Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Cringe"
Die Bedeutung von "Cringe" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet cringe?
It’s when someone does something really embarrassing and makes other people feel weird, making you not want to watch it.
Sorry if my explanation is too off :(
Sorry if my explanation is too off :(
Was bedeutet cringe?
Something really really really embarrassing to see/look at
Was bedeutet cringe ?
It's a word that is like a slang term on the internet, it refers to something very awkward, so much that it's painful, but it's not always saw as a negative thing since it can be appreciated ironically.
It's the feeling you get when your parents try to referce memes and misuse them (if you want an example).
It's the feeling you get when your parents try to referce memes and misuse them (if you want an example).
Was bedeutet cringe ?
Usually when people say that something is cringe or cringeworthy they mean something embarrassing, annoying or gross.
Was bedeutet cringe?
Cringe is when you feel weird because of something embarrassing or disgusting (like at the sight of blood).
When we cringe our toes curl or our face squints.
When we cringe our toes curl or our face squints.
Beispielsätze die "Cringe" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit cringe .
I cringed when I heard a loud, high-pitched noise.
He walks over, his friend following while cringing in embarrassment.
I cringe away from the sight.
He walks over, his friend following while cringing in embarrassment.
I cringe away from the sight.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit cringe.
1. Future tense, "If my mother saw what I was doing, she would be cringing."
2. Present tense, "I could not help but cringe when I saw my friend do that trick."
3. Past tense "She cringed when I told that joke."
2. Present tense, "I could not help but cringe when I saw my friend do that trick."
3. Past tense "She cringed when I told that joke."
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit cringe.
I cringe every time I hear indie rock.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit cringe.
Something that makes you feel uncomfortable in the way that you want to stop looking at it or get away from it, or make it stop is something that makes you cringe.
So examples are;
"I just watched a video of a man dancing and singing in a Pokemon suit! So cringe!" (Technically that's not correct grammar, but people still just use it like that)
"Every time I hear someone use a lame pick-up-line, I cringe."
"Just saw a creepy 50-year-man trying to be cute, blushing and using baby-talk. 😩 Cringe!"
So examples are;
"I just watched a video of a man dancing and singing in a Pokemon suit! So cringe!" (Technically that's not correct grammar, but people still just use it like that)
"Every time I hear someone use a lame pick-up-line, I cringe."
"Just saw a creepy 50-year-man trying to be cute, blushing and using baby-talk. 😩 Cringe!"
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit That's cringe.
I've never heard "that's cringe" before. However I've heard people say that something is cringe worthy (something worthy of a cringe). I can imagine that people say something is cringe in the same respect.
"Ugh I can't stand it when people chew with there mouth open, it's cringe (worthy)!"
Usually things repulsive things make you cringe or something that inflicts a lot of pain.
"I could never be a doctor, the sight of blood makes me cringe."
Hope that helps a little
"Ugh I can't stand it when people chew with there mouth open, it's cringe (worthy)!"
Usually things repulsive things make you cringe or something that inflicts a lot of pain.
"I could never be a doctor, the sight of blood makes me cringe."
Hope that helps a little
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Cringe" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen cringe und corny ?
Hi Choerry
"to cringe" is a verb. It means to wince or frown because something makes you uncomfortable. Usually because you are embarrassed by someone or something dumb.
"corny" is an adjective. It means something is dumb especially in an old fashioned way.
So -
I cringed whenever he said anything corny.
That show makes me cringe, it's so ridiculous.
That show is like for my grandparents, it is so corny.
His dumb jokes are so corny they make me cringe.
Hope that helps.
"to cringe" is a verb. It means to wince or frown because something makes you uncomfortable. Usually because you are embarrassed by someone or something dumb.
"corny" is an adjective. It means something is dumb especially in an old fashioned way.
So -
I cringed whenever he said anything corny.
That show makes me cringe, it's so ridiculous.
That show is like for my grandparents, it is so corny.
His dumb jokes are so corny they make me cringe.
Hope that helps.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen cringe und shiver ?
Cringe - you feel embarrassed or disgusted by something so you show these feelings with your face or body
shiver - your body shakes because of strong emotion (not embarrassment or disgust) or you feel cold
I cringe when my mother tries to sing in public.
The ghost story was so scary, I started shivering.
shiver - your body shakes because of strong emotion (not embarrassment or disgust) or you feel cold
I cringe when my mother tries to sing in public.
The ghost story was so scary, I started shivering.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen cringe und embarassing ?
"Cringe" is a verb; "embarrassing" is an adjective. Someone who feels embarrassed might cringe, but people can cringe for other reasons, too.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen cringe und awkward ?
cringe: likened to making you physically recoil
awkward: uncomfortable
awkward: uncomfortable
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen cringe und cingey ?
Cringe can be a verb. Cringey is an adjective.
"I cringed at him"
"That video was cringey"
"I cringed at him"
"That video was cringey"
Übersetzungen von "Cringe"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? I cringe when I remember how I got carried away in my high school.
I cringe every time I talk with my father-in-law.
Does this sentence sound natural?
I cringe every time I talk with my father-in-law.
Does this sentence sound natural?
"I cringe when I remember how carried away I got in high school." is how I would write it.
"I cringe every time I talk with my father-in-law." is correct and sounds natural.
"I cringe every time I talk with my father-in-law." is correct and sounds natural.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? what really mean cringe, cringy ? is that positive or negative ?
it means you bend your Body in fear. That’s not a good thing at all
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? what mean : cringe ?
It means something that makes you very uncomfortable. It is awkward
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? what does cringe mean?
To shrink in fear.
Something is so awkward/embarrassing you can't watch it.
Something is so awkward/embarrassing you can't watch it.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? how can you use cringe for people who compliments to somebody but actually doesnt think like this,just say good things because have a stake in
Directed at the person, "You are such a suck up!"
Directed to other friends discussing the person sucking up to you, "He/She is such a suck up! They are always giving me compliments to get something from me."
Directed to other friends discussing the person sucking up to you, "He/She is such a suck up! They are always giving me compliments to get something from me."
Andere Fragen zu "Cringe"
Bitte zeig mir, wie man cringing ausspricht.
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
You're aware that what you're telling me sometimes make me embarrassed or even cringe, aren't you? klingt das natürlich?
You know that the things you say are making me embarrassed, and sometimes cringe, right? (In informal settings, we can say "Cringey", meaning something worthy of cringing at. example - The things you say are really cringey, they embarrass me.")
What’s cringe and do you look when cringing?
You ‘cringe’ when you see something that makes you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. It is not a big emotion, but enough to make you squirm
Most people look like this when cringing:
Most people look like this when cringing:
He always cringe to his boss. klingt das natürlich?
His boss always made him cringe.
A: Don't make me cringe! I don't like that being cute.
B: Don't make me cringe! I don't like that cute. klingt das natürlich?
B: Don't make me cringe! I don't like that cute. klingt das natürlich?
.. This is how I understood how you delivered those sentences;
"Don't make me cringe. I don't like to act cute."
"Don't make me cringe. I don't like seeing you act cute."
"Don't make me cringe. I don't like to act cute."
"Don't make me cringe. I don't like seeing you act cute."
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