Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Filter"
Die Bedeutung von "Filter" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet What does "filter on" mean in the sentence below?
A compound index is quite useful when you're typically filtering on multiple columns.?
A compound index is quite useful when you're typically filtering on multiple columns.?
If you have three fields for
1 name, 2 address, 3 phone number
And you only want to see “all the names and phone numbers of people who live in Tokyo”, you
filter the “address” field to only see names, addresses and phone numbers from Tokyo.
50 names, 50 addresses and 50 phone numbers,
but only 10 people live in Tokyo,
then filtering “Tokyo” in the address column only 10 people from Tokyo are visible.
10 names, 10 Tokyo addresses and 10 phone numbers only
I hope this helps
1 name, 2 address, 3 phone number
And you only want to see “all the names and phone numbers of people who live in Tokyo”, you
filter the “address” field to only see names, addresses and phone numbers from Tokyo.
50 names, 50 addresses and 50 phone numbers,
but only 10 people live in Tokyo,
then filtering “Tokyo” in the address column only 10 people from Tokyo are visible.
10 names, 10 Tokyo addresses and 10 phone numbers only
I hope this helps
Was bedeutet he has no filters ?
It means that he says the first thing that comes to his mind; he does not think before he speaks; he doesn’t try to find a polite way to say something or a politically correct way.
Was bedeutet He has literally no filter.?
It means someone says anything no matter how hurtful, dirty or blunt it may be. Also used when a person is cursing a lot. Hope this helps 😇
Was bedeutet He has literally no filter.?
This is used where someone has a habit of saying things which can cause offence to somebody. It means they don't think ( filter what they are about to say) before speaking and can end up saying something inappropriate
Was bedeutet filter through?
to pass through,remove or separate. (the water filtered through the coffee grounds)
Beispielsätze die "Filter" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit "filter through".
"It took a while for the information to filter through to all the employees."
"The sunlight began to filter through the curtains, waking me up gently."
"Her genuine happiness filtered through, making everyone around her smile."
"It took some time for the meaning of her words to filter through to him."
"The sunlight began to filter through the curtains, waking me up gently."
"Her genuine happiness filtered through, making everyone around her smile."
"It took some time for the meaning of her words to filter through to him."
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit filter out .
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit filter.
Nice filter (photo filter)
Can you filter the water?
He placed a red filter on the camera lens.
Can you filter the water?
He placed a red filter on the camera lens.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit filter back to.
@agupong it means that you heard whispers and giggles among other noises. you did not hear them easily or directly. it's similar to water going through a coffee filter. :)
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit filter, filters, filtering and filtered .
@RangerMinion@Isabel1792 oh OK thank you so much hey can you please pronounce filter, filters, filtering and filtered .
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Filter" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen to filter something und to sieve something ?
They are nearly the same but to sieve usually has the image of separating solid or larger objects from a liquid or smaller grained object using a wire screened object. For example, pour a bucket of sand through a wire screen to separate the shells from the sand. Or break apart flour for baking so no large chunks of flour remain in the bowl. To filter, in my opinion, is usually to clean something like removing toxic chemicals from the air through a paper-like material. Filtering water or filtering air such as when you vacuum and the air goes through the filter or use a water filter like Brita. We also use filter as an expression when someone only wants to listen or hear ideas that they want to use. For example, we can “filter our words” so that we don’t use inappropriate language around children. So purposely not using bad words around children is to filter your language. But we never use sieve in this way.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen filter und leak ?
@idlangbash86 also you can filter water to clean it?
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen filter on the date und filter for the date ?
@monica8: "Filter on" means use the date field to reduce your data set.
"Filter for the dates" implies another sentence has told you which dates you need and this is a command.
"we need everything newer then January 2016, filter for these dates. To get the correct data, filter on the dates in the "invoice dates" field.
"Filter for the dates" implies another sentence has told you which dates you need and this is a command.
"we need everything newer then January 2016, filter for these dates. To get the correct data, filter on the dates in the "invoice dates" field.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen filter und strainer ?
You use a "filter" when you want to get the dirt/debris out and keep the water (i.e. to purify the water). You use a "strainer" when you want to get the water out and keep the things you washed (eg. Vegetables, rice).
Übersetzungen von "Filter"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? 사실 그 강아지 필터 같은것들은 아이들이나 사용하잖아.
우리 아들도 그런 필터를 사용하는걸 잼있어 하는거 같애.
Usually, those filters like the dog one were used by kids, right?
I figure my son has fun using filters like that, too.
우리 아들도 그런 필터를 사용하는걸 잼있어 하는거 같애.
Usually, those filters like the dog one were used by kids, right?
