Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Coat"
Die Bedeutung von "Coat" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet “The coat drive” in this context ?
It is a charity initiatives be to collect old coats to give to poor and needy people.
Was bedeutet I’ll have a new coat made.?
Correct. “To have (something done)” means to do something by means that are not yourself.
“The boss had the employee fired” - the boss did not do the firing but he caused it.
“I’ll have a new coat made” - You will cause the coat to be made, but by means of someone else.
“The boss had the employee fired” - the boss did not do the firing but he caused it.
“I’ll have a new coat made” - You will cause the coat to be made, but by means of someone else.
Was bedeutet coat of arms?
A picture of a family’s house. Like a flag symbol. In the past different families would have pictures that symbolized what their family name meant. It would be painted on a shield/flag/stamp.
Was bedeutet I pour in just enough half-and-half to coat the bottom of mug.?
Even though I'm American and I've seen half and half, I don't know what it is.. I mean, I know it's some kind of creamer, but that's it.
Google tells me it's half cream and half whole milk. Some web sites say heavy cream, others say light cream.
Google tells me it's half cream and half whole milk. Some web sites say heavy cream, others say light cream.
Was bedeutet “Throw on” your white coat and start learning from patients.?
it means put on
Beispielsätze die "Coat" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit This coat wants ironing.=This coat needs to be ironed.=This coat needs ironing.
IsThis Sentence same meaning?
please tell me..
IsThis Sentence same meaning?
please tell me..
Thank you so much!
I can understand for your answer.
Thank you.
I can understand for your answer.
Thank you.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit take off your coat.
“Take off your coat.” is a command on its own.
Some common expressions I can think of off the top of my head aren’t that different that that sentence itself
- You may take off your coat.
- Would you like to take off your coat?
- Take off your coat please.
From my own experience, I don’t hear this very often, but then again, I don’t find myself in a situation that I would hear this very often.
Some common expressions I can think of off the top of my head aren’t that different that that sentence itself
- You may take off your coat.
- Would you like to take off your coat?
- Take off your coat please.
From my own experience, I don’t hear this very often, but then again, I don’t find myself in a situation that I would hear this very often.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit coat.
Coat as a noun - a covering =
This coat is so warm.
He bought his coat at the mall.
Coat as a verb to layer or to apply =
Just to be sure its waterproof, we added another coat of rubberized paint.
She added another coat of foundation for full and longer coverage.
Hope that helps..
This coat is so warm.
He bought his coat at the mall.
Coat as a verb to layer or to apply =
Just to be sure its waterproof, we added another coat of rubberized paint.
She added another coat of foundation for full and longer coverage.
Hope that helps..
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit coat.
coat: jacket
I forgot to bring my coat, it is so cold today!
coat: cover
-I like this new coat of nail polish.
-Look at that coat of gravy over the chicken!
-There is a coat of paint over this wall.
I forgot to bring my coat, it is so cold today!
coat: cover
-I like this new coat of nail polish.
-Look at that coat of gravy over the chicken!
-There is a coat of paint over this wall.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit Where's my coat?-I've put it____.Its in the closet..
I've put it on the rack.
I've put it in the closet.
I've put it over there.
I've put it in the closet.
I've put it over there.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Coat" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen coat und fur ?
I don’t know if there is a difference, at least not to an average native speaker.
“The bear’s fur is very thick.”
“The bear’s coat is very thick.”
I would probably use them interchangeably.
“The bear’s fur is very thick.”
“The bear’s coat is very thick.”
I would probably use them interchangeably.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen coat und layer und film und cover ?
A "film" is a specific type of thin substance (look on Google Images to see what I mean), the rest are all context-specific and you just have to learn which words are used when.
"I need to put another coat of paint on this wall."
"How many layers of wrapping paper have you put this present in?"
"I've put a cover on your plate to keep your dinner warm."
"I need to put another coat of paint on this wall."
"How many layers of wrapping paper have you put this present in?"
"I've put a cover on your plate to keep your dinner warm."
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen coat und apply ?
Apply is used with paint. Like Applying paint on the wall.
Whereas coating is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object to improve surface properties, usually referred to as the substrate.
Whereas coating is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object to improve surface properties, usually referred to as the substrate.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen When I go there, I should take a coat. und When I go there, I should bring a coat. ?
No difference :)
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen How much is my coat worth? und How much is my coat cost? ?
How much is my coat worth? = how much money will someone pay to buy my coat?
How much does my coat cost? = what is the price of my coat at the store?
How much does my coat cost? = what is the price of my coat at the store?
Übersetzungen von "Coat"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? "coat" and "caught"
Coat / Caught
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Keep your coat on vs Don't take your coat off Which one sounds more natural?
I think “Keep your coat on” sounds more natural but If I say it to someone I’ll just add “You can” in the beginning like, “You can keep your coat on.”
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? “He still wears down coat although it’s about to be summer.”Does this sentence sound natural?
"He still wears (his/a) down coat, even though it's almost summer."
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? Whose coat is it?
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? coat or jacket
either way is fine
Andere Fragen zu "Coat"
Put on the coat. Put on your coat.
Both are okay? Which one is more commonly used?
Both are okay? Which one is more commonly used?
Both work fine, but "put on the coat" sounds more bossy and aggressive.
I need a coat in order to go outside because it’s too cold. Instead, I wore a jacket that belongs to my friend. It’s not necessarily needed to wear a coat when you take a walk during winter. When it comes to a jacket, my friend told me that I am responsible for his jacket and I have to take care of it very carefully. So I said that I’ll give it back as long as l still keep it. He is supposed to come to my house tomorrow to get his jacket back. klingt das natürlich?
I need a coat in order to go outside because it’s too cold. Instead, I wore a jacket that belongs to my friend. My friend told me that I am responsible for his jacket, and I have to take care of it very carefully. So I said that I’ll give it back after I use it. He is supposed to come to my house tomorrow to get his jacket back.
I have to take off my coat before eat dinner. klingt das natürlich?
I have to take off my coat before eatING dinner
It's getting cold recently, remember to take one coat with you when you go out to keep you warm.
I'm writing to my penal, and I wonder if the sentences above sounds weird. It's thoughtful to remind friends to wear more in the winter in my country, but I'm not sure if it is weird or rude in other countries. klingt das natürlich?
I'm writing to my penal, and I wonder if the sentences above sounds weird. It's thoughtful to remind friends to wear more in the winter in my country, but I'm not sure if it is weird or rude in other countries. klingt das natürlich?
It's getting colder lately, remember to take a coat with you when you go out to keep you warm.
Take your coat out. It's warm enough in here. klingt das natürlich?
Take your coat off. It's warm enough in here.
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