Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Dumps"
Die Bedeutung von "Dumps" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet don't let it get you in the dumps?
It means don't let something make you sad. We also say "I've been feeling down in the dumps" which means you've been feeling sad or depressed.
Was bedeutet dumps?
Four meanings
1) multiple landfills where trash is thrown away
2) The present tense verb that means to drop or throw away (garbage, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way.
3) to feel really sad
4) to break up with a friend, girlfriend or boyfriend
1) multiple landfills where trash is thrown away
2) The present tense verb that means to drop or throw away (garbage, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way.
3) to feel really sad
4) to break up with a friend, girlfriend or boyfriend
Was bedeutet down in the dumps?
Sad, depressed.
Was bedeutet be/feel down in the dumps ?
That phrase is used to describe a feeling of sadness or depression.
Was bedeutet down in the dumps?
Feeling low or sad
Beispielsätze die "Dumps" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit down in the dumps.
Down in the dumps is used to describe someone feeling sad or upset.
You could say, “her dog ran away from home so she’s been pretty down in the dumps”
“I’ve been down in the dumps ever since I found out I failed the test”
You could say, “her dog ran away from home so she’s been pretty down in the dumps”
“I’ve been down in the dumps ever since I found out I failed the test”
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit down in the dumps .
Yes, thank you! Is it a common used expression?
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit down in the dumps.
-I've been feeling down in the dumps lately.
- You've seemed so down in the dumps .
- If you're ever feeling down in the dumps, I'm free to talk.
- You've seemed so down in the dumps .
- If you're ever feeling down in the dumps, I'm free to talk.
Andere Fragen zu "Dumps"
“I used to feel down in the dumps when I was surrounded with fluent people and I couldn’t speak a word with them.
But, these days, I don’t feel that way anymore and learn from them and enjoy being around.” klingt das natürlich?
But, these days, I don’t feel that way anymore and learn from them and enjoy being around.” klingt das natürlich?
× “I used to feel down in the dumps when I was surrounded with fluent people and I couldn’t speak a word with them.
✓ “I used to feel down when I was surrounded with fluent people and I couldn’t speak a word to them.
× But, these days, I don’t feel that way anymore and learn from them and enjoy being around.
✓ But, these days, I don’t feel that way anymore and learn from them and enjoy being around them
✓ “I used to feel down when I was surrounded with fluent people and I couldn’t speak a word to them.
× But, these days, I don’t feel that way anymore and learn from them and enjoy being around.
✓ But, these days, I don’t feel that way anymore and learn from them and enjoy being around them
I’ve been down in the dumps lately because I feel like my English is hitting a plateau. klingt das natürlich?
× I’ve been down in the dumps lately because I feel like my English is hitting a plateau.
✓ I’ve been feeling down lately because I feel like my English is hitting a plateau.
'down in the dumps' is kind of an old expression, i dont hear it anymore. but if you said it... we know what you mean. "feeling down" is a more current thing. or just.. "down". i've been down lately.
✓ I’ve been feeling down lately because I feel like my English is hitting a plateau.
'down in the dumps' is kind of an old expression, i dont hear it anymore. but if you said it... we know what you mean. "feeling down" is a more current thing. or just.. "down". i've been down lately.
Which is correct?
He’d been down in the dumps since his girlfriend left him.
He’s been down in the dumps since his girlfriend left him.
He’d been down in the dumps since his girlfriend left him.
He’s been down in the dumps since his girlfriend left him.
both are technically correct, it depends on context. first one means he HAD been down in the dumps, so he was down in the past, but is doing better now. second one means he HAS meaning that he’s still down.
I felt down in the dumps because I thought my English skills didn’t improve regardless of my effort.
Does this sound natural?
Does this sound natural?
I was really upset because I didn’t think my English skills improved, even after all of my efforts.
You seem to be down in the dumps. Every day I see one thing worse than the next going on in your life. klingt das natürlich?
Could I say that or it would be weird too?
''Every day I notice things going on in your life, one worse than the other!''
''Every day I notice things going on in your life, one worse than the other!''
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