I figure my son has fun using filters like that, too.
Actually, those dog filters are used by children.
My son seems to enjoy using such a filter too.
Actually, those dog filters are used by children.
My son seems to enjoy using such a filter too.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? 난 그런 필터는 사용 안하고, 대신 배경 필터는 사용하지.
멋진 사무실 이미지 같은것들.
사실 그 강아지 필터 같은것들은 아이들이나 사용하잖아.
I don't use filters like that and use background filters instead.
It's a kind of cool office image.
Usually, those filters like the dog one were used by kids, right?
멋진 사무실 이미지 같은것들.
사실 그 강아지 필터 같은것들은 아이들이나 사용하잖아.
I don't use filters like that and use background filters instead.
It's a kind of cool office image.
Usually, those filters like the dog one were used by kids, right?
I don't use filters like that and use background filters instead. >> I don't use filters like that but (rather) (I) use background filters instead.
Since you use instead to draw a contrast, but is more appropriate here. Rather isn't critical but can be used to emphasize the contrast. I also isn't critical but with longish compound sentences it can keep things clear.
It's a kind of cool office image. << It's not incorrect, but I think most natural is:
It's kind of a cool office image.
Usually, those filters like the dog one were used by kids, right? >> Usually, filters like the dog one are used by kids, right?
There are certain situations where mixing tenses is appropriate, but here this is just a general statement about what filters kids use, so keep everything in present tense.
Also either use "those filters" or "filters like the dog one". To use both is odd sounding, like you are specifying the same thing twice.
But overall, 참 잘 하셨어요!
Since you use instead to draw a contrast, but is more appropriate here. Rather isn't critical but can be used to emphasize the contrast. I also isn't critical but with longish compound sentences it can keep things clear.
It's a kind of cool office image. << It's not incorrect, but I think most natural is:
It's kind of a cool office image.
Usually, those filters like the dog one were used by kids, right? >> Usually, filters like the dog one are used by kids, right?
There are certain situations where mixing tenses is appropriate, but here this is just a general statement about what filters kids use, so keep everything in present tense.
Also either use "those filters" or "filters like the dog one". To use both is odd sounding, like you are specifying the same thing twice.
But overall, 참 잘 하셨어요!
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? 중간중간
그는 노래 부르는 중간중간 설명을 곁들었다.
그는 말하는 중간중간 쓸데없는 filter words 를 끼워넣었다.
* it’s slightly different from “in the middle”
그는 노래 부르는 중간중간 설명을 곁들었다.
그는 말하는 중간중간 쓸데없는 filter words 를 끼워넣었다.
* it’s slightly different from “in the middle”
직역은 없어요.
He kept explaining the song while he was singing.
While he was singing, he kept stopping to explain the song.
kept는 "계속" 이라는 뜻 이에요.
그는 노래 부를때 계속 멈추면서 설명을 곁들었다.
영어로는 이렇게 되요.
He kept explaining the song while he was singing.
While he was singing, he kept stopping to explain the song.
kept는 "계속" 이라는 뜻 이에요.
그는 노래 부를때 계속 멈추면서 설명을 곁들었다.
영어로는 이렇게 되요.
Andere Fragen zu "Filter"
I think that filters are useful to hide your messy room behind you during video meetings. klingt das natürlich?
× I think that filters are useful to hide your messy room behind you during video meetings.
✓ I think that filters are useful for hiding your messy room during video meetings.
Overall I got the meaning, just a little longer than how a natural speaker would explain it. Good job though!
✓ I think that filters are useful for hiding your messy room during video meetings.
Overall I got the meaning, just a little longer than how a natural speaker would explain it. Good job though!
"So you mean we pass through the old filter of yours." klingt das natürlich?
While it does make sense in English, it is a little odd in the way it is said. You might say something like:
>"The filter you see the world through is outdated/archaic/obsolete"
You could also say:
>"Your opinions are outdated"
>"The filter you see the world through is outdated/archaic/obsolete"
You could also say:
>"Your opinions are outdated"
Since the all filters in the machine were contaminated with the oil from the air compressor, the customer wants that the parts would be replaced. klingt das natürlich?
Since all the filters in the machine were contaminated with oil from the air compressor, the customer wants the parts to be replaced.
I prefer filter coffee over than cappuccino. klingt das natürlich?
I prefer filter coffee over cappuccino.
I like filter coffee more than cappuccino.
I like filter coffee more than cappuccino.
The filter is pressed to the dedicated tool of convex parts. klingt das natürlich?
The filter is pressed to the dedicated tool of convex parts. klingt das natürlich?
"Please press the filter down onto the convex part."
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