Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Flake"
Die Bedeutung von "Flake" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet "flake out"?
It's when you don't do something you said you would do because you're scared or lazy.
"Uh, I don't think I want to ride the rollercoaster anymore. "
"Aw come on, don't flake out on me! "
"John and Alice are going to help us clean the attic. Ryan was supposed to help too, but he flaked out at the last minute. "
"Uh, I don't think I want to ride the rollercoaster anymore. "
"Aw come on, don't flake out on me! "
"John and Alice are going to help us clean the attic. Ryan was supposed to help too, but he flaked out at the last minute. "
Was bedeutet she flakes ?
"Flaking out" means to not show up to a party/event. You invited a friend over and she didn't show up. You invited a friend over and she flaked.
You can describe someone as flaky too.
"I want to invite Susan to the movies."
"Don't bother, she's flaky."
You can describe someone as flaky too.
"I want to invite Susan to the movies."
"Don't bother, she's flaky."
Was bedeutet flake?
A flake is a person you can't depend on, not because they are a bad person, but because they are disorganized or not responsible or easily distracted. For example:
"Don't hire Suzy to babysit your kids. She's a nice girl, but she's a flake; she's likely to lose one of the kids, if she even remembers to show up at all."
You can also say that a person is "a little flaky", using flake as an adjective.
People also use it as a verb, "to flake out". Example:
"I am so sorry I forgot your birthday! I've had it on my calendar for months, but yesterday I was busy with a big deadline at work and I flaked out."
"Don't hire Suzy to babysit your kids. She's a nice girl, but she's a flake; she's likely to lose one of the kids, if she even remembers to show up at all."
You can also say that a person is "a little flaky", using flake as an adjective.
People also use it as a verb, "to flake out". Example:
"I am so sorry I forgot your birthday! I've had it on my calendar for months, but yesterday I was busy with a big deadline at work and I flaked out."
Was bedeutet flakes on you?
someone who "flakes on you" says they will do something, but does not do it. If someone is a 'flake', it means they are unreliable
Was bedeutet She flaked on me?
She didn't show up
Beispielsätze die "Flake" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit 1) "to flake",
2) "to deny",
3) "to envy",
4) "to hail" (in the meaning "to greet") .
2) "to deny",
3) "to envy",
4) "to hail" (in the meaning "to greet") .
thank you)
I understand what means "to deny", I need an example how to use this verb) e.g. He denied he had done it. ( is it correct?)
I understand what means "to deny", I need an example how to use this verb) e.g. He denied he had done it. ( is it correct?)
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit flake.
i have a bowl of cornflakes - Tenho uma tigela de flocos de milho.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit "flake out".
"After running for nearly 30 minutes I was so tired that I flaked out on the sofa for the next hour!"
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit flake.
That girl is kind of a flake. (she has no common sense and is kind of dumb)
After I ate a croissant, there were flakes of crust all over my plate.
Wow, that dessert even has almond flakes on it.
You have to flake the tail of your parachute while your packing it.
I flake out the climbing rope when I belay someone, so I don't have to worry about it getting tangled.
After I ate a croissant, there were flakes of crust all over my plate.
Wow, that dessert even has almond flakes on it.
You have to flake the tail of your parachute while your packing it.
I flake out the climbing rope when I belay someone, so I don't have to worry about it getting tangled.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Flake" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen flake out und asleep und doze off ?
I'm not sure what that source is but it's wrong. I've never heard anybody use "flake out" in that way. you can ask the specific question on this sight and I think every American would tell you the same thing. I'm not sure if it's different for British or Australian people but that's not what it means in America.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen flake und bail ?
They're both very similar in meaning, which is generally just to ditch someone in something that you said you'd join them along in, but one is more commonly used than the other!
See if you can guess it!
A - "Hey, why'd you bail on me yesterday? You said you'd come with?"
B - "Yeah....Sorry about that, I changed my mind but then forgot to tell you."
A - "Hey, why'd you flake on me yesterday? You said you'd come with?"
B - "Yeah....Sorry about that, I changed my mind but then forgot to tell you."
If you guessed "bail", then you're correct!!
The biggest difference here, honestly speaking, is that we say "bail" more commonly than we say "flake"!!
I hope this helps!!
See if you can guess it!
