Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Congress"
Die Bedeutung von "Congress" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet congress should carve spending like a Thanksgiving turkey
idk Congress, spending, Thanksgiving turkey, carve
i know Thanksgiving day ?
idk Congress, spending, Thanksgiving turkey, carve
i know Thanksgiving day ?
congress = American government
spending = government spending money
Thanksgiving turkey = 🍗🍗🦃 turkey meat, eaten on Thanksgiving holiday.
carve = cut, slice. 🔪
spending = government spending money
Thanksgiving turkey = 🍗🍗🦃 turkey meat, eaten on Thanksgiving holiday.
carve = cut, slice. 🔪
Was bedeutet Congress appropriated $5 million for International Women’s Year.?
they donated $5 million for international women's year
Was bedeutet this Congress had sat longer than any previous body while accomplishing practically nothing.?
this congress (the US government that discusses important matters) had sat longer than any other congress meeting, but still got basically nothing done
Was bedeutet Congress is expected to look favorably on the plan.?
Congress does not have major problems with the plan and will probably approve it smoothly
Was bedeutet But after a Democratic-controlled Congress in 1994 passed bills proposed by President Clinton to restrict ...?
@Ri-na 意味は。。。
But after a Democratic-controlled Congress in 1994 passed bills proposed by President Clinton to restrict...
passed Clinton's Bill
to limit [guns]
But after a Democratic-controlled Congress in 1994 passed bills proposed by President Clinton to restrict...
passed Clinton's Bill
to limit [guns]
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Congress" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Congress und Diet ?
DIet is the name for the legislature in Japan, while Congress is the name for the legislature in the USA and a number of other countries which have taken the name from the USA's use of it. The UK and France use "Parliament" for the same thing, as do various countries that have taken the name from one or other of these. There's no inherent difference in meaning between these terms.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Congress und Parliament und Diet ?
I think they serve the same purpose for a government but the structure might be a little different for each one. In America our congress has two parts, one is the Senate which has two senators for each state, and then the other part is the House of Representatives which has a different number of representatives from each state, depending on that state's population.
Übersetzungen von "Congress"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Congress
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Congress
Andere Fragen zu "Congress"
But recently Congress called urgently for adequate research "into" the battery or fuel cell problem.
Why does here it has used "into"? can't we use "about" instead "into"?
Why does here it has used "into"? can't we use "about" instead "into"?
You can use either, but “into” shows focus
Congress gave the committee a mandate to make budget cuts.
why use "budget" not "the budget"?
why use "budget" not "the budget"?
Right now, the sentence does not state anything about which budget cuts are mandated. If it was "the budget cuts," then the sentence would be talking about specific budget cuts.
If our Congress is at all truly interested in encouraging the availability of health care, they "need to put the litigation genie back in the bottle."
This is what I found about the idiom.
Almost always used in the negative to denote the impossibility of such an attempt.
So, my quesion is if it means to stop the overly used litigations related to health care but it's not going to happen.
This is what I found about the idiom.
Almost always used in the negative to denote the impossibility of such an attempt.
So, my quesion is if it means to stop the overly used litigations related to health care but it's not going to happen.
Yes, correct. The genie in the bottle.
When the Congress debates health care, they try to find ways to reduce for medical malpractice litigation, which is one of the most expensive aspects of medicine.
Q. Is "for" necessary in that sentece? in between "reduce" and "medical malpractice litigation"?
Q. Is "for" necessary in that sentece? in between "reduce" and "medical malpractice litigation"?
here reduce is used for reduction of something else like money....with for a reason is give as why they reduce
At least that's how I saw the sentence
At least that's how I saw the sentence
When the Congress debates health care, they try to find ways to reduce for medical malpractice litigation, which is one of the most expensive aspects of medicine.
Q. Regading the sentence above, can someone explain what and why is the most expensive aspects of medicine?
Q. Regading the sentence above, can someone explain what and why is the most expensive aspects of medicine?
Malpractice = when a doctor makes a mistake leading into death or worsened condition of the patient. In cases like these in U.S the patient or family sues the doctor which leads into big compensation, millions of dollars.
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