former, more recent or traditional, rivals, such as the Rome, Venice, Hungary or Moldavia, which had a direct impact on the outcome of their crusader style attempts and actions. Another important aspect which should be emphasized in this context is the relation between Matthias and Transylvania after 1467, in connection to the local Transylvanian ties, via Walachia, with the Turk. Such structural details, beyond the various forms of modern, but also medieval, bias, have ensured an almost constant advantage to the Ottoman Empire, more and more a partner, rather than an enemy. alexandru Simon-Crusading between the Adriatic and the Black Sea: Hungary, Venice... Failed Hungarian-Ottoman peace talks made too way for another set of long negotiated crusader actions. The Burgundian-Venetian-Roman-Hungarian crusader league of 1463 was history. Nevertheless, the talks and promises, made possible in particular by the political and military defeats suffered by Rome and Venice, created the illusion of a far greater league 5. Oriental Solutions to Western Anti-Ottoman Problems at the Beginning of the 1470' After the death of pope Paul II (1471), who had turned the crusade from the South to the North, once more against the Hussites, the need for a crusader grand design was more pressing. It had to compensate domestic troubles, both in Rome and in the rest of the 'free Christian world', and to restore the credit of the crusade, of the holy Christian war, at least to the level reached in the times of John (Ioan/ Iancu, János) Hunyadi and George (Ðurađ) Castriota Skanderbeg. The means however seemed more reduced than decades prior 6. The 'crusader congress' of Regensburg had made that quite clear in midsummer 1471. Venice's military and diplomatic failures, as well as territorial losses during the ongoing war with the Porte, added to the complexity of the situation. Catholic Christendom apparently had run out of crusader options. 'Peculiar' solutions took center-stage once more. Talks with and on the Muslims (the Tartars and Uzun Hassan's Turks and Persians) and Schismatics (Russians, Walachians) were reinitiated (1471-1472).Victory was searched for in the East 7. In order to make good for his contested pontificate, but also to further Bessarion's aims, the unsuccessful papal candidate of the last two elections and Venice's favorite, pope Sixtus IV approved these talks. They were also less costly than Latin negotiations. The niece of the last Byzantine emperor, Constantine XI, Zoe, was wed to Ivan III of Moscow (1472). In the Italian Peninsula and the West no major ruler wanted to marry her, because she only had a great name, but little money. The marriage should have brought the crusade to Russia 8 .
Sigismund of Luxembourg (13681437), king of Hungary, Roman German king and finally emperor of th... more Sigismund of Luxembourg (13681437), king of Hungary, Roman German king and finally emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, is not only a prominent figure of the late Middle Ages in Catholic Western Europe; always close were also his contacts with the Orthodox World ...
Papers: Venetian Chronicles by Alexandru Simon
Papers by Alexandru Simon
On 1 May, that same year, a member of de Dominis’ staff, signed B., wrote from Buda to Fantino Vallaresso, the archbishop of Crete. B. informed Vallaresso that “that Greek metropolite’, who earlier come to Rome from Constantinople, had arrived in Buda, together with his retinue, on 8 April. In In compliance with Eugenius IV’ wishes Sigismund of Luxemburg, king of Hungary and Bohemia, crowned emperor by Eugenius IV (1433), had dispatched the hierarch ‘towards Vlachia’, where the hierarch, that is Gregory, was to receive a church and an estate (his seat was probably the Monastery of Râmeţ, built under the Angevines in central Transylvania). B. praised Gregory’s Roman allegiance and his abjuration of ‘Greek heresies’ as a major step towards the return of the Greeks to the bosom of Christendom. Additionally, “Gregory’s union” was deemed a very good omen for the soon to be concluded – under Sigismund’s auspices - “Compacts of Jihlava” (July 1436) that were supposed to bring an end to the long Hussite wars
Eugenius IV’ decision to entrust the Greek rite Christians (the Wallachians and Bulgarians, not the Serbians) in the eastern parts of the Kingdom of Hungary to Gregory, metropolite of Moldavia, annulled the arrangements concluded between Sigismund of Luxemburg and Manuel II Palaeologus, and Mircea I of Wallachia, in the early 1390s. Based on them, Greek rite Christians in the eastern parts of Hungary were divided between the Monastery of Peri (in the – far – north), a stavropighia of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, and the metropolitanates of Ungrovlachia and of Severin (in the south), of Wallachia’s two “halves”. Unsurprisingly perhaps, Gregory however did not attend the subsequent Council of Ferrara-Florence (1438-1439). The (new) metropolite of Moldavia and its main representative was Damian, a (Bulgarian?) proxy of the ecumenical patriarch Joseph II.
