Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Ayla"
Übersetzungen von "Ayla"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? "Ayla" Watch the film love 🇰🇷🇹🇷😍💓💙🙏🙏🙏👨👧👍👍👍
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Ayla is a cheerful and good-natured girl, and it’s a pleasure to be around her. She is friendly and gets along well with her friends. Ayla is confident in herself; she is not hesitant to express herself. She is also creative and shows her creativity using language, gestures, various body movements, and through art. In addition, she is able to tell stories about her experiences to her classmates and teachers.
** Note: Any suggrstions for smooth flow? klingt das natürlich?
** Note: Any suggrstions for smooth flow? klingt das natürlich?
Thank you for helping me!!
Ayla is a cheerful and good-natured girl, and it’s a pleasant to be around her. Ayla is friendly and gets along well with others easily. Ayla is healthy and she is very active and agile in her body movements. Ayla is confident in herself; she is not hesitant to express herself. Ayla is creative and shows her creativity using language, gestures, various body movements, and through art. In addition, she is able to tell stories about her experiences to her classmates and teachers.
Is it smooth flow??? klingt das natürlich?
Is it smooth flow??? klingt das natürlich?
× Ayla is a cheerful and good-natured girl, and it’s a pleasant to be around her.
✓ Ayla is a cheerful and good-natured girl, and it’s a pleasure to be around her.
× Ayla is creative and shows her creativity using language, gestures, various body movements, and through art.
✓ Ayla is creative and shows her creativity using language, gestures, various body movements, and through art.
× Is it smooth flow???
✓ Is it smooth flow??? Yes, although you don't have to use her name everytime. You could use "she" instead :)
✓ Ayla is a cheerful and good-natured girl, and it’s a pleasure to be around her.
× Ayla is creative and shows her creativity using language, gestures, various body movements, and through art.
✓ Ayla is creative and shows her creativity using language, gestures, various body movements, and through art.
× Is it smooth flow???
✓ Is it smooth flow??? Yes, although you don't have to use her name everytime. You could use "she" instead :)
Ayla is a friendly and a pleasant student to be around. It’s wonderful to see Ayla getting along well with her peers and working with them cooperatively. Ayla is not hesitant to express herself and show her creativity using the language, gesture and various body movements.
In addition, she is able to tell a story to her classmates and teachers that she has experienced using English. klingt das natürlich?
In addition, she is able to tell a story to her classmates and teachers that she has experienced using English. klingt das natürlich?
I really appreciate it!!
Ayla is wonderful student, who is a joy and a delight to be around. She has actively participated all the classroom activities, which has contributed to her progress this term.
As for the alphabet, she can recognize most of the letters and has a good understanding of each letter’s sound. In addition, she is starting to remember both high frequency words and basic CVC words.
Her progress in learning English has been consistent, and I'm looking forward to seeing her make even more progress next term.
klingt das natürlich?
As for the alphabet, she can recognize most of the letters and has a good understanding of each letter’s sound. In addition, she is starting to remember both high frequency words and basic CVC words.
Her progress in learning English has been consistent, and I'm looking forward to seeing her make even more progress next term.
klingt das natürlich?
× Ayla is wonderful student, who is a joy and a delight to be around.
✓ Ayla is a wonderful student who is a joy and a delight to be around.
× She has actively participated all the classroom activities, which has contributed to her progress this term.
✓ She has actively participated in all the classroom activities, which has contributed to her progress this term.
× As for the alphabet, she can recognize most of the letters and has a good understanding of each letter’s sound.
✓ As for the alphabet, she can recognize most of the letters and has a good understanding of each letter's sound.
× In addition, she is starting to remember both high frequency words and basic CVC words.
✓ In addition, she is starting to remember both high-frequency words and basic CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words.
✓ Ayla is a wonderful student who is a joy and a delight to be around.
× She has actively participated all the classroom activities, which has contributed to her progress this term.
✓ She has actively participated in all the classroom activities, which has contributed to her progress this term.
× As for the alphabet, she can recognize most of the letters and has a good understanding of each letter’s sound.
✓ As for the alphabet, she can recognize most of the letters and has a good understanding of each letter's sound.
× In addition, she is starting to remember both high frequency words and basic CVC words.
✓ In addition, she is starting to remember both high-frequency words and basic CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words.
Ayla is a cheerful student who is a full of happiness.
Ayla is a cheerful student with full of happiness.
which one is natural? klingt das natürlich?
Ayla is a cheerful student with full of happiness.
which one is natural? klingt das natürlich?
Thank you. Do you think I can use them both? ( I mean those you fixed.)
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