A - "Hey, why'd you bail on me yesterday? You said you'd come with?"
B - "Yeah....Sorry about that, I changed my mind but then forgot to tell you."
A - "Hey, why'd you flake on me yesterday? You said you'd come with?"
B - "Yeah....Sorry about that, I changed my mind but then forgot to tell you."
If you guessed "bail", then you're correct!!
The biggest difference here, honestly speaking, is that we say "bail" more commonly than we say "flake"!!
I hope this helps!!
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen flake out und cop out und back out und bitch out ?
I guess so. Flaking out has the nuance that someone is unreliable while backing out has the nuance that the person is a coward. But really, the terms are somewhat interchangeable.
As for the picture, I've never seen bitch out used in that way before. You're better off using back out or flaked.
As for the picture, I've never seen bitch out used in that way before. You're better off using back out or flaked.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen To flake out on someone und To break a promise ?
Flake out means to cancel previously agreed upon plans last minute, or simply not show up.
Example: “My friend and I had plans to go to the market but she flakes out.”
When someone breaks a promise, it means a person who withdraws from a commitment.
Example: “He broke his promise about not sending the photo to everyone.”
Example: “My friend and I had plans to go to the market but she flakes out.”
When someone breaks a promise, it means a person who withdraws from a commitment.
Example: “He broke his promise about not sending the photo to everyone.”
Übersetzungen von "Flake"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? flakes
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? What does the flake means here? The king died last year, the prince who's supposed to take over I'd a total flake. Is that means the prince is unreliable?
Yes! It means unreliable.
Andere Fragen zu "Flake"
You should flake off the peanut shell,then eat its inner parts klingt das natürlich?
'to flake' or 'to flake off' means 'to come away in layers'
The paint is flaking off.
My skin is flaking, I need some moisturiser badly.
Please eat with a plate! The pastry is flaking off all over the carpet.
'to shell' means 'to remove the casing of a nut or pip'
Can you help me shell these cashews?
I brought some macadamias, but we need to shell them before we can eat them.
I'm not very good at shelling walnuts, I always smash the nut inside.
The paint is flaking off.
My skin is flaking, I need some moisturiser badly.
Please eat with a plate! The pastry is flaking off all over the carpet.
'to shell' means 'to remove the casing of a nut or pip'
Can you help me shell these cashews?
I brought some macadamias, but we need to shell them before we can eat them.
I'm not very good at shelling walnuts, I always smash the nut inside.
they tend to flake less.
what does it mean?
what does it mean?
Example: she never joins us on a trip. She always has an excuse. She tends to flake out.
It means they avoid or don't continue with plans that they were going to join or do.
It means they avoid or don't continue with plans that they were going to join or do.
"He called me a flake!"
Defintion: "a crazy or eccentric person"
It seems it is an informal word. Is it common? Not really. It is most likely an older word that is rarely used anymore. You could go your entire life without ever hearing or using the word "flake."
It seems it is an informal word. Is it common? Not really. It is most likely an older word that is rarely used anymore. You could go your entire life without ever hearing or using the word "flake."
A flake of fried prawn's tail hurt my tongue while I'm eating.
Can I omit "I'm" before "eating" to shorten the sentence?
Can I omit "I'm" before "eating" to shorten the sentence?
* I'm * would be incorrect to begin with.
A shard from a fried shrimp tail hurt/cut my tongue while I was eating.
You can't omit " I ."
A... shrimp tail hurt my tongue while eating.
It would make it seem like the shrimp tail was eating and hurt your tongue.
A shard from a fried shrimp tail hurt/cut my tongue while I was eating.
You can't omit " I ."
A... shrimp tail hurt my tongue while eating.
It would make it seem like the shrimp tail was eating and hurt your tongue.
What does it mean "to flake on something" and "to flake on someone"? And specifically in a dating context, what would be the significant difference between saying "she stood me up" and "she flaked on me"?
A flake is someone who generally makes plans with you, promises to do things with or for you but can never seem to follow through. When confronted with their behavior they usually get defensive and run away.
“ Jane promised to go out with me. She never showed up. We made plans saturday night and she came up with an excuse why she couldn't show up. Jane is a flake.”
“ Jane promised to go out with me. She never showed up. We made plans saturday night and she came up with an excuse why she couldn't show up. Jane is a flake.”
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