The “pre-Florentine” story of Gregory of Moldavia (and Transylvania) provides more questions than answers. Three facts are however beyond doubt.1. Eugenius continued using Moldavia as unionist Papal Wallachian spearhead into Eastern and Central Europe after the Union of Florence was signed (July 1439). 2. As voivode of Transylvania from 1441 onwards (and later as regent of Hungary), John Hunyadi, who had accompanied “pater” Sigismund to the imperial coronation in Rome, tried to control Moldavia, using the election/ imposition of Wladyslaw III Jagiello, king of Poland, as king of Hungary (June 1440). 3. Even before Greek rite Cardinal Isidor read the Florentine decree of union in Buda (March 1440), prior to Wladyslaw’s enthronement (July 1440), the election of a Greek rite king of Hungary was not ruled out as an option (Lazar, one of the sons of Serbian despot George Branković, was considered as candidate for the throne in January 1440).
In spring 1436, when Eugenius, and Sigismund, rearranged – via Moldavia – Greek rite structures in (mainly) Transylvania, Dracula’s father, Vlad II was not yet voivode of neighbouring Wallachia and the secular lord of the metroplitanates of Ungrovlachia (in Argeş) and of Severin (whose seat was under Hungarian direct authority, since the early 1420s, and whose ban John Hunyadi became in May 1439). Vlad II had repeatedly failed to take Wallachia. In spring 1436, Vlad II was only Sigismund’s lord of the southern borders of Transylvania. Wallachia was under the grip of Murad II, who finally married Mara, George Branković’s daughter, in late August 1436. The sultan naturally opposed any – crusader – union between ‘Greeks’ and ‘Latins’, after also failing to win the goodwill of Sigismund at the Council of Basel (December 1433) through the agency of the ‘other duke of Wallachia’, presented as the ‘brother of the Turk’ and possibly identical with Vlad II.
Though partitioned between the brothers Elias I and Stephen II (a new, and more lasting, reconciliation was reached between them in April 1436), Moldavia was under those circumstances a better option for Eugenius IV’ designs (and for Sigismund’s, and maybe even for John VIII’s). Moldavia also had a major “international” and Wallachian advantage. Moldavia had been created a duchy (to whom the ‘nation of Vlachia’ had been entrusted by the Papacy) under the direct authority of Pope Urban VI (1370), and under the protection of Emperor Charles IV of Luxemburg, Sigismund’s father.
Allied with Elias I and Stephen II, the sons of Alexander I of Moldavia, enthroned by Mircea I in 1400, Vlad II eventually ascended the throne of Wallachia in autumn 1436 against Ottoman opposition. By spring 1437, prior to Sigismund’s death, Vlad acknowledged Murad as his suzerain. Vlad then led the way for Murad’s troops into Transylvania, ravaged by the “popular uprisings” since spring 1437. Hence, Dracula’s father was justly and immediately called a ‘son of whore’ by Eberhard Windecke, Sigismund’s chronicler.
None of the two metropolites of Wallachia were present at the Council of Ferrara-Florence (February/ April 1438-July 1439), although the Council of Basel had been informed, in August 1437, that both were active. Their absence from the council in Italy served not only Murad II, but also Albert II of Habsburg, Sigismund’s son-in-law and successor. Albert supported the rival “anti-Papal” Council of Basel, endorsed also in Poland, ruled by the very young Wladyslaw. Furthermore, in order to protect Hungary, Albert had been compelled to come to terms with Vlad II (by July 1439 the latest).
Even though, from the beginning until the end of the unionist talks in Italy, it would have been in their power (and in their interest), neither the Byzantine emperor, nor the ecumenical patriarch replaced the metropolites of Ungrovlachia and of Severin with men of their confidence. We can only speculate as to the reasons. We know solely the results: (1) for the Papacy, Moldavia stood for the Wallachians in their entirety (though Elias I was loyal to pro-Basel Krakow and (2) the crusaders of Wladyslaw III and John Hunyadi drove Vlad II and his sons into Ottoman exile (1442). Albert II’s death (October 1439), just three months after the conclusion of Union of Florence, and the subsequent structural crisis in Hungary did not help Christian stability north of the Lower Danube.
