Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Coaster"
Die Bedeutung von "Coaster" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet coasters ?
a small mat for a bottle or glass.
a ship used to carry cargo along the coast from port to port.
a person who inhabits a specified coast.
"a West coaster"
a small mat for a bottle or glass.
a ship used to carry cargo along the coast from port to port.
a person who inhabits a specified coast.
"a West coaster"
Was bedeutet a one-speed with a coaster brake?
We describe types of bikes by how many "speeds" they have. This refers to how many gears they have. A mountain bike could be an "11 speed", which means it has 11 gears. This allows you to ride the bike in many different terrains.
So, a 1 speed bike is a bike with only one gear. You can't really do anything besides a casual bike ride on a one speed.
coaster brakes are the type of brakes on a bike where you reverse the pedals to stop the wheels. Most bikes use hand brakes on the handles.
So a 1 speed bike with coaster brakes is a very casual bike that isn't made to do anything other than an easy bike ride down a smooth road. A lot of kids start off learning how to ride a bike on a 1 speed bike with coaster brakes.
So, a 1 speed bike is a bike with only one gear. You can't really do anything besides a casual bike ride on a one speed.
coaster brakes are the type of brakes on a bike where you reverse the pedals to stop the wheels. Most bikes use hand brakes on the handles.
So a 1 speed bike with coaster brakes is a very casual bike that isn't made to do anything other than an easy bike ride down a smooth road. A lot of kids start off learning how to ride a bike on a 1 speed bike with coaster brakes.
Was bedeutet coaster?
Un coaster es algo en que puedes poner una taza para evitar el círculo de agua que forma en la mesa si no lo usas. También es corto para “roller coaster” que es una atracción que va muy rápido
Beispielsätze die "Coaster" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit 'coaster'.
which meaning of coaster are you looking For?
there is coaster as in what you put your drink on to protect a table.
"please you a coaster with your drink."
there is coaster that is short for roller coaster.
"I just road that coaster! it was awesome!"
there is coaster as in what you put your drink on to protect a table.
"please you a coaster with your drink."
there is coaster that is short for roller coaster.
"I just road that coaster! it was awesome!"
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Coaster" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen coasters und cup holder ?
Coaster you can put on a tabel under your drink, cup holder is in your car
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen coaster und placemat ?
place mat= mantel individual
coaster= posavasos
coaster= posavasos
Übersetzungen von "Coaster"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? coaster
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Andere Fragen zu "Coaster"
This coaster is made of fabric rather than wood.
This coaster is made of fabric rather than wood.
This coaster is made of fabric not wood.
Are they all correct?
This coaster is made of fabric rather than wood.
This coaster is made of fabric not wood.
Are they all correct?
"This coaster is made of fabric rather than wood." -- Yes
"This coaster is made of fabric, not wood." -- Add a comma.
"This coaster is made of fabric, not wood." -- Add a comma.
The coaster is stuck on the bottom of the cup.
klingt das natürlich?
klingt das natürlich?
It is better to say " The coaster is stuck to the bottom of the cup."
This coaster won't suck water well. klingt das natürlich?
You should use absorb instead of suck as the coaster isn't actively sucking the water.
What does he say?
And he is not saying " I start". He is actually saying " I star". Meaning he is starring in a movie.
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