Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "This"
Die Bedeutung von "This" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet I didn't get my full eight last night.
i studied "i get to sleep" is full sentence. but i think ^^ this sentence not to use "to sleep". why??
i studied "i get to sleep" is full sentence. but i think ^^ this sentence not to use "to sleep". why??
You could say another number and probably be understood, if you absolutely had to be different.
But like I said, eight hours is the standard amount that most people sleep – this is why it is a known and accepted expression.
You could say another number and probably be understood, if you absolutely had to be different.
But like I said, eight hours is the standard amount that most people sleep – this is why it is a known and accepted expression.
Was bedeutet I think you've got it down though. I'm sure you'll get through to her this time.?
I think you've got it down = I think you understand; I think you know what to do
ex: Writing is difficult, but I think you've got it down. You write well.
though = but
ex: I like red apples, but I don't like green apples = I like red apples. I don't like green apples though.
I'm sure = I know that...
ex: Since you posted a question here, I'm sure you are learning English.
you'll get through to her = you'll communicate better and be more connected with her
ex: I don't know how to get through to my mother. I try to explain, but she doesn't listen!
ex: Writing is difficult, but I think you've got it down. You write well.
though = but
ex: I like red apples, but I don't like green apples = I like red apples. I don't like green apples though.
I'm sure = I know that...
ex: Since you posted a question here, I'm sure you are learning English.
you'll get through to her = you'll communicate better and be more connected with her
ex: I don't know how to get through to my mother. I try to explain, but she doesn't listen!
Was bedeutet wow this chocolate cake looks delicious.
Look at all that oozy goodness.
what does goodness mean in this sentence? ?
Look at all that oozy goodness.
what does goodness mean in this sentence? ?
U r welcome 💛
Was bedeutet how was your this week??
I'm guessing you mean:
"How was your week?"
"How has your week been?"
"How have you been this week?"
"How was your week?"
"How has your week been?"
"How have you been this week?"
Was bedeutet She was afoot when I saw her this morning.?
It is US English, and the British English equivalent is "on foot", meaning walking. There is another meaning ("in progress" or "ongoing") but we would not use that in this way.
Beispielsätze die "This" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit He was thinking that he ~ this afternoon.
(In this case, he was thinking of his plan for the afternoon) (I want to know “thinking that ~” sentences. Can I use “that he would~” and “that he was going to~”?
(In this case, he was thinking of his plan for the afternoon) (I want to know “thinking that ~” sentences. Can I use “that he would~” and “that he was going to~”?
He was thinking that he would go out for a walk this afternoon.
He was thinking that he was going to see his friend this afternoon, but something came up.
He was thinking that he had too many things to do this afternoon.
He was thinking that he would go out for a walk this afternoon.
He was thinking that he was going to see his friend this afternoon, but something came up.
He was thinking that he had too many things to do this afternoon.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit hello this is my cat.
Hello, this is my cat Josephine. I have had her for a couple of years now.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "This" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen my this leg is numb und my legs goes numb ?
My leg is numb: right now, my leg is numb.
My leg went numb: my leg was not numb originally, but now it is.
My leg went numb: my leg was not numb originally, but now it is.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I’m seeing her this afternoon. und I will be seeing her this afternoon. ?
I would say, personally, that the second sentence starting with "I will..." sounds more affirmative, and more formal as words with apostrophes are considered less formal, especially when writing an essay.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen “how is correct “ this is wrong und “what is correct “ this is right, but I can’t explain why it’s right to someone. they keep saying how is correct and it’s annoying me ?
I’m trying to help someone stop saying “how is correct “ and they keep asking why it’s wrong but I can’t find an answer for why it’s wrong. But as a native speak it’s just wrong. I say it’s the wrong question word but she keeps asking “why. How is correct ?” And it’s getting frustrating
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I gave her this bag. und I gave this bag to her. ?
yeah there's no difference, this is just a different way to say the same thing
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I'm going to give her this book und I'm giving her this book ?
"I'm going to give her this book" means you're going to do it in the future. "I'm giving her this book" means you're doing it now.
Übersetzungen von "This"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? 日本語訳(和訳)を教えてください。
this guidebook might be of use to you on your trip.
this guidebook might be of use to you on your trip.
be of use で役に立つ という意味です。なのでof は、いります。
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? 庄周,我们又叫他周公。How to translate 周公 this name
庄周,我们又叫他周公 = Zhuang Zhou, we call it Zhou Gong.
周公 = Zhou Gong
周公 = Zhou Gong
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? 이 경험은 내가 수학을 싫어하는 사람이 되는것에 크게 기여했다. this experience greatly contributed me to become a anti-mathmatics person when i grown up ??
Anti-mathematics person라는 표현이 조금 부자연스러운 것 같은데요
그 대신에 “This experience greatly contributed to my hatred of math” 아니면 “This experience greatly contributed to me becoming a person who hates math” 라는 표현은 쓰시면 됩니당☺️
그 대신에 “This experience greatly contributed to my hatred of math” 아니면 “This experience greatly contributed to me becoming a person who hates math” 라는 표현은 쓰시면 됩니당☺️
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? hello this is the first time i use the app to practice my english skillz
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? ( ) ← this
Andere Fragen zu "This"
how can I put “ this movie based on the riots” into the passive?
This movie was based on the riots by the writer/director.
The writer/director based this movie on the riots.
This movie was adapted from the riots by the writer/director.
The writer/director adapted this movie from the riots.
The writer/director based this movie on the riots.
This movie was adapted from the riots by the writer/director.
The writer/director adapted this movie from the riots.
this bunch of Japanese sentence is "Haiku".
Haiku is Japanese traditional short sentence form klingt das natürlich?
this bunch of Japanese sentence is "Haiku".
Haiku is Japanese traditional short sentence form klingt das natürlich?
That's a bunch of sticks.
This is going to be a bunch of fun!
That's a bunch of sticks.
This is going to be a bunch of fun!
Bitte zeig mir, wie man Hello this is my channel, where i speak english for go learning. ausspricht.
es mejor como lo dije.
Oh this cocktail tastes like medicine. Someone might’ve put some drugs in it.” klingt das natürlich?
the “some” in your sentence is irrelevant. to make it shorter and simpler, you can just say “someone might’ve put drugs in it” and it sounds more natural ^u^
Wow this self development video is great!! I've learned a lot from it. It was so helpful to me. klingt das natürlich?
I don’t know what a “self development video” is but this sounds natural👌
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