The conflict, bitter by spring 1436, between Eugenius IV and the Council of Basel further complicated matters. Eugenius, supported by Venice, focused on Moldavia. Basel seems to have turned to Wallachia and Vlad II. The Ragusan Dominican, John Stojković, highly familiar with both Wallachia and Constantinople, was appointed by Basel Latin rite bishop of Wallachian Argeş (October 1438). He was then created cardinal tituli Sancti Sixti by Felix V (October 1440), elected (anti-) pope by the Council of Basel (November 1439), after the conclusion of the Union of Florence (July 1439). Because Felix V resigned only in April 1449 (more than two years after the death of Eugenius IV in February 1447), the German reported conversion of Vlad III Dracula after John Hunyadi, regent of Hungary and voivode – to be – of Wallachia, executed Vlad II Dracul (and his first-born son, Mircea) in November 1447, might have an additional meaning.
For the time being, it safer therefore to focus (1) on the case of Gregory as a failed – pre-Florentine – unionist experiment that was initially sanctioned by at least part of the Byzantine leadership (Emperor John VIII Palaeologus and perhaps also the Ecumenical Patriarch Joseph II) and (2) on the “Wallachian” choices of Eugenius IV and Venice. (1) Gregory’s mission was most likely a rapid failure because his “Roman deal” was too extreme for other Greek rite hierarchs and politicians and because he was met with disgust by the Latin rite bishop of Transylvania, the influential George Lepes, who would have issued Gregory at best as some sort of Greek rite inquisitor, in the fashion of Giacomo Della Marca, invited to Transylvania by Lepes on precisely 8 May 1436 (a month after Gregory had arrived in Buda). (2) already by 1437, not only Rome, but also Venice had chosen Moldavia over Wallachia “on Wallachian soil”. In addition to Constantinople and Trebizond, Moldavia’s main harbour, Cetatea Albă (Moncastro, Akkerman) was used as assembly point for the Eastern delegates that sailed on Venetian galleys to the council in the Italian Peninsula.
The so-far unknown or simply neglected documents indicate that Wallachian – state and Church – matters that were deemed specific for the second half of the 15th century (i.e. the fall of Constantinople and the rise of Stephen III of Moldavia) can be traced back to the final decade of Sigismund of Luxemburg’s reign, who wanted to have his own council of union (preferably in Buda). It was perhaps not without a reason that Mehmed II’s Critobulos, Sigismund was the first ‘emperor of the Peons [i.e. the Hungarians] and of the Dacians’ [i.e. of the Wallachians]’.
On 1 May, that same year, a member of de Dominis’ staff, signed B., wrote from Buda to Fantino Vallaresso, the archbishop of Crete. B. informed Vallaresso that “that Greek metropolite’, who earlier come to Rome from Constantinople, had arrived in Buda, together with his retinue, on 8 April. In In compliance with Eugenius IV’ wishes Sigismund of Luxemburg, king of Hungary and Bohemia, crowned emperor by Eugenius IV (1433), had dispatched the hierarch ‘towards Vlachia’, where the hierarch, that is Gregory, was to receive a church and an estate (his seat was probably the Monastery of Râmeţ, built under the Angevines in central Transylvania). B. praised Gregory’s Roman allegiance and his abjuration of ‘Greek heresies’ as a major step towards the return of the Greeks to the bosom of Christendom. Additionally, “Gregory’s union” was deemed a very good omen for the soon to be concluded – under Sigismund’s auspices - “Compacts of Jihlava” (July 1436) that were supposed to bring an end to the long Hussite wars
Eugenius IV’ decision to entrust the Greek rite Christians (the Wallachians and Bulgarians, not the Serbians) in the eastern parts of the Kingdom of Hungary to Gregory, metropolite of Moldavia, annulled the arrangements concluded between Sigismund of Luxemburg and Manuel II Palaeologus, and Mircea I of Wallachia, in the early 1390s. Based on them, Greek rite Christians in the eastern parts of Hungary were divided between the Monastery of Peri (in the – far – north), a stavropighia of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, and the metropolitanates of Ungrovlachia and of Severin (in the south), of Wallachia’s two “halves”. Unsurprisingly perhaps, Gregory however did not attend the subsequent Council of Ferrara-Florence (1438-1439). The (new) metropolite of Moldavia and its main representative was Damian, a (Bulgarian?) proxy of the ecumenical patriarch Joseph II.
