Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Australians"
Die Bedeutung von "Australians" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet Australians pls tell me. What dose this roadsign mean?
“Road kill makes a good meal but devils get killed too.”
I can understand the meaning but can't the joke. What do devils mean? I saw the roadsign with a pitcher of a kangaroo, not a Tasmanian devil.?
“Road kill makes a good meal but devils get killed too.”
I can understand the meaning but can't the joke. What do devils mean? I saw the roadsign with a pitcher of a kangaroo, not a Tasmanian devil.?
Can you post the video you got this from?
Was bedeutet Australians were among the first to celebrate this historic occasion.?
"Among the first" means there were a few different nationalities who started celebrating it at roughly the same time - say, Australians and New Zealanders and Indonesians. For example.
Out of idle curiosity, what's it talking about?
Out of idle curiosity, what's it talking about?
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Australians" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Australians use many words that English speakers from other counties may not recognize und Australians use many words that English speakers may not recognize from other countries ?
The first one is correct. The second one is confusing.
Andere Fragen zu "Australians"
Australians were infuriated because Djokovic had been given a medical exemption without explanation from the authority.
Is this sentence correct ?
Is this sentence correct ?
That sentence is perfect!
I’ve heard Australians people are spreading Vegemite on toast. klingt das natürlich?
--> "I’ve heard *Australians spread* Vegemite on toast.
How do Australians say goodbye?
Laters, mate
Why do Australians pronounce eight as ait?
I guess it's just an accent matter
how to learn the Australians' accent ? any suggestion?
@yunghuiii: Such as
"a veggie"= "a vegetarian"
"veggies"= "vegetables" or "vegetarians"
"gotta"= "have got to" or "must"
"gonna" = going to
These contractions are used worldwide, not only in Australia.
"a veggie"= "a vegetarian"
"veggies"= "vegetables" or "vegetarians"
"gotta"= "have got to" or "must"
"gonna" = going to
These contractions are used worldwide, not only in Australia.
Bedeutungen und Benutzungen von ähnlichen Wörtern und Ausdrücken
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