Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Gain"
Die Bedeutung von "Gain" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet "gains" in "'Give me gains or give me death': Florida gym-goers protest lockdown with push-ups"?
ita slang, and means “muscle”
getting gains = getting muscle
getting gains = getting muscle
Was bedeutet gain an end?
“To get ahead” I’m pretty sure
Was bedeutet gain an interest in?
To become interested in something, to start liking something, or to start wanting to know more about something.
"Recently I've been gaining an interest in bird watching. I find it fascinating."
"I'm shocked that you gained an interest in the stock market. It's not like you."
"Recently I've been gaining an interest in bird watching. I find it fascinating."
"I'm shocked that you gained an interest in the stock market. It's not like you."
Was bedeutet gain christmas weight?
Gaining weight from the heart meals at Christmas?
Was bedeutet gain international buzz?
Everyone is talking about a subject
Beispielsätze die "Gain" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit gain on .
we mostly just use the word "gain" as it is cuz gain on means the same as gain. so for examples you say "I gain weight easily" or "you gain a lot of knowledge if you watch the news"
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit gain (gained).
I gain knowledge by reading books.
The value of my investment went up. I gained $100.
To gain a prize, you must win the game.
What did you gain from that experience?
What good does it do you to gain the world if it costs you your soul?
I have been working out consistently for a year. My gains are huge! (I've gained a lot of strength)
The value of my investment went up. I gained $100.
To gain a prize, you must win the game.
What did you gain from that experience?
What good does it do you to gain the world if it costs you your soul?
I have been working out consistently for a year. My gains are huge! (I've gained a lot of strength)
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit gain prestige .
Winning the Akutagawa Prize (芥川龍之介賞) helped him gain prestige.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit gain and win .
What do you hope to gain from continued therapy?
What is there to gain from winning the race?
Who is going to win?
Weight gain during pregnancy is normal and usually expected.
What is there to gain from winning the race?
Who is going to win?
Weight gain during pregnancy is normal and usually expected.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit gain a better understanding of .
I made an experiment myself on intermolecular forces in order to gain a better understanding of how molecules hold onto eachother.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Gain" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen gain und gain in ?
It depends on how you write the sentence.
You gain weight
I made a gain in my weight.
You gain weight
I made a gain in my weight.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen gain und get und acquire ?
I think 'acquire' is simply more formal than 'get'. 'Gain' can also be a more formal way of saying 'get', but it means other things too.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen to gain und to garner ?
gain experience/weight, garner ideas/interest/votes. Gain means to obtain whereas garner means to collect or accumulate
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen gain und earn ?
"I have nothing to gain from this"
"I need to earn some money"
Gaining is something that happens from time and experience, usually without effort. "I gained some good friends these past few years"
Earn is something you work for. "I worked hard to earn this."
"I need to earn some money"
Gaining is something that happens from time and experience, usually without effort. "I gained some good friends these past few years"
Earn is something you work for. "I worked hard to earn this."
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen gain und yield ?
Is this in a financial context? The following explanation is based on that assumption. Feel free to ignore if it's in a different context.
Gain is a generic term for an increase , generally for profit that has been obtained - 'the stock market gained 5 points from its closing price ', 'She gained a profit of fifty thousand when she sold her shares '
Yield is generally used in finance to describe a relative return. That means, if you have a security that produces income, then the yield would be the income divided by the price of the security. Example: stocks pay dividends, so the dividend yield is the dividend paid divided by the stock price.
Note that if you're working with bonds, the usage of the word 'yield' usually refers to the slightly more technical definition of yield-to-maturity.
Gain is a generic term for an increase , generally for profit that has been obtained - 'the stock market gained 5 points from its closing price ', 'She gained a profit of fifty thousand when she sold her shares '
Yield is generally used in finance to describe a relative return. That means, if you have a security that produces income, then the yield would be the income divided by the price of the security. Example: stocks pay dividends, so the dividend yield is the dividend paid divided by the stock price.
Note that if you're working with bonds, the usage of the word 'yield' usually refers to the slightly more technical definition of yield-to-maturity.
Übersetzungen von "Gain"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? It was smallest gain three-month period in ??? years.
please tell me,
I wan to make an interrogative sentence to ask "???". How do you say?
please tell me,
I wan to make an interrogative sentence to ask "???". How do you say?
It was the smallest gain over a three month period in how many years?
How many years has it been since there has been a gain over a three month period that low?
How many years has it been since there has been a gain over a three month period that low?
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? gain ground mean
To catch up with something or to reduce the gap between two things that are moving. It can be used figuratively - Company A are gaining ground on Company B with regard to the supply of computers.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? gain
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? gain
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? gain or get ?
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Andere Fragen zu "Gain"
Because I gain weight ,I don't eat. klingt das natürlich?
I don't eat because I'll gain weight.
We gain despite experience and knowledge. klingt das natürlich?
despite means that 'this happens' even though 'that happens'. I am still confused as to how you want to include it.
You could say: "we gain experience despite knowledge"
"we gain knowledge despite experience"
Depending upon what you're trying to say
You could say: "we gain experience despite knowledge"
"we gain knowledge despite experience"
Depending upon what you're trying to say
I gain weight as I take more sugar. klingt das natürlich?
The more sugar I eat, the more weight I gain.
gain new knowledge
obtain new knowledge
get new knowledge
klingt das natürlich?
obtain new knowledge
get new knowledge
klingt das natürlich?
Gain new knowledge sounds best! And no you do not need an "a"; "a knowledge" doesn't exist!
What does "gain one's ends" mean? Feel free to provide some example sentences.
To earn your living. Also commonly used in a similar respect is: "to make ends meet".
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