The “pre-Florentine” story of Gregory of Moldavia (and Transylvania) provides more questions than answers. Three facts are however beyond doubt.1. Eugenius continued using Moldavia as unionist Papal Wallachian spearhead into Eastern and Central Europe after the Union of Florence was signed (July 1439). 2. As voivode of Transylvania from 1441 onwards (and later as regent of Hungary), John Hunyadi, who had accompanied “pater” Sigismund to the imperial coronation in Rome, tried to control Moldavia, using the election/ imposition of Wladyslaw III Jagiello, king of Poland, as king of Hungary (June 1440). 3. Even before Greek rite Cardinal Isidor read the Florentine decree of union in Buda (March 1440), prior to Wladyslaw’s enthronement (July 1440), the election of a Greek rite king of Hungary was not ruled out as an option (Lazar, one of the sons of Serbian despot George Branković, was considered as candidate for the throne in January 1440).
In spring 1436, when Eugenius, and Sigismund, rearranged – via Moldavia – Greek rite structures in (mainly) Transylvania, Dracula’s father, Vlad II was not yet voivode of neighbouring Wallachia and the secular lord of the metroplitanates of Ungrovlachia (in Argeş) and of Severin (whose seat was under Hungarian direct authority, since the early 1420s, and whose ban John Hunyadi became in May 1439). Vlad II had repeatedly failed to take Wallachia. In spring 1436, Vlad II was only Sigismund’s lord of the southern borders of Transylvania. Wallachia was under the grip of Murad II, who finally married Mara, George Branković’s daughter, in late August 1436. The sultan naturally opposed any – crusader – union between ‘Greeks’ and ‘Latins’, after also failing to win the goodwill of Sigismund at the Council of Basel (December 1433) through the agency of the ‘other duke of Wallachia’, presented as the ‘brother of the Turk’ and possibly identical with Vlad II.
Though partitioned between the brothers Elias I and Stephen II (a new, and more lasting, reconciliation was reached between them in April 1436), Moldavia was under those circumstances a better option for Eugenius IV’ designs (and for Sigismund’s, and maybe even for John VIII’s). Moldavia also had a major “international” and Wallachian advantage. Moldavia had been created a duchy (to whom the ‘nation of Vlachia’ had been entrusted by the Papacy) under the direct authority of Pope Urban VI (1370), and under the protection of Emperor Charles IV of Luxemburg, Sigismund’s father.
Allied with Elias I and Stephen II, the sons of Alexander I of Moldavia, enthroned by Mircea I in 1400, Vlad II eventually ascended the throne of Wallachia in autumn 1436 against Ottoman opposition. By spring 1437, prior to Sigismund’s death, Vlad acknowledged Murad as his suzerain. Vlad then led the way for Murad’s troops into Transylvania, ravaged by the “popular uprisings” since spring 1437. Hence, Dracula’s father was justly and immediately called a ‘son of whore’ by Eberhard Windecke, Sigismund’s chronicler.
None of the two metropolites of Wallachia were present at the Council of Ferrara-Florence (February/ April 1438-July 1439), although the Council of Basel had been informed, in August 1437, that both were active. Their absence from the council in Italy served not only Murad II, but also Albert II of Habsburg, Sigismund’s son-in-law and successor. Albert supported the rival “anti-Papal” Council of Basel, endorsed also in Poland, ruled by the very young Wladyslaw. Furthermore, in order to protect Hungary, Albert had been compelled to come to terms with Vlad II (by July 1439 the latest).
Even though, from the beginning until the end of the unionist talks in Italy, it would have been in their power (and in their interest), neither the Byzantine emperor, nor the ecumenical patriarch replaced the metropolites of Ungrovlachia and of Severin with men of their confidence. We can only speculate as to the reasons. We know solely the results: (1) for the Papacy, Moldavia stood for the Wallachians in their entirety (though Elias I was loyal to pro-Basel Krakow and (2) the crusaders of Wladyslaw III and John Hunyadi drove Vlad II and his sons into Ottoman exile (1442). Albert II’s death (October 1439), just three months after the conclusion of Union of Florence, and the subsequent structural crisis in Hungary did not help Christian stability north of the Lower Danube.
The conflict, bitter by spring 1436, between Eugenius IV and the Council of Basel further complicated matters. Eugenius, supported by Venice, focused on Moldavia. Basel seems to have turned to Wallachia and Vlad II. The Ragusan Dominican, John Stojković, highly familiar with both Wallachia and Constantinople, was appointed by Basel Latin rite bishop of Wallachian Argeş (October 1438). He was then created cardinal tituli Sancti Sixti by Felix V (October 1440), elected (anti-) pope by the Council of Basel (November 1439), after the conclusion of the Union of Florence (July 1439). Because Felix V resigned only in April 1449 (more than two years after the death of Eugenius IV in February 1447), the German reported conversion of Vlad III Dracula after John Hunyadi, regent of Hungary and voivode – to be – of Wallachia, executed Vlad II Dracul (and his first-born son, Mircea) in November 1447, might have an additional meaning.
For the time being, it safer therefore to focus (1) on the case of Gregory as a failed – pre-Florentine – unionist experiment that was initially sanctioned by at least part of the Byzantine leadership (Emperor John VIII Palaeologus and perhaps also the Ecumenical Patriarch Joseph II) and (2) on the “Wallachian” choices of Eugenius IV and Venice. (1) Gregory’s mission was most likely a rapid failure because his “Roman deal” was too extreme for other Greek rite hierarchs and politicians and because he was met with disgust by the Latin rite bishop of Transylvania, the influential George Lepes, who would have issued Gregory at best as some sort of Greek rite inquisitor, in the fashion of Giacomo Della Marca, invited to Transylvania by Lepes on precisely 8 May 1436 (a month after Gregory had arrived in Buda). (2) already by 1437, not only Rome, but also Venice had chosen Moldavia over Wallachia “on Wallachian soil”. In addition to Constantinople and Trebizond, Moldavia’s main harbour, Cetatea Albă (Moncastro, Akkerman) was used as assembly point for the Eastern delegates that sailed on Venetian galleys to the council in the Italian Peninsula.
The so-far unknown or simply neglected documents indicate that Wallachian – state and Church – matters that were deemed specific for the second half of the 15th century (i.e. the fall of Constantinople and the rise of Stephen III of Moldavia) can be traced back to the final decade of Sigismund of Luxemburg’s reign, who wanted to have his own council of union (preferably in Buda). It was perhaps not without a reason that Mehmed II’s Critobulos, Sigismund was the first ‘emperor of the Peons [i.e. the Hungarians] and of the Dacians’ [i.e. of the Wallachians]’.
1475, Moldavia’s main harbour, Cetatea Albă, was transformed – alike Bologna – into an “alternative pilgrimage site” by Pope Sixtus IV, eager to promote the recent victories of Stephen III of Moldavia, Christendom’s Greek rite athlete (certainly since April 1476), against Sultan Mehmed II.. In the name of the anti -Ottoman crusade, the Papal bulla Redemptor Noster (January 1476) stipulated that the pilgrims had to visit the two cathedral churches of Cetatea Albă (duas ecclesias cathedrales), an uncanonical “rarity”, encountered semi -officially at the inner borders of the Latin rite world, in Bergamo or in Dublin (nevertheless in both cases the designation cathedral did not cover two distinct Episcopal seats / <arch-> bishoprics). The identity of one of the two cathedrals mentioned by Sixtus IV is obvious: the seat of the Latin rite bishop of Mo<n>castro, whose titular prelate, probably named Stephen, then served as Stephen III’s envoy to Ita ly in the spring of 1476. The identity of the other cathedral is probalmatic. The bishopric of Asprokastron (another designation for Cetatea Albă) was used – in quite dubious manner – by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople to legitimize the Metropolitanate of Moldavia (1401) and consequently the Greek rite rule of the voivodes of Moldavia. Nonetheless, the individuality – both Latin and Greek – of Cetatea Albă had caused major problems for the rulers of Moldavia, chiefly during the domestic conflicts of the 1430s–1450s, which left a profound impact on Stephen III’s rule. By recalling the Greek rite as – well – individuality of Cetatea Albă, Pope Sixtus IV, who placed the cathedrals at the Dniestr Mounds second only in entire Christendom to those in the Holy Land and in Compostela, risked to antagonize Stephen III, Venice’s favourite, growingly nervous because of the lack of substantial Roman financial and monarchic support. An alternative identification of the second cathedral can therefore be voiced. The cathedral could have belonged to the Armenians, already a major target for the Papacy, both in the Mediterranean and in the Black Sea area. Contemporary sources list the Armenians of Moldavia as both loyal to Stephen III and in control of a sizeable part of Cetatea Albă and its hinterland. Moreover, in the summer of 1476, the Armenians fought alongside the Wallachian troops of Stephen III against the armies of Mehmed II, who once again also attacked Cetatea Albă, the main Pontic target of the Porte a fter the Ottoman conquest of Crimean Caffa in mid-1475. At that time (1475–1476), because of his matrimonial ties (his wife was – since 1472 – Mary of Crimean Theodoro) and because of the Central-European and Balkan interests of his suzerain, King Matthias Corvinus, Stephen of Moldavia’s main aims seem to have been focused precisely on the Black Sea area, where the Armenians could have been and were most useful, especially after the victory of Mehmed II over the Turkmen khan Usun Hassan (1473). Considering these, as well as other elements (related for – instance – to the apparently highly loyal, pro-Stephen III, conduct of the Armenians during the eventually fatal Ottoman siege of Cetatea Albă in 1484), the relation between Stephen III and the Armenians (a relation that almost collapsed in 1479, because of the divergent attitude of the parties towards the recently concluded Ottoman-Venetian peace) justifies the hypothesis that the second cathedral of Cetatea Albă, mentioned by Pope Sixtus IV in 1476, actually belonged to the Armenians and not to the Greek rite Christians.
Acestea fiind spuse, paginile care urmează sunt rezultatul nu doar al unei aniversări/ celebrări/ comemorări (terminologia este, dacă nu variabilă, atunci maleabilă), ci al unei succesiuni de aniversări/ celebrări/ comemorări: (1) 525 de ani de la prima atestare documentară a Bisericii Sfânta Parascheva din Feleac (1488-2013), (2) 650 de ani de la prima atestare documentară a satului Feleac (1367-2017) şi (3) – într-un final – 655 de ani de la întâia menţiune scrisă a pomenitei aşezări (1367-2022). Între ele, s-au aşezat: (4) Centenarul Marii Unirii (1918-2018), prin care românii au recuperat rămăşiţele marilor imperii, (5) Centenarul Păcii de la Trianon (1920-2020), care a consfinţit („a legalizat”) apartenenţa Transilvaniei la Regatul României, şi (6) împlinirea a 80 de ani de la Diktat-ul (numit şi Arbitrajul) de la Viena (1940-2020) prin care o (altă) graniţă maghiaro-română a fost trasă – pentru cel puţin patru ani – între oraşul Cluj şi satul Feleac, dar şi (7) 700 de ani de la acordarea de către Carol-Robert de Anjou (1316) a statutului de oraş liber regal (ungar) Clujului. Cândva, chiar dacă nu ne va fi prea uşor să o facem, va trebui să ne întrebăm la ce ar fi condus această serie – mare – aniversară dacă nu intervenea „pauza” impusă de COVID în primăvara anului 2020. În cazul de faţă, întrebarea este legitimă şi deoarece, peste un an, s-au împlinit 100 de ani de la înfiinţarea Eparhiei Ortodoxe a Vadului, Feleacului şi Clujului (la 1921, atât Vadul, cât şi Feleacul erau sate greco-catolice, iar, în oraşul Cluj, românii, indiferent de confesiunea lor, reprezentau o minoritate).
concepts. In the former ‘borderlands of Christendom’ they have also peculiar modern nationalist meanings. Like modern nationalism, both were coined outside of the borderlands, in the great centers of civilization Rome and Constantinople. At the end of the Middle Ages, the two centres and systems underwent dramatic crisis that altered their fate for good. The Papacy experienced its ‘Babylonian captivity’, whereas Byzantium, eroded by Latins, Greeks and Muslims alike, turned into the ‘small empire’ that fell in 1453. These evolutions increased the ‘freedoms’ of the borderlands. Between the Angevine supremacy of the 1300s and the great ‘Oriental’, respectively ‘European’ rise of the House of Habsburg, respectively of the Ottoman Empire, East-Central Europe (i.e. Christendom’s south-eastern borderlands) underwent a series of changes that equally support ‘the survival of the Middle Ages’ and ‘the dawn of the Modern Age’. The studies collected in this volume attempt to recapture these contradictory features and provide a wide range of explanations for some of the ‘paradoxes’.